Lord Shadow

Chapter 239

Chapter 239: If spring comes (1)


The light comes unexpectedly through the gaps of the window sill and the butterfly flaps its wing, the flowers blooms and the sky clear and beautiful.

It is morning in Pandemonium.

In the city, the people are all getting up from their sleep and then like always some people open their stalls and start selling stuff they get form hunters or the trade from nearby pirates that raid the Great Britain sea area.

Some other people went hunting to get some gold for the day and if they are lucky got some unique stuff when killing monster that could either be sold or auctioned off,

Some other people built houses and buildings as the city grows larger and larger with many villages form outside the city wall.

The pay is also good. High leveled builders are favored because of the speed of their construction time. Interior designer is also in high demands as the city getting more prosperous.

Lacking any internal conflict and power struggle in the topmost administration leads to the city current prosperity.

And some others, mostly people who come from the outside, plots and scheme for power, money and influence

This is the daily routine of the people in Pandemonium. And sometimes, the howling and roars of gigantic monster could be heard and sometimes could even be seen in the distance because of their size.

Under the watchful eyes of the greatest hero of this era, even though they live in a continent full of monsters, they are not that insecure.

At least this place is more secure than any other place in the world since nobody dares provoke the Death Monarch.

If even the World Government did not dare, who else in the world would dare?

There is no war in this continent even though the land is so huge. Other than the war with monster horde, there is no human war.

There is no one trying to prop themselves as some warlord like in Greece or India.


Because there is already a tiger in this mountain and it is an invincible tiger at that. Unless one is confident that they could topple down this tiger from his spot, they better stay put.

But just because they live under the rule of the Death Monarch doesn’t mean that there is no danger at all.

This is after all Pandemonium, All Demon Place.

All around this continent are monsters that could not be found in other parts of the world. They are dangerous, deadly and lethal.

In other words it was almost the same as before the Fall where all weird animals is here

But just as they are danger abounds, there is also great opportunity. Most of the herbs here could not be found in other parts of the world

This is the reason why Alchemist, Pill Maker and Refiner all trade herbs and plants here.

The Alchemist and the Pill Refiner Association of Europe all make bulk purchase of rare herbs in the trading firm in Pandemonium

Some monster also lead to some discovery of new potions that increase resistance, immunity to certain types of poisons and pills that strengthen the bodies without side effects.

The monster corpse here attracts the attention of the Order of Thinker. This mysterious organization also makes purchase through proxy buyers.

There is great opportunity and great dangers. This is what the explorers said about Pandemonium

Pandemonium……is a new world.

When Azief opens his eyes in the morning, the first thing he realizes was that it was spring. He saw the cherry blossom trees on the courtyard of his palace seem to be blooming.

He then was reminded of that woman. He could not help but be reminded of that woman. And when he remembers that woman, he remembers his promise.

And unconsciously he smiles.

He shakes his head as he got up. Azief palace has no maidservant.

It is because, Azief prefer it that way. Other than the kitchen, which has a good cook there is nobody to serve him when he is about to go to bath or changing his clothes.

It waste too many times for a servant to clothes him or bathe him.

Some people after the Fall, especially the strong one like to employ servants in their household or residence.

Azief understand their desires but Azief never had the inclination to follow them. Some of them regard it as a status symbol but in front of Azief what does this status means.

The title Strongest in the World is not for show.

Which heroes in the world did not admire or fear him?

If one wants to talk status with him, there is only a few people in this world that could talk about such things with him.

After he finished clothed himself, he skipped breakfast as he walk leisurely to his throne room. This time a few servants come to attend to him.

Most of them have no cultivation base anymore either because of injury or too weak to survive the cruel race of power and work in the Palace when Sina recruitment drive was started.

They were paid in gold and their meals are provided. Not to mention, they have great authority when Azief is absent since they are they Keepers of the Palace.

They could denied people entrance to the Palace

Of course while they control the Palace when the Death Monarch is absent, they do not dare to abuse their power.

They are not like eunuch who is close with the emperor.

They are dispensable.

They could stop other people entering the Palace but if one of the Generals of the Army came and they dare obstruct them, the only answer is their death.

And if they died, the Death Monarch may not care since the servant shares no emotional attachment with the Death Monarch.

They even rarely see him. Last night when he comes out of the meditation room, the only one who was not anxious and nervous the entire day was the Death Monarch.

The servant were all anxious and nervous, all trying to make sure nothing is displeasing to his eyes since last night.

The servant did not even sleep last night as they check and check and check again to make sure nothing is out of order.

Even the throne today was decorated in gold and dragon motif. After all today the Death Monarch will greet ambassadors and representative from other factions

Azief as they looked at this servant wanted to chuckle.

Since Azief is rarely here in the palace, they were in charge of the maintenance of the Palace.

Azief give some of them title like the Head Keeper of the Palace. They follow Azief who was wearing with his full attire, like he was to enter a battle.

It is early in the morning but when Azief spread his Divine Sense he could see many people have been waiting for him in the Palace Gate.

He got up a few hours before and orders his people to not allow people to come in until he gives the order.

Outside, other than the ambassador that is waiting, there is also the Three Armies General.

Sitting on her golden carriage is Athena. Behind her is his commanders and general. She is the Supreme Commander of the Myrmidon Army.

In the three month since the formation of Pandemonium continent and city, Athena has led incursion and expedition against monsters in the Western region gaining her the title of the Western Suppressing General.

Pandemonium is a continent and not some small country.

It is large and the monster is even more numerous. Some even made nest deep underground, while some hide under lakes or near the rivers.

It is not easy to clear the monster population in Pandemonium even though they have many people. It is not about prowess but abilities

These monsters use their abilities with great versatility. Some monster could turn invisible, some could hide from divine sense, and some are immune to fire attack or physical attack.

Unless they were of the same level like the Death Monarch they could just sweep the world like him.

One might ask, why did the Death Monarch did not just wipe them out? He wipes out the central area from monsters but he did not wipe the entire the continent from monster.

It is because he wants the people around him to level up. josei

Even though he wipes out the entire continent it would only deplete his energy and did not increased his strength.

Instead of wasting such perfect EXP chance to him, it is better to let his subordinate reap the benefits and level up.

If Lady Athena is called the Western Suppressing General, then General Wang Jian on the other hand always clear the southern borders gaining him the title Southern Suppressing general.

He is always accompanied by Commander Jian Wei who has affinity with fire and his spearmanship is regarded as the best in the army.

Other than Jiang Wei one could not also exclude another person that accompanied Wang Jian into battle.

The Fairy of the Stars Somi always accompanied General Wang Jian in his expedition and also in the verge of breaking through to Seed Formation.

Meanwhile Lady Freya is the only one not sitting in a carriage. She is riding a chariot. Her title in Pandemonium is the Flying Berserk Cavalry General

Azief sit on the Dragon throne. The moment he sits on the dragon throne, the throne turns black and shrouded with dark red mist, and the pressure emanating from the throne seems to suffocate all living things and even the servants nearby were almost affected.

The throne is situated high on the throne room, elevated from the ground to signify Death Monarch status.

‘Enter!’ Azief said lazily and his voice echoes through the entire Palace area.

The people outside could hear it and it was like the voice comes from the sky.

The guard in the Palace gate, hearing this word, opens the gate, but dare not lax their surveillance of any of the people entering.

If the Death Monarch sees them not taking this seriously they might lose their job.

They make all of them enter the Palace in an orderly manner. And the people all obey the order, not daring to voice nay complaints

After all they did not come to cause trouble. They are all trying to deduce the Death Monarch intention in his meeting.

While this is happening, sitting on his black throne, Azief notices that Raymond and Jean is not here. One is called the Time Master and once stomp entire Europe under his feet.

The other is the Supreme Commander of the World Government.

‘I’ve met Raymond many times. But Jean…I think this will be our third meeting.’ He thought to himself

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