Lord Shadow

Chapter 108

Chapter 108: Going on the offensive (2)

Even though Wang Jian also goes to hunt, his main mission was a search and rescue operations.

Today, is the day they began the plan to increase the villagers. With more villagers, Wang Jian could hold up his head high when he is in front of his lord.

When Wang Jian and his army were scouring the neighborhood they did encounter a few beasts but nothing that they couldn’t handle.

It was when they were ambushed by a hundred killing wolves that they began to feel pressured and was besieged on all sides.

Azief was flying through the clouds when he finally spotted Wang Jian group. Azief saw that they were hounded by a hundred Black Wolves.

Azief did not even stop his flight as he said something

‘DEATH’ he said this one word but when it came out of his word, the word death sounds ancient and mystical

This is one of the words he learned from the Ring of Forbidden Words. Inside that word, lies the arrogance of a God.

Inscribed in the words itself, is the Laws Of Creation And Destruction. Azief channel 20 percent of his Essence Aura into the words, and the illusory meanings of the words become reality.

The moment he said those words, the words reverberate and echo in the ears of everyone near the wolves.

Wang Jian who at the ground notices the fluctuation of energy around him quickly sent his gaze to the clouds and he could see a black attire hooded man hidden in the clouds which is still flying forward

The soldiers following Wang Jian also could hear the faint words and they could feel their Orbs and Pillars shakes and rumbling sound filled their mind.

Some trembles feeling a cold rising up from their feet

When the words echo inside the wolves ears, something terrifying happens.

The excited and killing intent of the wolves quickly dissipated like a lie, and then they began dropping down like flies.

One by one they all drop dead.

All of this happened in a second after Azief utters the word. And it was terrifying. Cold sweats run down at the backs of the soldiers.

There are no flashy shows. No sword essence like when Wang Jian fought his enemies, no saber slash or light works.

Only one word, a faint word and a hundred raging fierce wolves died almost immediately.

Azief who did not even stop after he said those words has already disappeared from the clouds which Wang Jian could see him from. josei

Zhang Ye who was beside Nie Feng quickly rides his horse to Wang Jian and then looking at the hundred dead wolves said to Wang Jian.

‘General, what happens?’

‘Our lord’ Wang Jian said.

‘Oh. Where is our lord?’ And Zhang Ye quickly look at the sky but he didn’t see anyone. It has become a habit to look at the sky when the soldiers mentioned Azief.

Considering, Azief always likes to fly, this reaction is understandable.

And then Wang Jian sighs.

‘He is already gone.’ Then looking at the silent massacre that happens in front of him he just smiles bitterly.

It is good that his lord is strong, but with strength like that, he as a subject, what could he offer?

Never before he felt such feeling of uselessness.

At least with King of Yue, Yue Xing needed him as a suppressing general in the battlefield. But Lord Shadow, his new liege, what could he need Wang Jian for?

With one simple word, he could kill hundreds of killing wolves; with one hand he could overturn the world, beckoning the wind and fire with a simple flip of his hands.

Lord Shadow alone is enough to kill thousands of invading enemies.

This feeling….is heavy.

Serving under someone so exceptional….also has its problems. He needs to quickly increase his strength if he is to became a subject that his new lord can trust.

Wang Jian then orders

‘Collect the loots, skins the fur and take the meat. We will advance forward and achieve the mission that was entrusted to us. Gathering teams do your job. Others, forward.’

Wang Jian then with his one hundred cavalry men moves forward leaving dust behind them.

Azief who did not understand the complex thought of his subject is now heading somewhere.

He is heading towards the Ice Region while smirking.


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