Lord Shadow

Chapter 1247 - Three To One I

Chapter 1247 - Three To One I

The spear and sword clash with each other and a mighty force exploded with each clash. The planets nearby were crushed, the stars were broken

But Amara with that divine sword ion her hand, she easily cut the element like it is some kind of fragile things.

When thunder struck, she swings her sword and the thunder bolts splits into two before dissipating in a loud explosion that sends ripple all over the darkness of space.

Lightbreaker seems to have some sort of breath of destruction on it.

It seems to cut Elements like a knife cutting tofu. And when it is under the control of Amara, it seems to be able to show all of its ability

When metal element morphed into a gigantic needle that flew towards her, she kicks it with her feet.

The end result was that the needle splinters into thousands of pieces of small ore of iron before being disintegrated completely.

Azief could immediately saw that the Law that Amara had used was the Law of Sword.

But that is not the only Laws that she had used. After all, if that is the only Laws that she had use, it would not have such an effect.

There is also a Law that Azief could not have thought Amara could learn. She seems to also uses the Law of Entropy.

The law Avatar of the Worldly Energy is using the spear to clash with Amara sword. Sword light flew all over the Universe.

Each time that Azief Law Avatar of Worldly Energy dodge the sword light, and the sword light misses its target, it created a large explosion

The light of the explosion probably could be seen a million years away. The area where the sword light passes created tears in space which further causes the space of the Universe seems to be distorted.

Gravity and space is bending. Azief original body frowned.

'I did not think that only just by relying on the sword, her combat prowess had reached to such a high level' Azief is frustrated because even though each of his attack is very powerful with Lightbreaker on her hand, she could easily cut it with that sword.

Not to mention she seems very proficient in the Law of Sword.

She never thought of Amara as a sword practitioner. But Law Avatar of Worldly Energy isn't the only Law Avatar that Azief had.

He then focused back his thought.

In the area near Jupiter Amara is pushing Law Avatar of Worldly Energy backwards.

She raises her sword and was about to slash toward Law Avatar of Worldly Energy when suddenly another Law Avatar appears.

And this Law Avatar pointed his finger. Chains appears out of the void and chained Amara feet and hand.

Amara was shocked at this sudden development.

She tries to release herself only to find out that the chain seems to be so heavy like it was made by the weight of a thousand planets.

The gravitational pull forces Amara to not able to take a step forward

This is the Law Avatar of Universal energy.

The Law Avatar of Worldly energy and the law Avatar of the Universal Law look at each other and then slam their palms against each other

An explosion happened that blast Amara a million miles backward.

In that moment of explosion, Amara still have the time to swing her sword and negate most of the effect of the explosion.

She stands there in the distance waiting for the light of the explosion to die out.

And then she narrowed her eyes

Because as the dust settles, there in the area near Jupiter, there is only one Law Avatar.

But Amara could feel that this Law Avatar seems to control two laws. There are two distinct laws swirling on the body of this Law Avatar

The Worldly Law Avatar and the Universal Law Avatar merged with each other.

The spear that is wielded by the Law Avatar burst with even more power and brilliance.

Then the Law Avatar make a grasping motion.

The stars that lined up the rift before flattened into a disk.

And then it spirals creating large and massive gravitational pressure and causes the entire space to bend and curve.

Smiling, the Law Avatar then make a throwing motion toward Amara. The stars that is now shaped like a disk flew toward Amara like it was about to cut her.

The entire solar system seems to shake because of this large movement. Amara eyes narrowed. She steps forward.

The void is about to close but she is still stubborn, wanting to capture him.

When she stepped forward, one of the Disk had already appeared and was about to split her into two.

The Disk that is made from the stars possess heat that distorted space and causes light to bend.

The heat evaporated every dust that is near it. Such heat usually would spread to tens of thousands of miles away but the heat of this Disk is concentrated.

The moment it hits its target, the full terror of this flying disk that is forged from the stars would be unleashed

She easily dodged it and swings her sword. The movement is very natural, but there is a sense of great power hidden in her every move.

A great commotion stirs all over the Universe. Light bended, space collapses. Heaven sways as he sword glimmers with a light that shame all the other stars.

It was blinding. Her move is swift like the dragon chariots of the heavenly gods. With thunderous sound that crack the vacuum space around her, she swings her sword josei

A sword light appears and cut the disk like it was the most easiest thing to do. The heat that is contained in the disk is even wiped out by the powerful sword light.

'Cutting Laws' Azief thought to himself when he senses this.

Another disk appears and this time this disk is even faster and hotter than before. But Amara is as calm as always.

She takes a step forward and the space in front of her all collapses and created vortex void.

And then she swings again and the area around her were sundered apart. The sword light flew, the disk break and the stars exploded in the nearby area.

But just because Amara could cut the disk he made forged from the stars, did not mean Azief is flustered.

After all, if there is one thing full of abundance in space, it is that of stars. One disk exploded and cut, he just makes another one.

And then a dozen more disk appears and heading toward Amara, like it was going to cut her. The dozen disk is cut up by that sword light.

But after a dozen, it became a hundred.

Then a thousand.

Then tens of thousands.

One could only imagine the impact of having to send sword attack by the tens of thousands.

Sword Intent fills the Milky Way and the phantom of a sword appears in all direction cutting the disk

The entire Milky Way seems to be rocked by the exchange of these two attack. Amara did not possess the same controls toward the Law of the Universe like Azief.

He could command the heavenly Laws, the elements in the Universe. Void space stretching to millions of miles filled with nothing could be seen as the bombardment continues and Amara keep shooting her sword strike that collapses space

If Earth was still in its solid state, probably by now, Earth would probably be reduced into grinded dust

But as more and more disk appears, the more that Amara make mistakes. And the pressure on her is building up

There are now many wounds around all over her body.

Ichor blood falls from her wound. Usually liquid matter floats in space. But the blood of a Divine being is so heavy that it even causes space to bend.

The blood of a Divine Being is full of life force. If it were to fall into a planet or a place, that place could be full with energy.

A powerful enough divine being could even restart an entire world civilization. Azief saw that Amara is bleeding.

He wanted to stop.

But the moment he looks at Amara eyes he knew he could not stop.

The sword is still in her hands and from her eyes, Azief could see Amara really wanted to bring this to end.

And it seems that even if he wanted to stop fighting right now, it would not be easy. So, his Ancient Rune Law Avatar also makes his move

Every once in a while, a rune would appear and attached itself to Amara.

These runes are like a burden to Amara. It slows down her speed, drain her energy, changes the space between forward and backward and so on and so forth.

But it is not easy to stop.

Even as the runes were thrown to her, she also had to cut the disk that is coming towards her from all directions.

The fact that she could do that is amazing enough but for her to even cut some of the runes that Azief had thrown with his Law Avatar shows that Amara ability is something that should not be underestimated even when she lost the protection of her world.

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