Lord Shadow

Chapter 1217

Chapter 1217: Something Weird I

Chapter 1217: Something Weird I

Azief when he was at Earth X had never seen a faerie. They usually only show themselves to the people they wanted.

Arial however had seen his fair shares of faeries and from what he said, faeries are an annoying bunch.

But right now, with his Divine Sense, any concealment magic could not hide from him

The only way that it could hide from him if the concealment magic uses some kind of other Laws system or is a superior magic of concealment that could distort his perception of energy and laws of the world

His gaze then went back to the seas and other than the sea monsters in the bottom of the sea slumbering, there is also the Merpeople.

They are basically Merman and Mermaids. Half human, half fish. However, that is not really accurate to describe the Merpeople of Earth X.

Merpeople itself is a term that humans and Demonkind use to refer to that race. They have a different name and a different culture from the Living Things On the Surface.

They’re one of the more mysterious race that exist in Earth X. Azief did not have many interactions with them the last time he was at Earth X

But, it was reasonable.

At that time, the objective of him and Will was never to explore the world.

They did not have that kind of leisure.

Instead, they were trying to find a way out of this world. And there was also the fact that a quest was issued to them to save Arial and helps him defeat the Darkness.

They don’t have time to seek all the knowledge of this world. And at that time, Azief and Will did not know how special this world would be

So, he did not know much about the Merpeople. What he did know was that there was some deal between them and the King of Arakath and because of that deal, they guarded the Dark Sea

What they guarded it from is anyone guess.

These kinds of races are usually only found in myths and fantasy stories

but Azief who had been to this world before, knows that these fantasy creatures are not just a fantasy but real races of living beings

Some of them fit the serotypes that some people gave them but some of them also exceed expectations.

Then he looks elsewhere.

‘If I am right the giants is still numerous right now’ he thought to himself as his Divine Sense gaze upon the Land of the Giants

It would be later called the Titans Abode. But right now, the border lines between each races in Anvali is not yet drawn

Anvali is not yet the unified under one throne of Arakath. Some are rebellious and some did not even acknowledge the throne of Arakath.

But, most of the time they listened to the order of Arakath.

He saw the giants numerous in numbers. They were roaming around their vast land; each steps creates mini quakes all around

The Elves had created a barrier magic around the borders and the same could be said for the Dwarven who had created their own way and methods of dealing with the giant’s aftershocks.

The Dwarves and the Elves neighbors the Land of the Giants. But for each of the races, they built wall around each other borders.

These walls are not that tall but it is inscribed with magic. It causes the giants after waves or force to be neutralized and did not affect the other lands.

There were some scholars that theorizes that each land in Arakath could actually be separated and still survive independently but as most things in Earth X, Azief did not have that much knowledge about the Darklands.

Azief don’t know if this matter is true or not but if it’s true, that is another secret of Earth X he didn’t know about.

And right now it didn’t matter. He just wanted to see the Giants before their Purge. And it was majestic. They were a bit smaller than the ones he had saw in Jotunheim.

But they are giants.

And they were a whole lot bigger than the giants that Azief saw during the Arial battle with the Darkness.

Giants in Arial time was almost in extinction. It was not as prosperous as this. and the lands of the Giant were not as it is now.

Azief could see that the lands of the giant are full of large trees that produce gigantic fruit and t could probably feed a whole lot of population with just one fruit.

But these fruit is the fruit of the giants and if the lore was to be believed, it is a blessing to the giants when they were first created.

It grows food for the against and one fruit could alleviate hunger for ten years. Two fruits for twenty years and so on and so forth

For it is this reason, one could rarely see giants eating.

He then looks at the sea and he saw a giant swimming around the sea creating large waves. Some were waddling through the sea like it was passing through a river.

That is how tall some of these giants are

It is a whole lot bigger and a whole lot more powerful than the giants he saw when he was here.

He saw a giant roar toward to the sky and the sky splits apart in that area before it sew itself back.

Giants in Earth X is not some mindless creatures.

They are not even simple minded.

Maybe in some other worlds, there is a race of giants like that but in Earth X, Giants are intelligent creatures with their own set of cultures and customs.

The intelligence varies according to the type of giant

Most giants in Earth X see themselves as superior to all other creatures at least but they feared the humans

But since the war between the Sky People and the Giants did not yet happen, the Giants at this time probably see humans as ants that they could step on.

It isn’t until the beginning of the Age of the Gods that they truly fear the humans.

In that era, they were hunted by humans and many of them were captured to build monuments for humans and many of them killed especially hill giants

And the giants of this world live in tribes. But there is a difference between these giants and the giant Azief had saw during his time in Earth X

When Azief was here, it was already near the end of the new Age, which is the Age of Heroes.

Azief understand a bit about Arial world in which the time is sometimes divided by Ages.

There is a list of prophecy that tells the rise and falls of certain ages and at the end of each Ages, there would be trials and tribulation which the world would give the people of the world a chance to determine how the next Age begins and how theirs ended

When he was here the last time, he knows it was the end of the Age, an Age that is called the Age of Heroes and the protagonist of that Age is none other than Arial, the one that he helped to defeat the Darkness.

And at that times, giant was not as arrogant as they are right now and their numbers are limited because of their size, and they have difficulty of finding plentiful food.

Clearly at that time, they no longer have that tree.

Arakath find this tribe is very hard to regulate and so the Demon Lord made a pact with them instead of inviting them in the Treaty of Race. josei

Ancestry is important to giants.

Most giants can trace their lineage back to Barluke All-father, father of all the giants, and it is recited formally when introducing oneself to other giants.

Once a relationship has been established between giants, whether it is amiable or hostile, this will be continued further down the lineage.

Therefore, reciting one’s lineage helps to dictate the relationship that will be established. They are also many types of giants.

They worship the deity of the Giant pantheon.

And all worship the Allfather. Azief felt a sense of incongruity between the myths of the giant and the things that he had saw in the Universe

Giants have a different sense of good and evil than most other creatures.

A “good” act for a giant is an act that honors a giant’s deity or family, displays bravery, or honors another “good” giant, regardless of the consequences.

An “evil” act is one of cowardice, stealing, betraying a giant’s deity, family or trust, or an act that forces a giant from its natural terrain type.

Giants inhabited Davarus before any of the other humanoid or demi human races.

The first of their kind and the source of the entire species were the sons of Barluke All-Father and his wife Gaia, who settled on the planet to form a kingdom known as Olympia for the name of the daughter of Barluke.

Each of his sons and daughters led to a different type of giant.

There are not that many giants left after the Purge and the hunting during the Age of Gods. It could even be called genocide of a race blessed by Earth.

There are even some stories in some of the Giant Saga that dragons and giant once warred with each other and lasted for millennium during the time before the Age of Gods.

Most that survived the Ages is the True Giants who can trace back their lineage to Allfather and Titans.

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