Lord Shadow

Chapter 1203

Chapter 1203: A Vague Idea

Chapter 1203: A Vague Idea

Meanwhile, Azief who was still inside that projection where Aero is trapped inside some kind of fake world, he does not know that just now, a powerful being in the Omniverse had just made a deal about him with the Five Seats of Orvan so that he would be able to see his connection with the Creator, a connection that he didn't know exist.

Azief is still looking at Aero

Azief saw that Aero is still digesting his memories.

He could tell by how Aero suddenly changed in his demeanor.

He looks more confident and the way he carried himself now is slightly different and the air emanating around him is an air of a powerful person that could intimidate anyone.

And he is beginning to brings out a weapon which is a saber. Azief keep on looking as he saw Aero went to a young woman and approach her.

On another direction another man is coming toward Aero. The man itself has thick killing intent but it is clear that this man knows who Aero is.

'This would be too long' Azief then speed up the scenes. Though even though scene was speed up his mind could process it all in record time. josei

He saw that a man is approaching Aero.

'Another face that seems familiar' Azief thought to himself.

The man said his name to Aero and Azief smiles while shaking his head

'I thought so' that person is Kyle. There is also his name in the history book of Earth X. A familiar face and a familiar name.

Only these names are mythical names in Earth X.

Lord Kyle is one of the names in the ancient ruins he has been to. It spoke of one of the Great Generals of the Sky People, who fought against the Demonkind and wins every victory.

In some parts of the world, he is even worshipped as a God

It is a bit sad that they could not remember their real past and instead they only remember their game character past.

Though Azief is curious of how these people arrive at Earth X.

As for them not remembering who they are, this might be the way Takashi ways of making sure that things did not get too complicated.

After all, in his mind right now, Earth might have been destroyed so this method might be his way to slowly introduce back their old memories.

Though Azief is not interested to know the real reason.

While he did not mind seeing some bits and pieces of the Earth two people in this new world, it does not mean that he has time to uncover all mysterious of the world

Azief then close his eyes for a second and another information about Earth Two enter his mind. It takes some time for him to remember some things of the past

It is not because he doesn't remember. It is that there is too much information stored in his mind and it took him some time to bring back that memory of the past to the forefront.

And he finally remembers the name of the President of the Vega Corp.

Takenaka Takashi is the President of Vega Corp and one of the co-creator of Brave World

The other co-founder is Matsuo Sugihara. Azief had a theory that these two are the ones that transported all of these people to this world.

Azief had an idea of what this world is. It is not a part of the Multiverse…. or to be more specific, it is not one of the parallel worlds.

It might seem like it and even felt the same but it is not. This is something Azief is very sure about. It is like a Void, and that is his feeling about this place

He would arrange all of this information later.

He believes that this world had been given purpose from a purposeless world into a world of purpose, and Azief doubt that when Takashi and Matsuo made their game, that they have created a world

They might have found this accidentally but they probably could not think of the consequence of building a game on top of such a mystical phenomenon.

Even as he is looking at what is happening, Azief is constructing the likeliest explanation for how Matsuo and Takashi, a person that he had investigated many times and without a doubt a normal human with no magic or advanced technology like the Orvanians could create such a world

And there is only possibility, a rare one but not that far-fetched.

This theory however, if it was presented in any science symposium before the Fall would portably be considered theoretical or even fringe science because with Earth Prime technology at that time, it would not be possible to prove such thing

Of course Azief keep his thought to himself for now.

He was sure that those two is also in this world

Azief still remembers the case report about that.

Azief look on at Aero and Kyle. At the same time his mind is working hard trying to extract more details about the past

Aero and Kyle is trying to remember each other and both of them tell the other that they only remember only a few of their memories together

They seem to get a quest to go find a gate and those two team up with each other. All over the plains the other players also began teaming up

Then a sabretooth appears.

Azief speed up the moment again with his thoughts.

He could see the speed up scene that the sabretooth was attacking the people all over the plains and the drove of people that keep going forward trying to kill that beast to get skill points

Kyle fought using magic and Aero uses his saber

Azief could see that Aero strength is very godly as his fighting spirit is also creating some kind of aura around him and every time he moves, he would create a powerful gust of wind that spiral around him.

And even then he could still move fast like lightning

Aero and Kyle seem to have made a plan with each other. Azief of course in not interested in this small matter

'Maybe, because I could see this with an objective eye I could not immerse myself. And the point was never to immerse myself in this. I just need to find the source and what this helmet is trying to show me' Azief always felt, the thing about anything, the most important thing has always been the beginning and then how it ends

He felt that this is not what he is looking for and so he quickly speeds it up. He saw Aero killing the other players quickly and swiftly.

Combined that with the speed up scene, Aero looks like lightning reaping the lives of everyone around him.

Azief could see that while Aero attack is very powerful it lacks the finesses of a true blade master.

But he expected it considering that there seems to be some kind of system that give the ability

But it is not the same system that Earth Prime got.

From what Azief knows the system that the All Source had given to each people in Earth Prime is an imitation of a high tier civilities in the Omniverse.

Azief shakes his head and thought to himself that this world had to suit the need of that two creator of this world

And that is why these world also had a system. Azief wish that it was simple. So, he didn't need to think about it but this is not like a story in a book where you could gloss over why there is a system

He then looks back at the battle. Everyone is killing each other and people are dying by the hundreds in each second.

But Azief doesn't seem to care that much. It is because he could tell that these players did not die for real

Death for them is just temporary time-out. They could not fight for points and items anymore but that's it. If they were still on Earth Two, when they are dead they would be disconnected from their virtual capsule.

But since, somehow, their souls and even their consciousness is inside this……whatever this is……when they die, they seem to be suspended onto something.

At least their consciousness and soul are.

Their essence of existence, if Azief had to make up a word for it, seems to be stored somewhere.

Azief could see that when the players died, they would turn into motes of light and in all probability when this quest ended, they would return back to life

Azief kept on looking as Aero keep killing and he seems to be getting stronger as he kills more and more.

The killing aura around him also had expanded. Azief could not help but chuckles

'This is really the protagonist of this story' that is what Azief felt when he looks at Aero.


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