Lord Shadow

Chapter 1070

Chapter 1070: The eye of the wanderer

He knew from the very beginning that he is taking a risk.

He knows that he is unprepared.

But he chose that way because he believes this is the only way he could rectify what he had done wrong, save Katarina, save himself and save Earth from father invasion

He owes the world nothing.

At least, that was true in the past. What he had, he fought for. But the Multiversal Convergence……is something that he owed the world

His actions had harmed the world.

Tens of thousands of people die because of his action. He could always justify it, saying that because of what he did, travelling to the future, he got hints on how to save the Universe

But, while the reason is logical, Azief himself could not convince himself. He could not convince himself that he did not do wrong.

So, this time…. this time, he did it not only for him, not only for the people he loved, but also……for the people of the world

This time, he wanted to protect the world and in doing so, hoping that at least, at least this could pay even a bit of that debt he had incurred.


This is the first time he was so desperate to become stronger, so desperate that he become anxious, and he did all the mistakes that he should not.

He forgotten that if he failed, he would suffer backlash that would only make him weaker and decreasing the probability of him saving Katarina and the world

He was so used to winning, so used to successes that he sometimes forgot, that failure is always an option.

Since the Fall, he had overcome adversity but when it is about breaking through to next level, even though it seems hopeless, Azief was always confident in breaking through it.

He was confident and prepared. He knew what he was getting into

This is not the case when he decided to leave Earth and seek the biggest black hole in the nearest observable black hole in the Milky Way galaxy.

It was only during his verge of failing, that his mind clear up. At that time, he knew he would waste his attempt and the end result would only weaken him.

In this state of condensing the Law Avatar into souls, one could only fail or succeed.

He is failing. In that one moment, countless of faces flashes in his mind.

But at the time, his body is about to break, his Law Avatar about to exploded out from the mass of energy that was ready to become his own personal soul, the blue crystal shines with a light that surges to all direction

It alters reality itself.

Not far away from him where the energy was condensed, there is a diamond shaped blue crystal, floating in the air.

It was this blue crystal that save him and manage to keep the condensed Law Avatars from splitting back up into Law Avatars.

That is how Azief was saved. Azief look at the blue crystal and he sighed.

‘I need to learn more about the knowledge stored in this blue crystal. There is probably a treasure trove of knowledge inside all of this’ And then smiling, he mutters

‘the knowledge of the Etherna’

If Loki was here right now, he would probably hail this as the turning point from his timeline.

There were many changes that had happened since Loki had interfered in many things. But still, a lot of the times, events happened the way it had happened before.

Some of these events come forward in time and is earlier than expected but it did not change the event itself.

But this? A blue crystal containing the knowledge of the Etherna?

To the best of Loki knowledge, the Death God had never had such thing.

Of course, Azief the Death God had extensive knowledge of the Etherna but that is knowledge he had discover as he journeys all over the Omniverse.

It is not something that he got from some blue crystal.

That is because Azief did not walk the path of Perfection in the past and he was not that entangled with the Ethenra….at least in the beginning.

The connection he had with the Etherna is from his rings.

Unlike now, where he saw the gate, shown visions of the Etherna, his main resource of gathering knowledge of Etherna come from his research of the rings that brought him to the most desolate part of the Omniverse where he had learned a very shocking truth and why Earth Prime is the chosen place for the Final Battle

But in this timeline, Azief had deepened that connection, even though he was unaware of it.

It started from the moment he walks the Perfection Path and break through Energy Disperse Stage and the subsequent breakthrough with Perfection Path josei

In his timeline, he had to break the Perfection Path by himself because he had to have enough power to fight against his enemies and he could not wait.

The circumstances are not right. But a lending hand by Loki in the beginning had causes him to be able to walk it till the Divine Comprehension realm

The Perfection Path is the Etherna path. Because they were the Perfect Being created by The One, the One Supreme Being Who is the Lords of All Creation.

The rings, the Path, the roars that he heard on the Supremacy Stairway, one step at a time, he is closing and closing in to some of the secrets of the Omniverse, deepening his connection with the Etherna legacy and now, in his hand, is the blue crystal that contains probably all kinds of knowledge about Etherna.

What will change now?

Not even Loki could calculate this.

But something is clear now.

Things would change drastically. Worse come to worse, Loki might even have to throw all that he thinks he knows about the future

‘It is unfortunate that I do not have time. If only I knew how to activate it’ Azief problem about the blue crystal is that he doesn’t know how to activate it.

But he knew that the function of this blue crystal might exceed his expectations.

He tries knocking the crystal with his hand but nothing happens

He only shakes his head and then store it back into his Inner Universe. Then he got up. Most of his injuries had healed.

He stretches his body a bit and then open his palm wide.

Then he rips the space in front of him down.

The moment he did that space seems to contract and pull into the grasp of his hand. It was pulled out and a channel of folded space seems to manifested in front of Azief

Azief smiles and said

‘It is time. I have to go home’ Saying this, he flew toward the ripped space and the moment he enters that space, the space seems to heal in an abnormal rate.

The Universe is silent again as that path of land slowly disintegrated and turns back into space dust.

Silent, empty and dark.

That is the state of the area where Azief had left.

But even in this silent, empty and dark area, there is traces of power that he had left behind.

It is hard to see with the naked eye but space around the area where Azief was sailing using the patch of land is rippling, is now like the ripple of a lake after something strong has been thrown into it.

The space and time of the area seems to ripples endlessly and string like particles seems to connect with each other, tangling and connected.

At the same time, somewhere in the colorful nebulosus gasses of Asgard star system, sitting on one of the branches of the energy tree that is Yggdrasil is an old man, wearing a grey cloak and a broad hat.

He looks like a wanderer.

But no ordinary wanderer could stand on the branches of Yggdrasil and not being thrown off it.

This is no ordinary wanderer.

He is closing his eyes, like he was enjoying the solar winds and the particles of dark space passing around him

One of his eye socket have no eyes. It is empty but one could see clearly the veins of his empty eye socket. It is golden with a tint of bluish veins.

Usually, this old man would close that empty eye socket with his special eye patch. But, he is on Yggdrasil. It could contain him and suppresses certain energy of his.

He has long grey beard and floating beside him is a spear shining bright.


Perched on one of the smaller branches of Yggdrasil is two ravens and chasing each other up and down the tree is his two wolves.

Below the tree which is trillions of light years away from where he is sitting, waiting for him is his steed, an eight legged grey horse.

Then suddenly, the old man suddenly opens his eyes, shining golden like the sun. And then he smiles. He got up. He was about to make a move when he halted

‘Maybe……it is still too early’ he chuckles and then he sat back down, once again feeling the cold air of the Universe on his face as he laughs alone, on one of the branches of Yggdrasil.


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