Lord Shadow

Chapter 151

Chapter 151: Winds of change (2)

The voice parted the clouds and pushes away the wind.

Then the golden sky on top of the island vibrates with high frequency that every life forms near the island could hear it and feel it.

All of these life forms quickly steer far away from the Island Of Peace as they could sense the danger that is descending from the sky.

Droning sound fill the sky as suddenly the clouds part way and a gigantic golden sword is descending from the sky to the island.

Its width covered the whole island. Azief coughed his blood even as he saw the divine and holy sword coming down.

The pressure coming down on him could destroy this island yet Azief still stands. The world forces him to kneel, yet he did not.

The world wanted to destroy him, so he defied the world by remaining alive. His Undying Body continuously healing him at a fast pace resisting the pressure of a Disk Formation user.

He quickly uses large Grand Healing, one of his skills to quickly regain his health to mount an attack as he spit to the ground.

Looking at the gigantic golden sword he grins.

Then he lift up his saber amidst the pressure and using the Saber on his hand he slashed the gigantic sword descending with the skill Slashing Wind Vortex.

He did not want to use another one of his Seed.

‘Now, is not the time’

The wind howled and like a raging tempest, the wind formed into an invisible force capable of splitting a mountain apart.

Fifty feet from the top of the island was the gigantic golden sword. The moment his skill collided with the sword, it was like a drop of water being thrown into the sea.

There was no effect and did not halt the descending sword at all.

He then uses the Sky Slashing Slash, Clouds Dispersing Fist yet none of it even managed to halt the fast descending sword.

In another fifteen seconds, the Golden Sword will cleave Azief apart. But even now, at the last moment, the smirk never left his face.

Even though he uses all of his skills and ability he could not halt the sword. He uses his eyes of fire, his Ice Breath, and his wind breath yet nothing works.

His body has begun cracking as wounds appeared on his body from which blood flowed out.

Even without being cut yet, it almost seemed like the sword would have cleaved him in half from just descending.

Azief didn’t take the time to wipe the blood from his mouth.

‘Laws’ Azief muttered.

‘It is truly powerful. Everyone have different ideas, and thus the same law could have a different meanings and abilities. Forming the Sword of Righteousness to dispel Evil is one comprehension of Righteousness. If I cultivate such law, my Righteousness would be different, my Justice would be different and so does my method of execution. Thoughts form realities. From the Seed of Thought, realities are formed. Ten Seeds are not impossible. Only time is limited’

And it was like Time was slowed as he takes in all of the things around him. It was not that Time slowed but his thought becomes too fast and everything loo slow in comparison.

He sighed as he looked at the Monk on the clouds waiting for him to die and not far away he could see Hirate hiding behind huge boulders.

He could see the gigantic golden sword coming down, seeing every details like it was the first time, taking it all in.

He even have the time to wonder whether this is the same kind of thing Will experience when he activates his speed.

Does everything becomes to slow in his eyes or was it something else?

Azief already senses the Mind Master with his Divine Sense from the start of the battle. Then he broke from his thoughts and everything returns back to normal.

Azief has already decided from the star what he wants to do. He has seen the Disk Formation form his Disk.

‘That is enough. This is enough. Time to end this’ he thought to himself. He jumped and the ground under his feet gives way.

Azief face was dark as he charged forward to the sky, charging alone with a bloodthirsty saber like an Asura facing a Heavenly Tribulations from the Heavens.

He looks like an insignificant dot compared to the gigantic golden sword that is coming down on him.

Smiling and laughing he popped a medicinal pill into his mouth.

As it dissolved, warmth filled his body, burning his Seed and revitalizing his organs and washing his marrows and purifying his entire body from the nerves, blood and organs.

‘Sixty second to end this battle’ what Azief popped in his mouth was The One Realm Ascending Pill made by Sina.

It enables a user to ascend to the next realm utilizing the previous realm as the building blocks of how powerful the next realms would be.

Unlike the pills that Sasha consumed this pill will not sacrifice anything or destroy one’s foundation.

Instead it only works for one minute.

But for Azief to handle a Disk Formation Low Realm who did not Perfected his Seed, sixty second is enough.

Almost all the herbs in the Treasury were plundered to create this one pill and it takes two months for Sina to finish this.

Sina only has two of this pill. She made it when Azief and Will were stuck in the Deserted Dimension.

One he gave it to Loki. The other he gave it Azief.

It is also the reason why Azief purify the other two souls. josei

If this Monk managed to turns into Disk Formation High Realm Azief even with the aid of this pill would not have ben able to be so confident.

As he charges through the golden skies to meet the sword, shockwave exploded from Azief body when he consumed the pills as Four Halos formed on top of his head.

The clouds shakes, the Heavens trembles and the Earth quake.

A brilliant glamour which is exuded by gods, heroes, kings and by holy temples emanated out from Azief entire being as it covered the golden skies and hellish thunder formed.

Black lightning strikes the sea and the oceans, killing everything one hundred kilometers radius around the lightning.

Dark mist creeps from the shores of the island and rob all life as the spring that came was devoured by a cold winter.

His Seed Concept of Death, Life, Rebirth and Time is turned into Four Haloes of different colors.

Death was gray. Life is green. Rebirth is silver. Time is purple.

Gray smokes rise from Azief feet, rising to cover the golden skies. Purplish color envelop the descending gigantic golden sword slowing down the rate of descent.

Azief body was swirling with green and silver coiling snakes of colors that keep giving life and nourishment to Azief energy and rebirthing more energy and vitality.

‘Fifty five second’ Azief said under his breath.

The Haloes not only formed on top of his head but also around him but it was not giving the impression of a holy being or a sacred person.

The first halo is five meters wide. The second is ten meter wide. The third halo is fifteen meter wide. The fourth halo is twenty meter wide.

The Four Haloes emanated the power that could control the world with one hand and overturned the heaven with the other.

But unlike the Haloes surrounding the Monk which represent righteousness and a Just God, the haloes around Azief were like representing the wrathful nature of deities.

The halo around Azief head was like a divine grace suffusing his soul which united the soul and the body in perfect harmony yet it contains a certain evil and the desire for destruction of dark overcoming the Light.

Yet at the same time it was like Azief was the glory of Light, the haloes almost seems to serve as a crown of Light.

It is a conflicting aspect.

The sword is now only a breath away from Azief body.

Azief smiles and throws his head back and roaring in laughter as he could feel the energy of the world coursing through him, the Four Laws is under his rule.

He stores his saber inside his consciousness with a thought and face the gigantic golden sword

‘Not needed right now. My fingers are enough’ he said

The sword keeps descending and it was at this time Azief stop the golden sword with two fingers.

A Ting sound reverberates through the island and echoes for seven times like a bell tolling announcing to the world.

And also at the same time, a shockwave of energy erupted from the colliding force of Azief finger and the gigantic golden sword.

The shockwave circles the world six times creating ripples on the ocean, inciting seabed volcanoes to erupt and changes the weather a world away.

Earthquakes shakes the Forest Regions, with a magnitude of 7.0 with a depth of 8.1 miles rocked the peaceful region with 70 aftershocks ranging from 4.5 to 6.1 magnitudes in strength.

It led to mass destruction of the buildings inside the Forest Region.

Cyclones winds made landfall in some part of the Plains and devastated the marching armies of Tumbu alliance which resulted in the easy victory of Loki troops which immediately take hold of the Northern Part of the Plains.

The Central Plains was also affected but with many people protecting the city and having the barrier help the officials maintain orders and keeping the peace.

The Plains was not so badly affected

A hurricane hit the Ice Region but was quickly dispelled by the Ice Princess Katarina.

In the Fire Region Phillipe territory was consumed by lava smokes and fires as one of the volcanoes produced an enormous flow that buried and devastated one of Philippe largest city causing widespread panic and destruction.

All of this event is related by the power Azief unleashed when he stop the gigantic golden sword.

Azief holding the gigantic golden sword with two fingers, halting it to stop was truly like an ant toppling the stomp of an elephant.

Azief smiles as he said

‘Forty second.’ Azief mutters.

Around him air was cracking and breaking producing sonic boom almost every seconds, and the wind was showing and cuts like sabers and swords, while the heat is hot enough to evaporate the sea.

The Monk who was standing by is now frantic as it flies to Azief to stop him from attacking once more.

Azief with a smile pinched the gigantic golden sword and with a sound that cracked the sky, the gigantic golden sword turns into golden motes of light and disappeared.

It takes him five seconds to pinch the gigantic golden sword into destruction.

‘Thirty five’ Azief mutters as he saw the Monk rushing to him with the speed of a lightning.

Then with a though he produces another saber.

This was not the Heaven Sundering Saber.

This is the reason why Azief is determined to test the Disk Formation Low Realm Monk.

He wanted to try to unleash one of the Sabers attack. He wanted to see the extent of the power of the saber he could unleash if he was in Disk Formation.

No other opportunity would present itself after this if Azief is really intending to seek the Path of Perfection.

To seek the path of Perfection would means he needs to put all of his EXP in nurturing Seeds and Azief knows that would take a long time.

It is the one saber he never managed to unsheathe.

The sixth Saber, the Divine Slayer Saber.

Even when he was at Seed Forming he never manage to unsheathe this saber. Now he is at Disk Formation even though for a while he wanted to try.

The Monk is now only five kilometers away from him and Azief unsheathe the Saber. The moment he unsheathes the saber, three of his haloes dimmed and cracked.

This saber has the inscription With One Slash, Driving Gods And Devils Away. Struggle With Fate, Kind Nature Must Be Cultivated, With One Slash Cutting Apart Existence.

When the saber was brought out from its sheath, the island trembles and cracked, the clouds all exploded into mist and turns into rain which immediately condense into gas and disappeared into nothingness.

Then an illusory image appeared behind Azief.

‘Thirty second left’ Azief thought inside his mind.

The illusory image was the illusory image of Gods with Haloes shrouding their entire bodies fighting a Celestial War with Demonic Creatures.

The faces of the Gods were fierce, the expression of the Demons were malicious.

Below the feet of the Gods were countless of races propping the Heavens, beneath the feet of the Demons were countless of races sacrificing lives and blood.

Azief did not see it. Only the people spectating could see it.

The Monk did not understand. Hirate who is seeing this battle behind the safety of a destroyed building also do not understand the image.

When Azief lifted his saber to attack, the scene changes as a Wheel appeared and the countless races were sucked into the Wheel.

The Wheel of Reincarnation and Rebirth.

And when Azief slash down towards the Monk, it was then that Hirate and the Monk understand.

The moment he slashed down the scene behind Azief also changed as it depicts a saber slash that destroyed everything.

The Celestial War was ended with one slash of saber attack killing the Gods and decimating the Devils, and at the same time destroying the Wheel of Reincarnation and Rebirth

It is a saber forged for the destruction of the divine.

And when this slash descended toward the Monk, the Monk knew he would not survive this.

He only accepts his fate and opens his arms wide.

He did not even have a chance to escape as the space around him was locked. He could not run or fly to other direction even if he wanted to

This is the Divine Dragon Slayer Saber, capable of killing Immortal Gods and Heinous Devils.

The saber slash through the Monk turning him into particles of atoms and even his soul was destroyed on the spot and the slash did not stop descending as it strikes the island.

And with a soul shattering sound that could be heard there thousand miles away from the point of origin, the Island of Peace was split apart.

It was split apart by a cataclysmic eruption of explosion by Azief saber slash.

The shockwaves from the explosion ripples worldwide.

The land split apart and moved from the main island and Azief lashed almost entirely destroyed the island.

The island was as large as Germany before the Fall yet it was split into three now.

The wave resulted from the explosion rounded the globe three and a half times. Anyone was within the twenty miles, they would have gone deaf.

Weather patterns across the world become chaotic.

‘Ten second’ Azief muttered as he slowly floats down to the ground.

By now the gate from where he came from become the new shore of this new island as Azief could hear the waves lapping loudly around him.

The barrier on top of Azief head has long evaporated into nothingness. His slice was clean and precise like an engineered destruction.

‘Five second’ he said as his feet landed on the ground.

He looks around him and smiles as he could now sense Will emerging from one of the rubbles but then he creased his eyebrows when he notices someone he didn’t expect to see in his divine sense.

Yet he was not worried as he could feel that that person did not mean him and Will any harm.

Azief immediately understand what that person wanted to do.

If that his intention,. Azief has no qualms.

‘Now, the final bout’ Azief said as he takes a step forward and he said

‘Zero’ The moment he said that the Four Haloes on top of his head dissipated and Azief was assailed by extreme fatigue.

But he still managed to stand and feint a strong posture. He cross his hand together and spoke

‘Hirate, come out. We need to talk’ Saying this words he waited.

Then from the dust and smokes of a destroyed building a man wearing a purple robe come out looking frustrated and bitter.

‘This is our first meeting Lord Shadow’ Hirate replies and Azief just smiles.

Not far away from them Oreki is holding up Will from crumbling through the ground with the Immortal Couple also helping by providing supports from behind as dozens of monster is trying to attack Will.

‘The end is near and now a decision has to be made. Lord Shadow has won and now all is left is to conclude. But what does lord Shadow would decide to do?’

Oreki thought to himself as he look at the destruction that Lord Shadow has wrought. The Immortal Couple was as shocked as Oreki when they see the state of the Island and was relieved that they pick the right side to back.

But Will who is slowly recovering his energy has a different light in his eyes.

‘Lily’ he muttered as he is looking at Azief figure from afar. He could not help but feeling apologetic in what he has to do next.

Today, a great victory is won…yet the battle is not yet concluded. The wind blows gently now and the clouds moved freely like signifying a new era.

The era where the World Government rules the world has ended. Or is it?


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