Lord Shadow

Chapter 1250 - The Place In The Dream

Chapter 1250 - The Place In The Dream

The debris of the moon, the fragments of the planets all in that one moment suddenly returns back to its position and it was like nothing had changed.

Life force seems to fills the entire Universe and beyond. Light seems to illuminate every darkness.

It is probably the brightest thing Azief had ever seen other than a quasar star. If he had mortal eyes, his eyes would be blind by now

'What kind of power that is able to do this kind of thing? He thought to himself.

He even saw that the void that was shrinking, the void that connects the past and the present, the void that Amara should go into is now widening.

Azief could not move and could not see who did this.

But there is no fear in his heart. Because the moment he felt that light, there is a certain calmness that soothe his heart.

That he could not even feel fear.

The light seems to spread as it covers every inch of the darkness of space.

Then a word sounded

'I think that is quite enough' the word seems playful and even a little bit happy.

'Amara. I think you should forget about these things' the Word seems to echoes all over and Azief could that a certain change had happened to the Universe the moment those word was uttered

Then he saw Amara seems to close her eyes involuntarily and falls down.

As she falls down a cloud made of gaseous substances seems to appear out of nothingness and stop Amara from falling

Amara lies on that cloud, appearing to be asleep. Then the clouds went toward that void of space time and enters it. Then the void shrinks completely.

For a while, there is only silence in the area. Azief thinks that this time it was his turn. He still could not move his body

Then before he could prepare for it, he felt a force envelops his entire body and he seems to be pushed forward by that force.

Sceneries beside him to flashes by and he could see rainbows like colors passing him by

It reminds him of the description of traveling using the Bifrost of the Asgardians. He felt like a moment had passes.

But even that moment felt like eternity.

Even with all of his thoughts and concentration pushed to the extreme he could not see a glimpse of the sceneries that passes him by

And then his speed accelerated to the point that he felt like he is slowly disintegrating. Space and time around him seems to melt away.

And then everything went black

A moment in an eternity, an eternity in a moment.

That is what Azief felt and then suddenly he appears somewhere else. The moment he felt like he is solid again, he fell to the ground kneeling.

His entire body felt like it was reassembled and assembled back. There is a feeling of dizziness, trembling and all around tiredness.

'Haa. Haa…' he was panting, his chest heaving up and down. It was like he was back to being a mortal. Like he was drowned in water for the first time

It took him a couple of minutes before he could calm down and make sure that he is on solid ground. He touches the ground. It is soil and grass.

'Where am I?' he thought to himself.

Azief is shocked and then he quickly tries to access his Divine Sense. But for some reason he could not use his Divine Sense.

'Sometimes, it is better to appreciate little things, child' the word echoes in his ears and he was so shocked that he almost jumps away.

He looks behind him but there is no one behind him. Then as he looks around he saw a hill in the distance. The hill is full of tall grass, looking green from the distance.

There is a huge tree and under that tree is two tree stump. Sitting on one of the tree stump is a man.

Azief could not see the face of that person and only then he realizes that his ability to see things far away did not work.

The distance between him and the person on that hill is not that far away.

But it is far away for a mortal. But he was so used to just squinting his eyes and see things a thousand miles away that suddenly not being able to do that feels very weird

'Come see me' the voice echoes in his ears.

This time he was not shocked.

But if he is, he is doing a good job of not showing it.

By now, Azief is quite sure that the one speaking to his ear is that person that is sitting on the tree stump.

Azief knows something must have happened. One second he was in the galaxy fighting Amara, then the next he is here.

'The Light….is that coming from this person?' he thought to himself

He is not even sure whether this place is another Thought Consciousness Domain, or an illusion or something else. Because he could not use his Divine Sense or any of his ability.

He felt the wind blowing, felt it on his cheek. He could feel the grass and everything felt so real. And he felt unease. He felt unease because he felt at ease.

It is a contradictory feeling but the reason why he felt unease is precisely because he feels so at ease at this place.

It was almost like this place is very inviting and make his heart warm

This kind of thing that could affect his emotion, how could he not be scared. He did not think about it too long and began to walk uphill. Along the way, he could see flowers and bushes.

He could feel the air. The air is clear and the scenery is very beautiful. In the distance he could see a forest and there is the Sun that is about to set.

He did not run to the hill and instead taking his time.

He was thinking but at the same time he marvels at this place

This is probably the most ordinary place he had seen since the Fall.

But for some reason he is marveled by it.

Enchanted by it.

He once saw a world full with auroras, saw a world that have divine beats flying across the clouds.

When he saw it for the first time he was quite enchanted and marveled by it. But as he had seen it too many times, the awe and the marvel had all disappeared.

But today, as he walks up toward the hills, seeing such an ordinary flower on the soils, feeling the wind and smelling the air of this place, he could feel all of his worries disappeared.

He felt warm like he was at home.

He then thought to himself

Why would he feel such warmth in his heart?

And then a second later, he got the question. Because he remembered something.

'How could it be?' he mutters to himself as he looks around him, once again taking the sight. Seeing the sun setting in the distance, seeing the flower field and the hill with the large tree and two tree stump

This is because this scenery, this kind of place, is the kind of ideal place in his mind josei

In the past, when he was still a teenager, when the world felt too much for him, he would dream of a hill.

It is not some kind of prophetic dream or dream that he had when he has as he was sleeping.

It was more like a place he goes into his mind when he was overwhelmed by it all. He imagines a tree. A large tree with green leaves. Sometimes it a sycamore tree.

Other times it is a pine tree. An evergreen tree most of the time. Then he would imagine a tree stump. Or a swing that is tied to the branches of that tree

Below the hill would be flowers in variety of colors.

The wind would blow his hair and he would smell the scent of flowers. There would be birds flying in the sky

Everything is wonderful, colorful and bring peace to his heart

In the distance, he would imagine that the sun is setting, the sunset light paints the sky red and orange

And there must be a river so that he could hear the sound of the water.

He imagines that such a place would have clear air and the wind would be breezy.

That is the place where he goes to in his mind when the things in the world felt so heavy to him

And as he was thinking of this, he could hear the sound of water and he was shocked.

This place, the reason why he felt a warmth to it is because it is like that ideal place he thought of in his mind when he was a teenager.

He never thinks of this place again after he finished high school.

How could that person materialize such place? He thought to himself. He walks forward even with all of this question in his mind.

Because he believes that the person on top of the hill would have the answer

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