Lord Shadow

Chapter 1589 Old Memory Revisited

Chapter 1589 Old Memory Revisited

Chapter 1589 Old Memory Revisited

Amidst the ethereal sea of colours, Azief senses heightened to a level that allowed him to perceive the often-hidden beauty of the cosmos.

Most people, unaided by advanced technology or supernatural abilities, couldn't truly grasp the breath-taking intricacies of space.

With a quiet sense of wonder, Azief paused in his float, his body obedient to his every intent.

He took a moment to appreciate the grandeur of this mysterious realm, where vibrant shades of light and energy danced in perfect harmony, creating a tapestry of indescribable beauty that was invisible to most.

"Hoh" he suddenly said as he stops floating forward. As long as he wills himself to stop, his body would stop. And right now, he is stopping

"I didn't know there is such an effect" he mutters to himself

As Azief continued to move through the colourful cosmic expanse, he couldn't help but notice the blurred and dreamlike quality of his surroundings.

It was as if the boundaries of reality were shifting and changing, creating a sense of both beauty and confusion.

"It's blurry. It's beautiful but it's blurry," Azief mumbled to himself, his mind working to make sense of this surreal place.

With each passing moment, he felt his focus intensifying, and the hazy realm around him began to clarify.

"What a weird phenomenon," he thought aloud, the enigmatic nature of this place…terrifies him

Because it is so familiar.

"This feeling…now I remember" he thought to himself

And then it struck him, a memory surfacing from the depths of his consciousness.

"The Thirteen Steps of Supremacy," he muttered to himself, his voice carrying a note of realization.

He had encountered a similar sensation when ascending one of those cosmic stairs, and now, that memory seemed to connect with his present experience.

The sensation coursing through Azief was unlike anything he had ever felt before.

It was as if the very essence of his being was being purified and revitalized, an energy surging within him that defied explanation.

The clarity of his thoughts was akin to a dense fog lifting, revealing a landscape of perfect understanding.

Every distortion and uncertainty melted away, leaving behind a crystal-clear comprehension of his surroundings.

There is some runes that he had learned in the past that he did not understand. But at this moment, he seems to understand how to use the runes in different way

Certain technologies that he had learned during his time in the Orvanians labs now comes again in his mind and this time, some of the designs of those aliens now make sense to him.

But it wasn't just his mind that is affected.

His body is reinvigorated, every cell vibrating with newfound vitality.

It was as if he had shed the weight of ages, emerging as a stronger, more resilient version of himself.

And then there is the soul.

Azief could sense the merging and strengthening of his soul, a profound connection to the universe itself.

It was as though he had tapped into a wellspring of cosmic power, transcending the boundaries of mortal existence.

This was the exact feeling he had experienced when he ascended the Tenth Step of the Supremacy Stairway.

The memory of that moment now merged with his current experience, confirming his suspicions that this place held a connection to those cosmic stairs.

"What is not forgotten could not be dead" he mutters

"Is it a memory?" he thought to himself. And then the moment this realization hits him, he saw an eye.

These eyes were so vast that they seemed capable of enveloping entire worlds, and their gaze fixed upon him.

A gasp escaped his lips as recognition struck him like a bolt of lightning.

He had seen those eyes before, in another place, in another memory.

The realization left him stunned, his mind racing to comprehend the significance of this encounter.

"F-focus," he stammered to himself, his thoughts struggling to find coherence amidst the swirling colours and sensations around him

With an effort of will, he began to recall the events of his previous encounter with these eyes.

"It's the same thing that happened when I was on that stairway," he murmured to himself, piecing together the fragments of memory and understanding as he sought to make sense of the situation.

As Azief focused his mind and vision, the full figures of the beings to whom those colossal eyes belonged came into view. josei

The sight is nothing short of magnificent and terrifying, an awe-inspiring sight that left him both exhilarated and dread-filled.

Before him stood a legion of gigantic beings, their presence so immense that they seemed to consume the very space around them.

"I forgotten how big and massive this race is" he mutters to himself

With each step they took, the fabric of reality itself seemed to crumble, and the universe contorted in their wake.

Time distorted, the laws of physics shattered, and the very concepts that underpinned reality were rent asunder.

Their colossal stature is like worlds stacked atop one another, and they radiated an aura of incomprehensible power.

The very elements of the world gathered around them, as if they were the arbiters of reality itself, the architects of existence.

"Cosmic giants" he thought to himself. That is what he felt when? he imagined an Etherna. Like a walking cosmos, possessing the laws of the world

And just like before when he was at that Supremacy Stairway, this memory shows him the attack of these titanic being toward one of the civilizations that exist in the Supreme Dimension.

Azief watched as thousands of these colossal beings, each towering above the very firmament of existence, converged upon a star system within the Supreme Dimension.

The inhabitants of this realm stood powerless before the relentless advance of these cosmic giants, their efforts to defend their civilization rendered utterly futile.

"Of course, they would fight. But it would be futile" Azief had seen all of this memory before so he knows exactly how this fight would end.

Even though he saw millions of ships in the sky and in space, all having the hope to fight against these titans, Azief knows how meaningless this battle is.

"Is there worth in fighting?" he ask himself. And he smiles and then he laughs

Because he felt that the people of this star system probably also knows how powerless they are against these titanic beings

But...but….they still fight….knowing it

And that….that is something Azief will always respect. Azief knows it would not be long now before this titanic being would usher in a scene of overwhelming destruction, a cataclysmic force that would be unstoppable.


The titanic beings surged forward, their massive forms blotting out the stars and eclipsing entire planets.

Nothing in their path could withstand their inexorable advance, and the once-thriving civilization of this star system is now facing annihilation at the hands of these cosmic behemoths.

These titanic beings is an astonishing sight to behold.

Even when Azief had seen them before, it still astonishes him

Their azure skin radiated an otherworldly hue, and their pale, white-blue eyes seemed to pierce through the very fabric of reality.

They possessed a remarkable quality in that their bodies resonated with the energies of the entire Omniverse, as if they were embodiments of all the cosmic forces that permeated existence.

Their humanoid appearance, if not for their striking blue complexion and the overwhelming pressure they exuded throughout the Omniverse, would have made them resemble humans.

Yet, there was an aura of unfathomable power and cosmic significance about them that set them apart from anything Azief had ever encountered.

As Azief observed these titanic beings once more, a profound understanding washed over him.

They were not just another race among the myriads races in the Omniverse; they were the primordial creation, the very first beings to emerge in the vast expanse of existence.

Long before humans, before demonic entities, before any other form of creation, this race had been the initial masterpiece of existence.

They were the progenitors, and it would not be an exaggeration to say that they are also the architects of the Omniverse itself.

this race is the first race of creation

Before, when he is at this place, he felt like he had to grasp some truth. But now, this time, he did not think of trying to see some truths or some realization.

Instead, he observes. He observes intently, looking at the battle, looking at the stars around him, looking anything that is more out of the ordinary than usual

The rings and this experience must be connected somehow.

These memories that he once saw when he steps of the Supremacy Stairway, all of this must be connected somehow.

He knows what he is seeing right now

The Etherna race. Everything seems to be repeating itself.

"All of this has happened before. All of this will happen again" there is this thought in his mind

He looks at this giant race of a creature. In the past, he was shocked. Now, he just watched everything objectively.

Trying to see what this memory is trying to show him. Right now, he is still not sure where he is.

"Immense powerful fluctuations of energies, each energy seems to be related to the laws of the world" he sighed.

Blessed by Divinity, prospering for Eternity!

This is the Etherna race


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