Lord Shadow

Chapter 1255 - The Truth That Is Always Lacking

Chapter 1255 - The Truth That Is Always Lacking

'I am Creation. Before I am what I am today, I am but…what is the word in your world? Hmm' he seems to be thinking for a few second and then he said

'Program' he exclaimed.

'I am something that have a directive to create. Whether it be particles of atoms, opposite particles, life, magic, source of power so on and so forth, I created things. I have no other directive other than to create. But I do not love. I do not hate. I do not feel or think or anything.'

He takes a deep breath and closes his eyes for a second like he is remembering something.

And knowing the long existence of the Creator who knows what memory he is remembering.

'Then, I was given permission. Long story short that is the beginning of me having an incarnation. Most of my incarnation have great sins but also people who did great deeds that promotes life. It is redemption. It is penance. And it is a lesson.'

'Like you said, I did use divine sense and merge with the world and the universe. But unlike you, I do not feel. That is the difference between you and me. When you merge with the world, you could feel the general feeling of the people of the world, the will of the world, whether it be resentment, happiness or sorrow'

'But you have to have emotion first to distinguish this feeling. I could not do that. And so, when I incarnate and enters my Holy Soul into my incarnation, he became me and I became him. I inherit all of his humanly feelings and he inherits all of my powers and my memories. It is a duality of being of perfect harmony. Because his will is my will and my will is also his will. And so…. I feel and I truly understand' And he smiles

He did not elaborate more on this but Azief had another question that popped out of his mind when he heard what the Creator said to him

He once again asks a question to the Creator

'You said that most of your incarnation have great sins but they are also people who did great deeds that promotes life. You said it is redemption. You said it is penance. And it is a lesson.'

The Creator nodded

'What about Arial then? What great sins that he did? I know his great deed. But I don't know what redemption path he is supposed to be walking on. And for what sins did he need to do penance?'

'Arial bury kingdoms and countless of bones because of the death of his wife. There is so many innocent lives that was sacrificed because of his vengeance.'

Azief frowned at this and then said

'In the course of any history civilization, there is people like Arial. I know what he did. But he united the Human continent and because of him there was an era of prosperity that had never been seen before in the Human Continent other than the age of the First generation'

'Are you saying what he did was right?' the Creator ask. He did not seem to be angry and instead it almost seems like he is truly curious.

Azief close his eyes a bit and trying to think of the words and then he said

'Whether he was right or wrong…it is hard to tell. His era is not a peaceful one. If he did not do what he did…. then humanity would be enslaved by the Demonkind. It requires a firm hand, at least in Arial era. It is hard to judge because I do not live in that era'

'It is hard? I guess you are always a bit biased towards your friend'

Azief then said

'It is an inevitable development. Before, I do not know the cause and effect. But when I see the past, I could then understand why Arial did what he did. If anything, it is the trend of time that pushes him to that seat.'

He paused for a second and then said

'I see that in the original timeline of Arial life, the Demonkind slaughtered the humans. The human kingdoms fall one by one and the reason why is because they are divided in man y issues and there is no central authority that they could respect. Instead, they fought for benefits and their own interest. Because of this, the Demonkind make easy pickings.

'Divided, they fall'

Sighing, he then continues saying

'Arial might not want to be king. When I remember back when I read the history of the Rise of Vermont in the capital city of the Edenian Empire, I remember that in the beginning, Arial did not seek the throne'

'Instead, he had helped the legitimate successor of the Dukedom to become King. He even sent Silas to help the new King. And for most of the early reign of King Adrian, the great general that pacify the four corners of the kingdom was Arial'

'he became the kingmaker. And then step by step, the trend of the time pushed him to the seat of a monarch'

'And when his wife died, he wanted revenge. But he also pushes the reform of the military and his ambition to unite all the states and the kingdoms of the Human Continent is revealed.

'I like to think that Arial had a choice but I don't think he has one. The moment he wanted to avenge his wife and sack Zettel to the ground, he knew he had to fight with the world'

Azief sighed again and he paused for a moment

Then after a few second he resumes his word

'he already had Vangua. That alone had made him extremely rich and possessing large fertile landmass not to mention large population. The other lords and kings would not care that Arial wanted revenge. But, when the object of that revenge is the royal family of Zettel, Arial must be stopped'

'He already one of the strongest monarch at that time. All they knew was that if they allowed Arial to sacked Zettel, then out of the many kingdoms, there is already few kingdoms that have been destroyed by the Empire'

'They could see where the wind is blowing and the trend of the time was set. It is the trend for the unification of the entire Human Continent'

'When Arial conquered Vangua, the conclusion is already written. He out of all the monarchs and royalty in the Human Continent possess the most landmass and possess one of the most populous region in the entire Continent. Even if he did not try to conquer the kingdom, nobody likes to be neighbor with a lion' josei

Sighing, he mutters

'It was inevitable conclusion. Sad but true'

The Creator did not say anything for a while but then after a few second passes he said

'You met Arial only for a few months. But, you really do know him…I mean me…. don't you?'

Azief did not smile. Instead he said

'I see his past. In a way, because of that, I could understand him more. Now I understand why he did what he did when he was still just a Knight. Why when I read his story it felt like he was rushing'

Then he added

'Of course, when I met him, the Arial that I met is already the Emperor. He had confidence and he was not rushing. At that time, he was in the trial of Amara. His trials were of his heart. So, I met Arial the Savior not Arial the Conqueror. There is a limit to what I can know about him. But you, you are him so I think that if I was wrong you would have corrected me'

The Creator smiles and nodded

'It is the past. And you were not wrong'

'You do not feel angry?' Azief asked

The Creator smiles and then said

'Like I said, I am Arial. But I am also the Creator. And so when I got the memory, I understand certain things I do not understand before. As for being angry…...when you live as long as me and experience the many things that I experience, this is but a blip of feeling in my vast emotions. No…I am not.

Sighing he then added

'Thinking about it, I did feel rushed. And you truly have seen my thoughts. Impressive' he mutters a compliment

There is another silence between them. This time the silence is longer. The wind blows and the sound of chirping of the bird echoes.

They both closes their eyes trying to feel the wind.

The Creator then sighed, open his eyes and said

'But your truth is always lacking'

'Hmm?' Azief said as he opens his eyes and look toward the Creator

The Creator continue saying

'Humans and many of my creations always thought that what they did is something inevitable. They make excuses and try to justify their behavior. They always wanted to believe that they have no choice in the matter'

He released his breath and clouds forms in the skies and the clouds turns dark


Next month chapter might not be posted here anymore. Instead, it might be posted in…..ptreon.

I want to check whether there could be a place where I could write and continue on. If I could continue, it is good. If not….by the end of April, I will try to find other ways to fill my stomach.

Hope you all could help me.

Next chapter would be posted tomorrow and it will also have the same message.


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