Lord Shadow

Chapter 1118 - The Arrow Of The Divine Archer

Chapter 1118 - The Arrow Of The Divine Archer

Hirate using his Divine Sense is looking at the figure of Sofia the Divine Archer. Sofia did not yet notice someone is using Divine Sense to look at her

Maybe she is distracted. There are many thoughts in her mind right now. In the end, after breaking up with Azief….in the end she came here.

Where it all began.

Sofia had closed her eyes as she felt the wind breezing past her. The petals of the peach tree fall gently to her shoulders

That place where she was with him and made that promise. With her eyes closed, with the wind blowing, she let her hair follows the wind

The pain has been too much for her. She could not and would not be the second one again. She fears that if she keeps staying beside him…. she would hate him

And she hated if the feeling she felt for him…become hate. He had done so much for her. It is unfair if she hated him

But that is what she thinks would happen if she keeps staying beside him.

As she leans her back on that tree, her mind remembers the good memories. She still could feel his lips on hers.

She could still feel the heat of his body wrapped around her. She still remembers how it feels like when they hold hands.

She remembers his smile that is like the spring breeze.

The image of him remaining in her memory...how could it so easily be erased? And because it is not being erased, she is here.

Because memories are always beautiful. She let him go…. because she could not handle the pain. And he let her go because that is what she wants. josei

They both understand this. They both accepted this. Yet…. why does it hurt so much? Sofia knows that Azief did not search for her.

He could have. But he respected her enough to listen to her wishes. Maybe, as time passes this hurt would lessen.

But, she is still thinking about him. Azief ways of trying to lessen the hurt is to make himself busy.

As for her?

She was lost. Sina was right about him and her. They both consume each other like fire. Sina once said that she should not love a ghost.

And even though Azief is alive and well, now that she had broken up with him, what she sees is the ghost of their past in her mind.

She is not a weak woman. But when it is about him, she always feels weak. And it is the same for Azief.

She pours out tears where he could not see. Her heart is bruised. It is hard trying to forget someone you love.

So she cried. And she felt hurt. And then she became tired. And after all of that, tiredness drove her here.

If only she knew that Azief wanted to bring her here if she had said yes, what would her feeling right now would be?

And if Azief knew how hurt Sofia was in rejecting him…. what would he feel right now? She was about to fall to sleep.

And after she wake up, she would be determined. Hirate who was seeing this scene could feel the stormy fluctuation of the mind waves of Sofia

'It seems that she still doesn't know that Death Monarch had left Earth'

As he was about to attempt contact, Sofia who were just about to fall into a slumber suddenly opens her eyes.

And shooting out from her eyes is an invisible force that is shaped like an arrow. This force could not be seen by naked eyes as it uses the energy that is around her in an ingenious way.

The arrow is an arrow that has the trace of the world law. It cut the psionic force around the area. Sofia eyes is hostile. She still did not get up from where she sits.

But around her, sharp energy rises. Her bow that was placed beside her vibrates. Sofia held out her hand and the bow flew to her hand

When she was about to fall asleep, she scans the area around her with her Divine Sense. It is a habit that she had developed when she is outside a safe area.

When she scans the area, she found nothing wrong. There was nothing. And that is the suspicious part.

That the area seems like it was too silent.

And so she shoots arrows from her eyes. And the moment that force cut the energy around her, she senses the psionic force.

And she immediately felt like she was being watched. Still in the sitting position, she aims her arrow to the sky.

The moment she aims at the sky; the clouds above seems to split apart.

She did not yet shoot anything but the force is enough to split the clouds.

And right now that is quite incredible especially when one considered that the distance between the ground and the sky is not like before

But it is not the sky she is targeting. This kind of psionic force is not in the heavens. It is everywhere around her.

If she had to describe it, it is like a tentacle that is connected with each other, entangling particles all over.

'Hirate is that you?' she said

Hirate was about to say something but she pulls her bowstring. She pulls it gently but Hirate could hear the roars of the force filling his mind

And the power and energy all around that mountain full of peach tree gathers around that bowstring in just a second.

One could see that the wind seems to collide with each other, creating gullies of gust near her.

A few thousand peach tree wither in almost a nanosecond. The grass wilted and the space around her distorted.

The ground beneath her feet depressed one feet deeper. The petals that was falling down flew to the other side like there is a repelling force around her

'Wait!' he roars and the wind around him seems to form.

The wind itself is about to shout that word toward Sofia. But, she had released the bowstring. There doesn't seem to be an arrow on her bowstring.

But only he who is seeing the world in terms of energy and particles could see that as she releases that bowstring, a million arrows the size of a needle flew toward everywhere.

It pierces the intangible and almost in a second all of his psionic force was diminished to nothingness

Sofia narrowed her eyes. Seeing and trying to sense if she failed. Then she smirks. There is no longer that psionic force around her.

She had managed to drive him back

'It seems something must have happened if even Hirate is coming' She only knows one person in this whole wide world that have such potent psionic force.

She knows after all of the secret Cerebral device that the World Government had developed. That is the only way to explain how Hirate could have seek her position.

She knows that Hirate is still in the Island of Peace. And the fact that he could seek him from such a million-mile distance prove that he is using the Cerebral device.

She did not mind Hirate seeking for her. But he had sought her at the wrong time.

Sofia herself doesn't know it but after being with Azief for all of those years, she also picks up certain habits of his ex-boyfriend.

She is quite domineering now. She didn't even let Hirate finish his word before she shot him down with her arrows

She got up and sling the bow behind her back. the peach tree behind her was unaffected. But the other peach tree around her are all wilting like their life force was drained

'I need information' With what happened just now, Sofia had a premonition something big must have happened to Death Monarch.

It is easy to guess. Most people would not dare approach her because of her connection with Death Monarch

But now, Hirate himself had seek for her. There are a few possibilities. Pandemonium is in trouble. Azief is in trouble. Or…. Azief had gone to the Seresian world.

Sofia then brought something from her storage bag. It is a card. And on that card is a painting of a cat. A grinning cat.

'I hope Loki is not lying to me' she said.

Yesterday, Loki contacted her.

She doesn't know how Loki find her but she was used to Loki mysterious ability to know things. She sent Trisha to give her a card.

And Trisha said to her that if she ever needs information of any kind, she could use the card to meet someone that would probably be able to give her what she needs.

Of course, there is price to be paid. But usually the first request is free. Unless the request is too hard

The card had a built in magic circuit build underneath the thin surface of the card. She swipes the card with her fingers and the picture of the card changes.

Looking at it Sofia thought to herself

'Ingenious' Then without waiting to see if more people would track her, she covers herself with the energy of the world.

While this would not help escape form the eyes of Divine Comprehension leveler, at least Disk Formation leveler would also find it hard to detect her.

Not to mention, she still has her bows.

Then she flew toward the sky, to search for the grinning cat


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