Lord Shadow

Chapter 204

Chapter 204: The undercurrent surfaces (1)



Moscow in winter is beautiful especially even so after the Fall of the Meteors. People are swarming the pub downing their variety of poisons.

Mercenaries gather in tavern like establishments while the warriors and heroes patrols the streets.

Winter storms could be seen outside the walls of Moscow.

The tall wall that separates Moscow capital from the outer area was fifty feet tall with enchantment embedded in every brick

Magic formation and arrays diagram lined the bottom of the base of the wall preventing a stampede of monster horde.

The skies were protected by translucent dome powered by a source of energy deep inside the secret chamber in the Senate Forum

Icicles grows thick and heavy on roof overhangs, mercenaries, hunters and the people residing here wears bulky and heavier clothes.

Hunters paraded the furs of the beast they fought and killed proudly. Their feet were protected by shoes made of magical beast fur and skins.

Elegant and whimsical ice sculptures could be seen in many alleys making some of those reminisce of the good old days when there is winter celebration every year

But the mood of the world is gloomy. And nowhere is gloomier than Moscow after experiencing many upheavals.

Massacres, mass killing, war.

In the years since the Fall of the Meteors, Moscow has changed hands many times. Even when it was under Boris the killing never stopped.

But after the Weronian War, it seems the tragedy has stopped. It is still gloomy like the spirits of those that are dead and resentful is cursing the land.

But it is peaceful.

At least in the surface. Beneath it, undercurrents are currently building up. World Government amassing armies and begins crowning Kings.

The Revolutionary Army persuade many of the powerful people all over the world as the appointed Governors and Generals to hold the fort all over the world.

Both the Revolutionary Army and the World Government are beginning to draw lines.

Moscow…is not only a beautiful capital of Russia, it also stand as a symbol of the Revolutionary Army, the very antithesis of the World Government.

As the cold of winter descend on Moscow and the snow blanketed the streets, a calm evening was expected.

The people have already prepared to close their shops and stalls for the day and went to meet their families and sleep.

Not all men are as extraordinary like the great heroes in the Weronian War and cultivated every day. josei

Some are content to stay at their position in relative safety.

The Prince, The Earthshaker, the Thunder Monarch, Illusion Archmage, Athena the War Goddess, Freya the Valkyrie, The Time Master, Divine Archer, Ice Princess, all these great heroes and heroine all made cultivating seems easy.

But which one of those great men and women did not suffer great pains and risk their life? The Snow Princess battled monster only heard of in tales and myths.

The Earthshaker explore deep into the Earth fighting many terrifying creatures of the Deep. And the Prince?

How many times people of Earth have saw him fighting a great battle and bringing storms and fire everywhere he went.

He was more like a walking natural disaster. As long as he do not move, the world is at peace but once he moves, storms and destruction follows.

Some people are content with being relatively strong enough to protect themselves. Not all of them are battle crazy.

The snowflakes slowly drifting down to the pavement roads as the shop closed their door and stall arrange their chair , ready to pack up for the night.

‘Another peaceful night in Moscow’ an old man finishing drinking a cup of vodka sighed as he got up from his chair and was about to grab his hat on the stand hanger.

The bartender nodded bitterly.

Those that are still alive after all the events that has happened are all always praying for a peaceful night.

A day where nothing happen is good.

Battle after battle, war after war, and now peace seemed to have dawned. And that was good. Life was good.

But then as the old man was about to grab his hat the bell sounded.

The Bell sounded loudly and resonating all over Moscow as even the formation and arrays in place ripples with the same vibration of the sound wave of the Bell.

The old man hand trembles. The bartender gulped. The Bell of the Senate. It will only be rung when there is an announcement to be made.

And this announcement must have a far reaching consequence if the Bell of the Senate has to be rung.

Because the last time this Bell was rung when they suspend the Codified Laws of the Revolutionary Army and let one man govern all.

The last time they did this they suspend democracy and let Jean the Time Master to hold control all over the Army and the Government and even the Legislation.

It was a terrible history in the Revolutionary Army history when a rogue faction attack Revolutionary Army stronghold and the politicians were arguing.

And they give all the power to Jean. Thankfully he return back that authority. Today, that bell has rung again.

The shopkeeper looked toward the northern area where a large building could be seen on top of a large and high hill.

It used to be where Kremlin is. But Kremlin was destroyed by monsters and when Boris and his sister conquered Moscow, they erected an ice hill.

When the Weronian War ended Boris started a construction program that build the new building and a symbol of power and authority for the Revolutionary army.

The stall keeper, the mercenaries, the hunters, the common people all looked towards the Senate Hill.

As the bell rings.


Night descended. The owls and nightly monster comes out to prowls on the dark hills and mountains as the howling of wolves and shrieking of ghostlike monsters fill the night.

Parents tucked their children in bed, while preparing to rescue their children if monsters eve dare breach the safety of their home.

But here is Moscow. And not far away, there is the Senate Forum. There is a wall taller than most monsters.

Warding, enchantments, magic formations lined the very soil they stepped every day. The moment, the night descended, it means the day has ended.

Like the previous century before humanity discovered electricity, the moment the sun goes down, activity halted and slowed.

Only those are strong and with malevolent intention roam the night fill with all the terrors that prowls the night

But on the Senate Forum, the day has just begun.

A group of men is walking through the Senate Forum, their officials robe sweeps the white marble tile and they didn’t seem to care.

Serious expression and anxiousness etched in each one of their faces.

They looked at the back of the man leading them, and some of them gulped at the uncertainty of what is happening.

A large man is leading them while the people in the back hurriedly follow behind that man.

That large man was walking with haste. Usually at this time and with this cold, he would be at his office drinking alcohol or reading the report from his secret department

But today even though the snowflakes falls, the cold is biting and the urge to drink comes over him, none of that seems important than the enormity of his agenda.

The snowflakes fall onto his shoulders and the cold winds of winter blows by his robe of fur.

He dust off the snowflakes on his shoulders as the people behind him light his way forward with an Enlightening Lamp.

If this were the old world it would surely be called a flashlight. This man is Boris one of the two Chancellors of the Senate.

There is only two Chancellors in the Senate and only these tow have the power to hand out decision that affect the whole of Senate.

Usually both of the Chancellors acted like a Judge on certain matters and they usually opposed each other which had to be decided by the votes of the Senators.

Boris was a large man, standing on almost seven feet tall. His body is large and his face is menacing.

Wearing his black robe with wolf fur that repels the cold winds and provide heat, he looked menacing even among his peers.

On the top of the snow filled skies, a few red fire eagles and a griffin flies over it spreading their wide and tall wings.

It was his tamed beast.

The Senate Forum was still full of people even though the Congress has stopped presiding.

Many of the Senators here are still discussing and talking with each other forging alliance and analyzing enemies and allies.

As he walked the courtyard some people noticed him before gasping and then quickly inform the other as they all bowed slightly.

As he walked along the courtyard, those politicians cease their talks. This is the Senate Forum. And he is one of the Chancellor, the highest of ranks in the Senate

And today, Boris has come here to speak and declare one thing with his other equal, Chancellor Jean.

The Senate Forum was built on top of a large hill on Moscow just atop the ruins of Kremlin.

They expanded the hill and made it even taller with the power of Elementals class leveler and builders of top class built the buildings

It had colonnades around three sides and there is the statue of great hero of the Revolutionary Army.

There is also the twenty feet statue of his sister on the steps of stairs on the entrance of the Senate Forum, who is deified in Russia after her public death.

It reminded some people of the way Romans respected their Gods by building huge statues of them in front of their most sacred institution.

The forum shows an ancient Hellenistic classicism in the decoration mixed with many Romans design, making it look like a Roman building.

Even as Boris is anxiously walking he could still notice these fine points.

It is not surprising since most of the builders commissioned to build the buildings were Italians and Boris and Jean both approved of the plan of designing it like the Imperial Forum of the ancient Roman Empire.

It truly looked like the Imperial Forum only bigger and better and more magical.

The difference was that in each carving, in each stones, array was carved inside it and magic formation were put underneath the very land where the Senate Forum stood.

There is also charms casted onto the Forum like protection charm and Divine Sense warding.

Boris steps were hurried, each steps become faster that even the people behind him has trouble difficulty following without appearing to be extremely rushed.

They do not know what Boris wanted to say to Chancellor Jean but the fact that Boris wanted to call the Special Congressional Meeting tonight means whatever this about would have a great importance in the Agenda of the Revolutionary army.

Boris could not care less what the Senators in his faction is thinking about. He wanted to meet Jean as soon as possible.

Behind him, his guards and courtiers quickly kept their pace.

Arriving at a separate residence inside the Forum, standing outside an entrance archway, a soldier was guarding the residence.

It is a Frenchman.

The Frenchman has a boyish face, and slim physique. He wears a patched grey robe looking like a dirty person from the bad alleys of Paris.

The guard were sleeping in the job as he is sleeping while standing, his chin on his staff. His staff is made of wood with intertwining design looking more like a wizard staff.

Boris was about to rush in into the residence. A sound could be heard then.

‘Tch’ the sound sounded inside Boris ears and Boris was shocked. The moment he heard it, suddenly a gust of wind headed towards him.

The gust of wind contained killing intent and if one were to embrace this gust of wind, they would be sliced to a thousand pieces.

The guard behind Boris quickly changed his expression as anger build up from that guard. His hand gripped his weapon as he slashes his broadsword


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