Lord Shadow

Chapter 1091

Chapter 1091: Shocking proposition (3)

The case itself is also very unique.

It is blue and red in colors, and Universal energy seems to be emanating from it. There is traces of law and there are even runes carved onto it.

It is not only a symbolic thing but also something that would give benefit

Azief once again take a deep breath and then taking a step forward, the space ripples and he is now in front of the tent.

Just like that.

There is not even a fluctuation of energy that could be detected.

Like the breezy wind nears the hills, his presence is as stealthy as the wind, as natural as the force of nature itself.

It was natural and no one could sense him. The tent is not closed so he could see her from the entrance of the tent.

She is there lying on her bed, her back of the had covering her face. He did not know how to start the conversation

There are many things he wanted to say. Most of it is words that would persuade her to stay. He thought of such words that could make love stay

And he found out, that he does not know of such words.

Maybe a word to make love stay is not yet created.

He wishes he know such words. A word to make love stay. He could lie. That is always an option.

But it is an option he would never make. Because he could lie to everyone in this world but he would never lie to her

Once he did that, the trust between them is gone.

It is a promise he had made with her. Whatever the case, he would never lie to her.

He might remain silent at times with certain question that he could not answer without hurting her, but he would never lie to her

He knew her scars. And it is because of that, he made the option of lying disappears.

His feeling is heavy.

But, sooner or later he had to face it

He had tried to run from it.

Trying to push it until the last moment. That is why when the battle ended the first thing he did was not to meet her but instead he went to Pandemonium

He deals with other stuff so that he didn’t have to face this.

His plan is very cowardly. He wanted to come here at the last day. He would come, enter the portal and disappears.

That would leave her with no way to say the words that is inside her heart. But, he had time to think.

And that is not just cowardly. It is despicable. So, he decided to face it. He is always selfish about love. Because he so rarely gets it.

But he could not be selfish with her. Because he loves her. And he had to face it so that she could have at least some kind of peace

It is unfair to keep her waiting for him. He doesn’t know if he would even be able to come back this time

So, leaving her here like that…. Azief don’t want it to be a regret on his part. That is the hard part.

Imagining a life of hers where you are not in it, and yet still wishing her all the happiness in the world

And while he is still holding hope, he is prepared for the worst. He sighed as the wind caress his cheeks, his sleeves fluttered in the wind, feeling the sunlight on his face and said



He was in front of the tent. Looking at her and thinking how beautiful she is.

And while he is still holding hope, he is prepared for the worst. He sighed as the wind caress his cheeks, his sleeves fluttered in the wind, feeling the sunlight on his face and said

‘Hey’ josei

The voice startles Sofia who quickly got up from her bed and then she became still as she saw him.


Azief step inside the tent. He looks around it and just smile. It is a clean tent and full of Sofia aesthetic.

She is quite fussy when it comes to interior design. The white house that she had is also designed by her.

That is one of her quirks.

Sofia look at him and the feeling is very jarring

It is like there is something different about him now. He no longer wears the hood and his usually dark attire now look sophisticated and mystical all at the same time.

She was speechless for a while.

She did not think that Azief would be here, at least not at this time.

There are still more days before Jena could no longer hold back the time differences between the Seresian world and Earth Prime.

So, she expected to see him a few days later. The moment she saw him; she just draws a blank in her mind.

But then she quickly regains her wits

Azief finished looking the surrounding then look at her and said

‘Why are you here, Soph?’

The wind breezes by and he waited for her to answer. Sofia did not immediately say why.

Because she knew the moment she said it, it would be over.

And even though she was determined to do this, the moment the time really came, there is this feeling of wanting to take it all back. humans had always been a contradictory being.

She closes her eyes and takes a deep breath. She calms her mind and prepares her heart.

Then she opens back her eyes, look straight at him and said bitterly

‘I think you know why’

Azief scoffed

‘You wanted a reason’ Sofia only smiles but her smile appears to be sad

She then said

‘You gave me a reason’

Azief shakes his head and reply

‘This reason is not enough. It is not fair. This……is not fair. You know I would save her. This happened because of me. I could not just let it go’

Sofia shakes her head. She is tired of arguing. She is tired of feeling like she is being a third wheel in someone else love story

‘If it was anyone else than her, would you go? Would you risk your life to go to a planet, a dimension where you could possibly die? I don’t want you to go. Because I knew you could die. But I knew that you would never listen to me’

She laughs bitterly

‘The Demon King could be killed by you because in this world you have the authority of the Heaven Will. You also have all of us. The entire humanity to back you up. But in that world, that is his territory. Fighting the Demon King there, that is suicide.’

Then she scoffed

‘But I know you. You would still go no matter how much I plead or begged. Even if the whole world begs you not to go, you would. Because it’s her. Because its Katarina’

‘Soph!’ Sofia only shakes her head, a pitiful smile on her beautiful face, her golden hair sways left and right because of the wind

‘It’s fine. I am tired of arguing. I am tired of this. I am tired’ Azief hand is shaking.

There is something that he wanted to give her.

And he fears that if she keeps talking about this, he would not have the chance to give her that items. He had made his decision.

But Azief was never a man of timing. Especially in love. He is bad at it. And so he is bad at it right now.

Some things just never change. Maybe, because Azief think that trying to time it would be useless.

he is only a few meters from her

He should kneel, that is his thought. But that is not suitable in the current situation. Emotions are running high and the moment they met each other, it is like the ending is already written

To kneel right now does not seem appropriate. So, he could only do things like most people do things like this for the first time


He pulls out a case from his personal space and he said to her

‘Marry me, Soph’


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