Lord Shadow

Chapter 1564 A Battle

Chapter 1564 A Battle

1564  A Battle

Using her Divine Sense like that….it is without a doubt would burden her.

But she thought of it as training.

As she uses her Divine Sense more and more, she could feel the range of her Divine Sense expanded more and more and each time she takes a rest, the next time she uses her Divine Sense she could feel the improvement,

Today, just like the day before, she spread out her Divine Sense all over Old Russia.

Russia right now after the Multiversal Convergence has become so big that if seven billion people were to be brought into the lands of Russia, they would have so many space that one would not know how to deal with so much space.

A village-to-village distance that usually would only take minutes to travel to and fro has now turned into distance that would take days if not weeks

That is why she mostly languid on tip of her Ice Throne or in her Ice Room meditating while spreading out her Divine Sense.

Because after using so much of her energy to maintain the range and duration of her Divine Sense, it would make her so tired that she could barely move.

Katarina expectations for the day were no different from any other.

She had anticipated the usual tranquillity of her meditative state, a serene detachment from the world's disturbances.

Her routine had been defined by the absence of any jarring intrusions, a semblance of normalcy that she had grown accustomed to.

However, today was far from ordinary. josei

As the faint feeling of her brother aura reverberated through her senses, it disrupted the tranquil day.

A shadow of bewilderment crept across her countenance, causing her brows to furrow in deep contemplation.

Swiftly rising from her meditation posture, she left the tranquil confines of her meditation room,

 She only wears little when she is in her Ice Palace.

Katarina's attire was unlike any other, a blend of mystical charm and modern design.

When within the confines of her Ice Palace, she dressed in garments that consisted of a tight-fitting, sleeveless shirt paired with similarly snug pants.

These garments held a certain allure, exuding an ethereal aura, and emitted a chilling white mist that enveloped the entire palace.

 This mystic mist that comes from her would travel outward from her palace and cascaded down the mountains, gracing the cities of Europe with its cold embrace, transforming them into wintry wonderlands.

However, as she emerged from her Ice Room and stepped into the role she was born for, her attire transformed accordingly.

Her clothes shifted into a formidable armor, serving as both protection and an embodiment of her icy powers.

 The plated armor encased her chest, adorned with a resplendent, large metal flower that glistened with an otherworldly sheen.

Her lower attire consisted of a billowing skirt, also armoured in the upper region.

This skirt appeared as though it was perpetually shedding snow, while a cold mist swirled around it, making it an eerie yet majestic sight.

Despite the armour grandeur, her stomach and neck remained uncovered, displaying a touch of vulnerability amidst her formidable presence.

But what truly set her apart were the magnificent wings on her back, crafted from pure ice.

Each wing bore a resemblance to a collection of razor-sharp blades, ready to strike with lethal precision.

Her headpiece mimicked the form of wings as well, adding to her ethereal aura.

With one glance at her attire, it was evident that she was preparing herself for battle

With each step she took, she traversed vast distances, covering dozens of miles effortlessly.

Exiting her palace, Katarina cast her gaze towards the distant horizon, where she could see the snow falling gently and the cold winds sweeping across the landscape.

Inhaling deeply, her breath seemed to halt the descent of snowflakes and calm the winter winds.

Her eyes gleamed with determination as her vision spanned thousands of miles, reaching out to verify the faint presence she had sensed earlier.

Yet, despite her efforts, her brother's aura remained elusive.

"It's too far," she mused silently

 In front of the entrance of her Palace, there is a sheathe of sword.

And this sheathe is the sheathe of her weapon, the Red Queen, her famous sword.

Instead of drawing the sword from the snow, Katarina made a fluid gesture with her hand.

In response to her command, the snow beneath her feet began to swirl and coalesce, taking on the form of a slender, needle-like sword.

It glistened like ice in the pale light, a formidable weapon crafted from the very essence of her icy domain.

"And she is here too" she mutters and her frown seems to deepen

"I would not mistake it"

When she felt the aura of her brother before she also felt another kind of aura.

As the sensation of her brother's aura faded from her senses, another presence lingered, one she knew all too well – An aura that she does not forget.

The aura she doesn't like

the aura of the Great Oracle.

It is a foreboding sign, and Katarina understood that trouble was afoot.

Since she's here, that means there is trouble.

In an instant, she leaped into the air, her form transforming into a streak of radiant light.

With grace and speed, she soared towards the Valley of Geysers, ready to face whatever challenge lay ahead.

Katarina is going to battle!

Within the solemn confines of the Senate Hall, the dignified senators were embroiled in a heated debate, their voices echoing through the grand chamber.

But the air in the room grew tense as an unexpected intrusion shattered their focus.

A messenger, panic etched across their face, rushed into the hall and halted the proceedings.

With urgency in their voice, they conveyed the shocking news that had just reached their ears

The news broke out almost instantly

Tartarus, the most secure prison of the Republic, had been breached, and a daring attempt to liberate Boris was underway.

A hushed silence descended upon the Senate as the gravity of the situation settled in.

 The pallor of shock and fear spread across the faces of the assembled senators. The heart of the Republic had been violated, and the implications were dire.

"Activate the Legion!" one of the Senators shouted.

"What happened? One of the Senator asked

And the more they listen to the explanation, the more dumbfounded they became

One thing is certain. Something big had happened.

"what is Tartarus?"


"Order! Order!" the Senate devolve into chaos.

As chaos rippled through the Senate Hall, a division emerged among the senators.

Some among their ranks, well-versed in the Republic's darkest secrets, understood the significance of the breach at Tartarus.

They exchanged grave looks, realizing the magnitude of the crisis unfolding before them.

However, there were others whose expressions betrayed sheer bewilderment.

The name Tartarus held no meaning for them, and they were left to grapple with the fear and uncertainty that gripped the room.

As a few senators rushed out of the hall to investigate, they were met with a sight that defied reason.

Dark, malevolent tendrils extended skyward, as if they were the appendages of some unspeakable cosmic horror.

The sight alone struck terror into the hearts of those who gazed upon it, causing some to collapse in fright.

It is like seeing an eldritch horror. Some who have weak will fainted almost immediacy seeing those dark tentacles.

Yet, those who managed to maintain their composure noticed something peculiar about these sinister tendrils.

They emanated an aura that played tricks on the mind, a mesmerizing and unsettling force that preyed on the emotions of the weak-willed.

People with powerful will and mind is not affected.

But if your realm is low and your will and mind is also weak, then you probably would be entranced and shock to death by some kind of dark feeling that would creep into you when you are unaware.

The outside of the Senate echoed with the distant roars of what seemed like monstrous entities, heightening the sense of impending doom.

"What the hell is this?"

The spectacle was not confined to the Moscow ; it spilled out for all to witness across the vast expanse of the European continent.

The unfolding events had the potential to ignite an international incident of unprecedented proportions.

Tartarus had not merely been breached; it had become the arena for a clash of formidable forces.

Among them were the mysterious Great Oracle, the elusive Seven Warlords of Greece, and several mysterious figures whose identities remained unknown to the Senate.

Their relentless confrontation had laid waste to a substantial portion of the Valley of Geysers.

One in every three geysers had been obliterated, their once-potent eruptions silenced by the havoc unfolding around them.

The valley's vibrant ecosystem, teeming with monsters and beasts, had been sent fleeing, their habitats rendered inhospitable.

The very terrain bore the scars of their titanic battle.

Mountains were hewn open, revealing the raw earth beneath, while once-flowing rivers had been drained to mere trickles.

 Thunderous explosions reverberated through the land, and the ground quaked violently, registering the tumultuous conflict even in distant areas.

 The impact was felt not just physically but also in the collective psyche of those who bore witness to this extraordinary spectacle.

Hearing this the Senators become even more panicked

"Activate all. Bringe everything we have and make sure that Boris is contained and contain all the other people too"

"If you could take down the Oracle, took her down. It's not our fault she enters our dominion. And don't look at those tentacles reaching for the sky. It is nothing good. Unless you are Seed Forming leveler and above, avoid looking at it. Focus your mind into something happy"

Amidst the chaos and apprehension that gripped the Senate, a commanding voice pierced through the turmoil.

It belonged to none other than Senator Kesar Liebner, a figure with a profound understanding of Tartarus and the ominous implications of its breach.

With a sense of urgency in his tone, Kesar issued a decree that resonated with the gravity of the situation.

"Inform the Knights," he commanded, his words carrying the weight of experience and wisdom. "And… inform Jean as fast as possible."

His words reverberated through the Senate chamber, his authority cutting through the confusion.

In this moment of crisis, the Senators recognized the need for decisive leadership, and Kesar had stepped forward to provide it.

Without delay, his orders were set into motion.

The Republic, its institutions now galvanized by the impending threat, began to mobilize its considerable military might.

The battle stars, symbols of their formidable power, were activated and directed toward the Valley of Geysers.

Messengers were dispatched at full speed, their vital messages racing to key figures. The Senate building itself transitioned into Guardian Mode, fortifying its defences.

As Mister Moscow had foreseen, this day would indeed be one of great upheaval for the Republic

Today would not be a good day for the Republic.

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