Lord Shadow

Chapter 1073

Chapter 1073: Paradise on earth



The sound of water coming down from the ceiling of the cave echoes slightly in some places more than others

But the water that drop from the ceiling cave is no normal water. There is a potent amount of life energy in each drop of that water.

And most of the area of the cave where these droplets of water had fallen is now filled with green herbs that is hard to determine its origin. Yet, like the water, it possesses large amount of life energy.

Probably if it is refined into pills or potions, it would have a high potency.

This cave… a normal cave had now turned into some kind of blessed area of energy.

Since Azief had come back to Earth by folding space, he did not know how the world had changed in his absence.

If he had fly toward Earth and landed in the normal way, it would be easy for him to see the changes of the Earth from outside the atmosphere.

Since he would also use his Divine Sense to scan the world before entering the atmosphere.


The atmospheric pressure had also increased a bit but there is nothing that could not be handled by Earth right now.

Earth right now seems to be governed by a different mix of principle.

Some of them are the known laws of physics while there are also mystical laws that seems to maintain the balance of this Earth

The atmosphere had also seemed to thicken considerably to resist the solar winds.

Fortunately, enough, all the planet in the Milky Way seems to grow in proportion to Earth growth. If Earth is larger than the Sun, and the Sun stays the same size, then the planets would be affected by Earth gravitational pull instead of the Sun.

That would create a lot of disaster. The Sun, the Moon all seems to grow in proportion relative to Earth size.

And the Moon is still tidally locked toward Earth. He shakes his head. josei

‘It is not bad, I guess. There is now more space’ he thought to himself. Of course that is not the only advantages of a giant Earth.

Now, that it seeks that it did not affect the atmosphere of Earth and seems to find balance, what is left is the advantages of such a planet.

With most people that are born possessing superhuman strength, this changes of the world are a welcome change.

Before, any of the battles between two combatants could affect a large area of places. With the increase of strength and a large area. It would not affect the innocents

But of course, there is also a lot of disadvantages, at least for the great powers. The world after being a Disk Formation leveler seems very small.

At least that is Azief thought.

He felt the world is very small.

He could go anywhere he wanted in a few minutes or even seconds.

A distance of a few thousand kilometers is something could easily be traversed by him in a matter of a few seconds.

But now, even Disk formation leveler would find it hard to travel the entire world in a few hours let alone a few seconds.

He sighed again.

He then slowly walks toward the entrance.

But then he notices that if he walks the way he is right now, it would be days before he reaches the entrance.

Smiling, he manipulates space around him and as he takes that step, he is now in the entrance of the cave.

He walks out of his cave and he could feel the sunlight on his face, the breezy winds carrying the scent of nature and what unfolded in front of him is something very beautiful

Azief is shocked for a moment.

When he went out of the cave, he expected to see the forest he had always had seen before. But when he gets out he could see a scenery like none other

It is beautiful scenery of a place, a paradise teeming with nature.

There are tall trees that reaches the clouds.

Some of them blocked the sunlight itself yet it did not make the smaller and shorter plants to die as most of the plants that Azief is seeing right now is all weird and exotic plant that he had never seen before.

He could swear none of the plants that he is seeing is native to Earth

Azief could feel the life force that is present around the forest.

The trees are tall and large, and its leaves is colorful, creating some kind of a colorful world that one would see in an animation.

He remembers the forest in The Croods movie.

That is how the forest seems to him. Exotic plants, colorful fruits and leaves, some of the trees seem to have instinct like some kind of animals.

He could also see tigers and lions living in a place that is not of their normal habitats.

And as for these lions and tigers, they are not the same lions and tigers he is used to seeing. They were three times bigger than normal lions and tiger

Whether these are Earth lions and tiger that had evolved because of the energy of the world or whether they are a species that come from Otherworlds, even Azief do not know.

One of these lions that roams these forest saw him.

But instead of trying to intimidate him, the moment this lion saw him, like a frightened cat it runs away.

Azief did not even unleash his energy but it seems that these beasts all have their own ways of sensing the danger level of living beings

Azief only smiles.

Then he takes another step forward stepping on the soft ground filled with green grass.

Everything around him look beautiful.

All around there is all kinds of trees, plants and all kinds of lifeforms from weird colored worms to some small birds with five eyes and some other life forms.

It is chaotic yet at the same time, very beautiful.

Even with him breathing in and breathing out the air, Azief could feel how the world had changed.

The energy is denser than before.

And while Azief could feel that the energy is now slowing down meaning most of these energy had settled on Earth, the fact that after four days it is still in the process of settling down, means the energy that is now pouring onto Earth would be beneficial for the development of humanity

Many people die in the war but out of that tragedy, humanity would stand stronger. That is what Azief felt.

As he takes a few other steps he could felt the formation running beneath the caves.

To him, it felt like it is pulsing, like a heartbeat. It is the thrumming of energy. Azief did not notice it before even when he was using the formation from the ring.

But now, while he is in this weird flux between Divine Comprehension and Essence Creation, he had a bit of the sensitivity toward energy like an Essence Creation leveler.

It is a pity he did not have full control of these powers.

He was surprised at the formation not because he did not expect it to be there.

But to find it to be so large that it encompasses the entire cave, it is something that Azief found very remarkable.

‘Sasha had done beautifully’ he thought to himself.

‘I need to at least inform the formation master so that they would not activate the protection formation. It would be too much hassle’

He then raises his right foot one inch from the ground and then once again step on the ground.

Except this time, as his feet landed on the ground, he also uses his Divine Sense in conjunction with his right feet.

The Divine Sense that is coming out from his feet pierced the solid ground in a form of energy and assimilated with the formation beneath the ground.

Azief use of Divine Sense is ingenious as he sends a Divine Sense message to the formation master that is alerted the moment he steps out from the cave.

He declared that it was him.

Even if he did not declare that it was him, when Azief step on that formation, the formation master that senses the disturbance in their formation did not dare do anything.

The reason is because the disturbance come from the entrance of the cave.

They were alerted of a movement coming out of the cave and not someone that is about to enter the range of the cave protection formation.

As such, they already made deduction that the one that is coming out from the entrance of the cave is only Death Monarch

How would they dare to activate the protection formation before identifying the identity of that person?

As such no attack rained down on Azief even when he was looking at the forest for a few moments.


And then he simply sends a Divine Sense message to tell them it was him. A Divine Sense communication

Azief notices that it is quite the same with the Silent Communication between masters of martial art world in Xi Feng planet.

Though the martial artist uses sound waves and Azief uses the very Law that governs the nature and properties of matter in the world

Azief then extends the range of his Divine Sense even wider. This time it is coming from his entire being


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