Lord Shadow

Chapter 1220 - The Story Of The First Generation II

Chapter 1220 - The Story Of The First Generation II

For the power she has, she did not ask for it, neither did she wish for it and probably because of that she was the most suitable being to hold ultimate power of all the Laws of Heaven and Earth in Earth X

By the machinations of fate, by her decision to love, she was marked by destiny and fate to become the glorious of them all.

To defeat gods and goddesses who holds dominion far larger and far more powerful yet none of them could stand against the champion she had chosen. josei

What she did was an act of love.

What the gods and the Goddesses did was for power and in that rare instance, love defeat power.

What Azief knew about Amara is what Arial told him and what Mikael told him.

Some he got from ancient books and ancient ruins. Some are what her worshippers think she is.

He once saw her.

Though only briefly.

In the battle against the Darkness, near the End, Amara seems to also fought against the Darkness above the skies of this world

In that brief moment, Azief saw her, he had a thought.

In his life, he had never met anyone more beautiful and more enchanting than Katarina.

But Amara surpasses her. She is love personified. At times, she is tempestuous. At time she is kind and a healing force.

At certain times, it is a weapon that hurts and cuts the deepest. All of that seems to be embodied in every being of Amara. As such, nobody that sees her could break from her enchantment of love.

But everyone sees her differently.

But now, she looks like a cute nymphs of the water.

The Amara of the future is basically a Sovereign and a Supreme Being. Of course even Supreme beings and Sovereigns have their level too.

The power difference between Sovereign is a subtle one. Azief do not know what it means since he did not reach such level yet.,

But if his vision of the future is true, then someday, he would know. He saw himself in the future wielding unlimited power.

Azief could only explain that as him breaking through to the Sovereign level. As for Amara, she has restriction.

Amara is bounded by the rules of the world. While she could control it there is a limit to the power she could gain.

That is how Azief understand it. Because he knows for a fact that Amara was bounded by a chain before she was finally released by Arial

But it is without a doubt that in this world, this is her domain.

But that powerful Goddess is right now only a small goddess that likes playing around her lake, playing with her white hart and the deer that would come to drink the water of her lake

Azief was ready to fast forward the time

This time, his mind is powerful enough that he could probably fast forward all the history of the early Sky people era and went straight to when he arrives at this world.

But before that, he likes to see what Aero thinks of this new world. He looks at Aero one day after finishing creating a small settlement.

Azief thought to himself, this must be the beginning as the people of Earth two did not yet meet the Demon Lords.

And he could see the strings between humanity and Demon Lord that is tangling with each other.

This tangling of thread of destiny is illusory right now but when they meet, Azief is quite sure that the tangling of the thread of destiny would no longer be illusory and instead it would be tightly woven.

This is the way of the fortune and fate that is slowly pulling these two races together to determine the fate and luck of the world.

He floated down from the sky and stand beside Aero who is looking at the horizon of a distant cliff.

Aero like always could not sense that he was there. Instead, Azief would be really shocked to his core if Aero could sense him

He looks at Aero and there is a smile on his face. He did not know how to describe his feeling right now

It is a weird feeling to know you are standing right beside a man that would shape the history of this world for thousands of years later.

He looks at Aero who is looking at the distant horizon. Aero looks at the sun rising and he laughs joyously.

And then he smiles.

'A new adventure awaits me' he said to himself. Azief nodded

'A respectable man' Azief thought to himself.

Then he once again speeds up the projection. Even though the projection is speeded up at this time, Azief began feeling something wrong about it

'What is this feeling?' he thought to himself as he saw the projection speeding up, his mind capturing every details like he was watching it at normal speed

Aero had become the leader of the people from Earth Two. And there were thirty families that follows his lead.

Of course it did not make sense that with many of the population that choose to follow Julia just reduced to thirty families.

It is because when they came to this world, something had happened and the people separated and not everyone is in the same place.

Even Aero and Amy had been separated from the group of his mother before they were reunited.

'The Thirty Families' Azief mutters to himself.

Azief laughs

He did not think he could see this momentous moment in the history of Earth X

As for the place that they landed.

Even though the geography of this place differs from what it would be in the future, Azief is sure that this place is the Holy City of Aralam

It is where the First Family in the history of Earth X falls.

The Second family fall in Deriachalchis. At this time, the Darklands usually captures humans to become their slaves

The arrival of the Sky People marks a revolution.

Azief also noted that the Fay race lives in this large island. It would not be long before Aero and his family would find the city states of the Fay.

Azief could just guess it looking at the fortune and luck that is shrouding him becoming more and more dense

In the distance his gaze looks at one of the city states of the Fay and he could see that the fortune of that city is pulling in the fortune of Aero.

From what he remembers, it was the first recorded contacts in history of the Sky People with one of the magical race of this world

At the time, the city of Aralam and the other cities around it were ruled by the Fay, a race of similarity with the fairies and were organized in a series of city states.

At first, unaware that the First Generation is not normal humans they try to enslave them.

Of course they could not have predicted how resilient, how smart or how strong of an enemy this Sky People proved to be.

And how vengeful and protective they can be when one of their people was abducted to be sold as slave.

Many of the people of Earth Two were scattered all around the Human continent but the First Family fall here and in doing so, spark for the First Time a war between human and Demon race.

With their godly weapons and cunningness, the First Generation, one by one, they conquer every cities and in doing so, bring a race so rare, the Fay almost to the point of extinction.

The decisive battle according to myths and lore were fought in Deriachalchis, where the First family united with the Second family and the Fay was defeated at Harelwas and all the city states in this tiny island were then subject to the Unified Land.

It is from here where Aero supposedly systematically fills Davarus with his people and hearing seafaring Kingdom like Vorthy in the far north, they make contact and through them the First Generation establishes contact with other continent.

But it did not happen yet.

Azief then saw how Aero leads thirty families to explore this new world with Amy by his side.

And Azief knows that a new age is dawning in Earth X and he knew that what he had just witnessed is the story of how the First Generation, the story of the Sky People begins

Azief nodded and then he mutters

'Goodbye. I like watching your stories' Azief said to the wind.

For a moment, there was silence all around him and then he programmed the helmet to make the projection plays time in normal time.

The moment the system listens to him, he could take a few breaths and calms his mind

But his eyes are filled with wariness.

Then he slowly looks toward the sky.

'I don't think that I am wrong' he mutters to himself


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