Lord Shadow

Chapter 1224 - Something Odd II

Chapter 1224 - Something Odd II

But the Heavenly Will in this world is unlike the Heavenly Will on Azief Earth.

How it is different is subtle but unlike the Heavenly Will in Azief world, it did not try to control those under it but instead to go with the flow like a river, natural and flexible.

Arial bloodline shares blood with Amara. Amara have all the fortune of this world then how could Her blood did not also get it? But her blood is mortal and yet also divine.

They would always stand between two lines.

And it is because of that it is easy for Arial ancestor to accumulate fortune as long as it suffers even a single hardship, the fortune that accumulated could rival a suffering of a hundred years.

He then saw that the Church after knowing that the blood of Levitia survives hunted the family. The reason why they hunted Levitia family is because there was a prophecy about the Blood of Levitia.

It wasn't until the departure of Levitia that the Church fully understand who it was they tried to kill and how blasphemous their act was yet they were still stubborn

Azief seeing this only shake his head while smiling.

'There is always a prophecy' Azief saw how after the death of the Gods and the Age of Gods ended, magic power decreases all over the world

Azief look up toward the sky and he knows this is kind of a Heaven Will method to limit the damage that living being had done to it.

Magic is no longer as abundant as it was during the early years of the First Generation. Azief seeing this could not help but compare this to the situation of his own Earth

He fast forwarded and see as how the descendant of Levitia thriving and as years and decades passes, those descendant of Levitia, of holy blood and of divine descent, many of them does not even know that they possess such a prestigious bloodline.

From the moment Amara gave Her blood to a mortal and trigger the End of the Gods, even she who had become the victor in that war did not and could not fully understood what she had done

It wasn't until she became the winner of the war of the Gods and possess all the powers of those gods Levitia had defeated that she could see that when she became the sole authority of the world, Her divine blood had bind the children of Aero to the world.

It is remarkable that he could see all of it plays out.

And even some of it did not show what happens to Amara, Azief could deduce such thing just from his experience dealing with godly beings

As for her Divine Blood and the lineage of Aero family, the moment that Amara had chosen to give her blood to them, it binds them to great destiny, a destiny that has been foretold for millenniums.

It is why the descendant of Levitia could keep hiding from the eyes of the Church.

And the Goddess is not the only force in the world that tries to hide the descendant of Levitia from the eyes and ears of the Church.

There is a secret organization that is also protecting the blood of Levitia.

But they do not know the true lineage of Levitia until they truly research on it.

Amara need no help when she wanted to protect a mortal family.

Azief saw in one of the scenes in the projection when the Church who got a hold of a news that a descendant of Levitia is found is Asteros, they sent a large ship toward the sea to sail to Asteros and kills the descendant of Levitia.

The ship sails but the ship never arrived at Asteros.

On the third day of their journey in the sea, storms battered their ships and thunderbolts strike the sailor of the ship

It came from the sky like some kind of divine punishment. And the truth was it is.

Azief could see Amara figures in the sky, hurling down thunderbolt, wherever her eyes gazes upon, winds gather and create spinning cyclones

Beneath her feet, the sky gathers and bring down heavy rain.

The sailor that saw such phenomenon and those who knows of the true objective of their sailing could only attribute this kind of weird calamity to the wrath of the Divine.

They pray and they ask for forgiveness but the wrath of Amara could not be appeased with words of regrets

Amara herself is probably not there but only Her Will that appears after knowing that the Church wanted to truly eradicate the bloodline of Levitia.

This kind of act goes beyond the bottom line of Amara. Suffering and hardship is the fate of all mortal beings.

Amara could not shield them every time. If not, they could not learn anything from the experience.

But this time, the Church send an army of Inquisitors, the most brutal and most fearsome of all the military arms of the Church.

If they landed in Asteros and with the knowledge of the whereabouts of the blood of Levitia is known to them, there is no doubt that Levitia blood would be wiped out.

Suffering is normal.

Hardship is expected. That is what life is.

The sweet and sour moments of life.

But full eradication?

This is not something that Amara would allow. After all, they are Her Blood

And so her Will appears and she hurls thunderbolts and bring down wrathful winds upon them

The countless ship was strike upon by thunderbolts.

Some blasted into pieces, some were burned and some were stripped apart by the fast wind of the cyclones that hit upon them

When they fall down to the sea, they did not just merely fall into the cold water they were also attacked by fires that appears out of nowhere on top of the sea water

The sight is probably something that is out of the imaginations of the people that is hanging by a thread, floating on the vast sea water, seeing fires dancing just above the water.

Water had always extinguished fire in their mind.

This simple logic and fact is entrenched deeply in their minds

But when the Inquisitors, the priest and the sailors that look at the fire that in on topo of water and burning so brightly and hot, they knew then that the expedition that they are on, is something that has bring the wrath of the Divine to them

The sailors who volunteered for the Church, the Inquisitors who were so arrogant that they wanted to annihilate the blood of Divine, the priest that thought of glory and victory for the Church, now they knew that their thought, their prides and desire is nothing when compared to the Divine.

The fire come to them like an arrows, slithering on top of the water and burns them in matter of seconds, their ashes were scattered by the wild cyclones. josei

Some of them did not even have the chance to scream before they were turned into dust

On the sky, the clouds are dark and the lightning g and thunder came at the same time.

Every few seconds the lightning illuminated the dark clouds and those below could see a face in the sky, looking at them coldly.

Even if they pray and even if they beg, their screams and their howls of regret is drowned by the sound of the thunder shaking the skies.

Lightning bolts strikes those people that was not licked by the fire.

Some of them split apart and exploded into mass gore of pieces of flesh pieces, scattered all over the water before floating down to the bottom of the sea.

Some who were thinking of swimming away from that site is shredded by the tornadoes on the four sides of the area.

Amara sequestered the site for annihilation. Azief when he was looking at that scene thought that the way Amara deals with these mortals is very neat

From what he saw, Amara created a sealing kind of magic. Outside of that sealing area, it did not affect anything.

It is not that he never thought of doing such things before. But, in the past his flashy methods are intended to shock his enemies

But he also recognized that as he grows stronger, his normal strikes are not a feat of shocking the enemies anymore, he is just scaring them to death

While most of the attack he had done is usually preceded with him removing all unrelated people from the site of his attack, he knows that one day, he might not be able to do such a thing.

When Gods fight, it is the mortals that suffer

He had seen and experienced this firsthand during his battle with the Demon King.

When they both traded blows the seas churns, the sky split apart and the weather experience extreme distortions.

Even though most of the people was saved by Lee Sangmin Mirror Dimension and some of them was transported away from him, when he battles the Demon King, their strength and their aftershock of their energy collision, kills countless of things.

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