Lord Shadow

Chapter 1102

Chapter 1102: Death monarch returns (1)

In Moscow, on one of the gardens of the Senate, Jean is lying down on one of the bench. He is laying his head on top of someone else lap

Jean suddenly opens his eyes and he stood up anxiously.

He looks toward a certain direction, his aura bursted out from his body and Time and Space around him seems to bend and warp.

His eyes seem to break through space and time as he could see what is happening on the hill.

Then he smiles as he sat back down

‘Why the sudden moves?’ a voice enters his ears and he look beside him and saw Paulette.

Paulette was startled when Jean suddenly get up and then suddenly smile while looking at something. To Paulette, Jean seems to be looking at the pillars of the garden courtyard.

Jean then lay back down his head on top of her lap and he closes his eyes again

Then he answers her question

‘It is my avatar. Someone just inject my avatar with energy. I just wanted to make sure that everything is alright’

Paulette taps his forehead as she looks down on him, her face and lips is so close to his face, that he almost could not control himself.

Paulette then said

‘You said you are taking the day off. But now it seems that your mind is elsewhere. Are you sure it’s okay for you to be here?’ Jean waves his hand around and assure her.

‘It is fine. Don’t worry about it’

Paulette then look at the pillars of the courtyard and she ask him

‘Did you really see the hill of that place from all over here? It is hard to believe even though I am myself a Disk Formation leveler’

Jean only smiles and said

‘Laws’ he said as he flicks his finger and a small orb of green were shot off from his finger, landing on the grass.

The grass like it is experiencing accelerated growth suddenly grows tall and high. Then he laughs and shakes his head

‘After this, things in the Senate would be very complicated. Today, I just don’t want to think about all of these’ then he closes his eyes and resume sleeping.

Paulette smiles and caress his hair before kissing him on his forehead. On the hill, Azief had finished channeling the necessary energy.

He could sense that a few second ago, someone is looking at him. That person must be Jean, he thought to himself.

Today, there is a lot of things to do.

And he wanted to finish it fast. He wanted to rest his heart.

He then closes his eyes for a second and then opening it back, he already knows where the destination is. It took him some time because the place had move a bit from the original position.

He takes a step to his left as the space around his distorted into segmented like walls giving way and he enters a void space and then disappears like he was never there

The wind blows again on the hill and the time and space on the hills seems to have been stabilized.

Jean Time Avatar only sighed

‘It seems it did not end well’ Jean did not spy on Death Monarch matters.

But from the expression it is enough to infer that things did not go the way it was supposed to go for Death Monarch.

He only sighed at this and continues his job of guarding the portal.

At the same time in Pandemonium

Azief appears a second later in Pandemonium throne room.

It was like there is an invisible area and he just walk through it and arrive at the space inside the throne room.

His heart is still in pain and his mood is terrible.

But he is no longer that emotional wreck.

if this is him before, he would surely lash out.

But now…. certain things have changed about him. Is he sad? Yes. Is he angry? A bit. Devastated? Absolutely.

But, that is that.

And this is this.

He should not confuse the two.

Because there are consequences for everything that he does.

When you are high and tall, and large, you have to think carefully where you want to walk because each step could bring large quake to the area

That is Azief

Inside the throne room, there is only one person.

Sasha had been waiting for him.

It is not that long. Only half an hour had passed from the moment Sasha got the message and she rushed to the Capital of Pandemonium.

Outside the room is all the officials of Pandemonium. They were waiting outside in their waiting room.

And they are all nervous.

The Three Great Generals however is still on many parts of Pandemonium, trying to relocate the people, determining the size of Pandemonium, seeking lost villages and cities and also fighting the beast and monsters that had now appeared on many parts of Pandemonium.

Since Pandemonium size itself has expanded to be bigger than the entire Earth combined in the past, one could only imagine the amount of distance that they had to cover

The army had mobilized all of its soldiers to all parts of Pandemonium and they could not afford to do any other mobilization.

The officers are dispatched to seek the cities and relocate the people near the capital.

The soldiers are to escorts these people in the Battlestar.

Fortunately, Pandemonium had a lot of Battlestar in their Interstellar Base where the research for spaceship is concentrated.

As such for these past four days, most of the registered cities had been found and most of its people have been relocated.

Commerce and economy of course is still not stabilized but it would not be long before it would return to some sense of normalcy after the search and rescue mission

That is the reason why Wang Jian, Athena and Freya the heavyweights of the military are not outside the throne room.

Azief even though he is in the throne room, one scan of his Divine Sense and he could see all the people waiting him on the outside of the throne room

As for the military, Azief is not displeased. He understood Wang Jian must have been working hard.

Azief saw Sasha and he could only sigh. Sasha heard her lord sigh. But she pretends that she did not heard anything.

She could guess where her lord had been. And judging from the coldness that her lord is emanating, something went quite wrong.

It is the virtue of a subordinate to know when to speak and when to hold the tongue. And this is the situation where she should hold her tongue

He then walks up toward his throne. There is tiredness in his heart.

Then he sat down and lean his back to his throne seat and look at Sasha. Sasha bows toward him josei

‘Hmm. Brief me’


A day had passed since Death Monarch had return back to his throne in Pandemonium. It is the fifth day since the Multiversal Convergence war ended

The after effect of the war still lingers. And even though it has been five days, these five days felt a little bit longer.

A day felt a little bit longer and not like twenty-four hours for a day

With so many changes to the solar system and all kinds of magical things that is happening all over the world, this might be one of the changes

It needs more research to determine how many hours for a day. Whether this is permanent or not.

Is this time dilation simply the result of the energy that had been pouring onto every part of the world or is it permanent and had something to do with the expanding area of the whole world?

In the capital of Pandemonium, there are cities that is being built without stops. Nanobots and mechanical droids is on the ground clearing the area.

Builders and Elementals also work together to raise lands and Builders who had the ability to use Blueprint to create buildings easily built a city in a few hours.

Right now, it is a time of emergency. As such, the court allowed the creation of cities and houses and land is given to everyone that had been relocated.

Each one possesses large enough land to build a few baseball fields.

Most of them only have to register their names and the land is given to them. Of course, there is the city area and the area far away from the cities.

Land is probably one of the thing that the world had the most abundance of right now. Other than some area which had rich variety of energy stones, most of the land could be given

Of course, the court had also reminded the people, that the court had full power to restrict the size of the land if there is such a need

But nobody seems to think that such a day would appears. With an Earth the size of almost the size of the Sun, the area that people could use is extremely large.

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