Lord Shadow

Chapter 1245 - The Declarations

Chapter 1245 - The Declarations

Universal energy converged in the area and golden colors exploded. Small vortexes appear and grew as it absorbs Universal energy. Stars were pull into these vortexes.

Their protection, their mass and energy is sucked into it.

It was not long before some planet cracked and crumbles into ashes. But even these ashes could not get away as it is sucked into those vortexes

Infinite light appears from the new Law Avatar. The waves of the Universe seem to be affected.

And then the figure formed and a blast of energy once again ripples across the surrounding

But there is defects on this figure.

Even though the Law avatar emits light and full of Universal energy that it even destabilizes space and time around him, this Law Avatar if you look at his face had some flaws.

If you look at his hand, there is flaws. There are some of its fingers are missing

And if you look at its face, there is also a flaw

The place where an eye should be is empty.

This Law Avatar thrumming with Universal energy swirling all around him is none other than the Law Avatar of Universal Law.

This Law Avatar while it did not have yes, he could still see using divine Sense.

And since Universal energy flows all around space, it is not hard for him to see.

He raises his hand and make a grasping motion.

In the distance, there is two stars and suddenly they were pulled into the direction of Azief law Avatar.

Instead of travelling in straight line, the area around these two stars warped.

Time and space around them seems to went wild and suddenly there is a star that appears in front of the Universal Law Avatar.

These two stars then turns into a blue star. Azief Universal Law Avatar picked up the two stars. His act of picking up the stars created ripples of space around the entire area

These two stars possess such heat that if it was the same distance from Earth and the Sun, this star would have burned Earth into ashes.

But it is easily picked up by Azief

and put it in his eye socket.

Then a pupil appears only this pupil is fiery in nature and everywhere he looks it created a powerful heat zone that morphed space

There is a certain unstoppable momentum for the Universal Law Avatar.

Space dust seems to hardened and solidified into diamond-like element as it fills the holes in the body of Azief Universal Law Avatar.

A few fingers of the Law Avatar are missing and even then these is filled with these space dust transformed into solid things

Powerful undulation of power emanated and create ripples of energy

Then like the Worldly Law Avatar, the Universal Law Avatar suddenly spoke

'Above the Heaven and Earth, I found my Grand Path. I rule the Universal Laws, the stars and moon, the heavenly Will would have to bow. The celestial phenomenon is under my control and today I declare it to the Universe'

His word ripple through the area of space and the Laws that make up the fabric of reality seems to shake

Another point of pressure relieved from Azief original body

It is almost like there is no pressure anymore. This Universal Law Avatar is acknowledged by the Will of this Universe

The moment that Will recognize it, Azief Universal Law Avatar pointed toward a trail of stars.

It is colorful and if one looks at it from afar, it looks like a stream of river water

The trail of star suddenly buzzed and then move, ignoring their gravitational restriction.

It causes some of the star to crack because of the gravitational pressure and the sudden change of orbit in some of the planets.

But the stars regardless whether it is cracking or collapsing, it is lined up with each other in a straight line

Some of the stars are hot.

Some of the stars are cold. Usually when these stars are this close to each other, there would be adverse effect.

But there is a force field around each star.

The moment it lined up, the heat of the stars seems to be absorbed into a void that appears on top of these lined up stars.

Then a moment later, the heat suddenly flows back down to the lined up stars.

All of this takes time to describe but it only happens in the span of a few seconds.

Considering that time is also in disarray right now, it is probably more faster

The heat seems to be distributed equally and then a second later a sword without hilt appears. This sword is made from countless of stars and elements of the universe.

The moment it is completed, Azief Universals Law Avatar made a grasping motion and the space around the sword warped. josei

And it appeared in front of Azief Universal law Avatar.

Azief Universal Law Avatar grasp the sword and then he took a step forward.


The space of the universe seems to shift and he appeared right in front of that rift just beside Azief Worldly Law Avatar.

Azief Universal Law Avatar stares at Amara on the other side of the rift.

Amara did not notice what Azief was doing because she was bust on her own.

In the distance, the void that would lead to the past is slowly closing.

But at the same time Amara could not let this obstacle to her plans to survive.

If not her plans could all fall apart.

Of course she did not know that she is operating under a misunderstanding

The rift that Azief had created would not last long.

And now Azief had summon two of his Law Avatars he is drained a bit.

This time for some reason it drains more of his energy than usual.

It is maybe because he is in a different Universe and the laws of this Universe seems to be disturbed heavily.

Azief did not even have the time to think about of all the strange things and had no time to make sense of all of it.

Unknown to Amara, Azief also wanted Amara to go into that void and follow Arial.

After all, without Amara, Arial story afterwards would not go the way it was supposed to be. And Azief also has to meet Amara again later in the future.

Or in the past at least according to Azief perspective. Near the rift that Azief had created, the rift is slowly disintegrating

By now, there is now two Law Avatars that Azief had summoned. And he did not stop there.

'There is still that bit of Ancient Rune law' he thought to himself. He gathers that runes that is embedded in reality of thus Universe.

Unless someone master the Laws of the Runes, they probably could not sense this rune that was written into the reality itself.

Azief notices it when he felt that the runic energy enters into this Universe, it quickly disappears.

But since Azief is quite proficient in runic magic, he knew that the energy of the runes embedded itself into the fabric of reality.

He closes his eyes and then he could feel a pulling sensation. The moment he felt that pulling sensation he pulls it towards him and then an image of a rune appears in his mind.

It is unlike any runes he had seen before. His entire body glows.

The runes that he had tattooed deep into his body glows brightly and seems to changes the make-up of the properties of particles around him

But there is a bit of distortions of the runes and it was now that Azief understood the limitation of a body made of Laws, made of energy.

He had now some slight understanding of why even though there are powerful beings in the Universe that could easily turns their body into energy-based form but they did not

There are the runes of protection that glows on his right shoulders.

But the runes are sometimes in vertical position, sometimes it is in the converse position and at others times it is in the reverse position.

When Azief uses the tattooist ability to tattoo the runes deep inside his skin, that is it.

But as his understanding of runic laws increased, he had deepened the connection by forging it into his heart and mind like a stamp that could not be removed

So, even without a true physical body as Azief become an energy based form, the runes are still there

Only it is unstable. Because it is like writing something on the sand. With one great blow of a strong wind, it could erase the writing

But because of that the rune of protection, Eolh seems to changes it properties every once in a while.

Runes have different meaning if they are in the vertical position, converse position or reverse position.

The Aesir runes also glows. Beorc, a rune that symbolizes rebirth and renewal.

Runes of Daerg. The runes of a new dawn. Uhur the rune of will. Raidho the rune of speed.

Kanaan, the rune of mortality and pain.

And the on that glows the most is the rune of Haglaz, the rune of chaos.

All of this runes glows with great light. Purple words floats in the space and it affects the space where they are floating differently.

Azief did not even yet summon the law Avatar but it is clear which law Avatar that he tried to condense right now

In his mind, the runes that he had never seen before come closer to him and then enter his mind.

The moment it enters his mind, Azief instantly understood what that runes means

It is the runes of Arial worlds. No wonder he could not understand the writings in the magic circle.

Even though it held some resemblance to the runic language of Asgard, it had many differences. But it is also runes in a way

The reason why Azief could not understood it is because of the Word of the Heart.

Word of the Heart could only be understood by some race or some people or some kind of requirements needs to be satisfied first before one could read it and even spoke it.

But when he pulled the runes into his mind, he finally understood it and then he pointed his finger forward




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