Lord Shadow

Chapter 283

Chapter 283: The peace has ended 01


The wind shifted, the clouds moves and a premonition of storms are in the horizon. The world is in a state of vigilance after the Meeting in Hawaii.

The news of what happened after the meeting in Hawaii has already been spread all over the world by the White Owl.

By now the whole world is preparing.

Whether it is for another war to begin or a new change that would affect the Three Great Powers, all of them is preparing whichever the wind blows.

Any changes in the current influences and forces relating to the Tree Great Powers in turn will affect the affairs of the world. josei

Even the Republic is on lockdown now with the Senators conspiring and having secret meeting all over the world.

Boris and Katarina are cloistered inside the Senate as they seem to be arguing about something and their argument seems to bring down snowstorm on Moscow as the snow piled six feet high.

The Thunder Monarch Oreki on Japan seems to be uncharacteristically quiet. And he did not return to the Island of Peace after the Battle in Cote D’ivoire instead returning to Japan and stay there.

Raymond and Hikigaya on the other hand is holding the fort in the Island of Peace. While all of this is happening the other faction in the world is also making their own moves.

The League of Freedom on the other hand seems to solidify their position in their respective regions, making sure their house is clean from rats from other forces.

They seem to be planning for something big.

There is also the fact that while the League of Freedom did not join the meeting in Hawaii, people notice that when the alien fleet arrived near the moon, the Star Ark of the League of Freedom also flies to space.

That night when the alien fleet arrived, the Republic mobilized their Battlestar, a Battlestar the size of three small countries, shocking the whole world.

They displayed some of their hidden strength and capability.

Moscow was put under lockdown with all the important Senator was put in a safe room somewhere in a bunker.

The Star Cannon of the Senate was revealed when the land behind the Senate open up and emerging from below the ground was the Star Cannon, pointed to the stars.

Meanwhile the World Government brought out a new kind of spaceship, the secret Iron Fortress.

It is made by an unidentified minerals provided by the Order of Thinkers. The mineral gives the space Battlestar durability against an attack by Disk Formation levelers.

By the looks of the Iron Fortress is not entirely complete but the World Government probably fearing another invasion from an otherworldly invaders still deployed it.

Both the World government and the Republic went all out.

And while the Battlestar and the iron Fortress appear around the moon that night, the Star Ark was nowhere to be seen even though it also went to space.

This does not escape the eyes of many factions in the world. They all felt that there is something wrong with that.

Narleod is known to be as scheming. In this world there are three famous people the whole world recognizes as great schemers.

President Ashikaga Hirate of the World Government, Loki the Trickster and Narleod of the League of Freedom.

But the world is still worried about the talks between the Death Monarch of Pandemonium and President Hirate of the World Government

From the reports in the newspaper published by the White Owl, after the meeting in Hawaii ended, Death Monarch talks to Hirate about something.

The Death Monarch then proceeded to whisper something to Earthshaker Raymond. They seem to be talking about something and seem to agree on something.

And then before anyone could react the Death Monarch took Hirate with him and flies to the sky with a speed that broke the sound barrier.

But Raymond did not do anything to stop it. He was not even shocked.

When asked by the other people in the meeting, he told the people there that they are going to have a talk.

‘Death Monarch took Hirate with him to Pandemonium’ That is what he said when Boris asked him.


The water slowly slowed down as the last droplet of water falls down onto his body. Beads of water falls down from his body, the feeling of being clean revitalized him

He shut off the shower.

Hirate took the towel on the towel rack and then dry himself then he put the towel back on the rack.

He sighs as he comes out from the shower. Even though he was supposed to be relaxing it is not as easy.

Especially when he is in enemy territory.

It has been three days since he is here in Pandemonium. For the past few days he has been resting.

Today, it seems Death Monarch has finally decided it is time to talk about the matter they both have been debating during that meeting in Hawaii.

Hirate still remembers.

After he arrived in Pandemonium, he was given a residence in a beautiful villa around the Gardens of Pandemonium.

As he wears his robe he walks to the balcony of his villas.

And looking outside he could see the beautiful colors of the Gardens of Pandemonium in front of his eyes.

It was full of flowers, birds and small game running around the largest garden in the world.

He smiles a bit.

‘It is truly a breathtaking view’ he said to himself as he takes a deep breath.

He heard about the beauty of the Gardens of Pandemonium even in the Island of Peace from his ambassadors but he never thought he would ever be able to visit it considering that the garden is inside the Centre Palace Area.

And he could be considered a persona non grata in Pandemonium. Hirate was taking a deep breath when a purple butterfly perched itself onto the ledge of the balcony.

Hirate just smiles a she look at the butterfly his eyes shining with some light purple color.

‘Beautiful little butterfly, what are you doing here at this time?’

He asked as he put his finger forward and the butterflies fly and landed on one of his finger. Hirate just chuckles.

Then he patted the butterfly wings and shakes his fingers the purple butterfly flies away to the Garden.

Hirate eyes shines like he seems to saw something.

In the table inside his room are a half-eaten biscuit and an almost finished coffee.

He was given a summon in the morning to prepare himself to meet the Death Monarch.

If this was the World government there would never be such an absurd thing as him being summoned.

In the World Government he summons people and not the other way around.

And the Keepers of the Palace are unbearably arrogant, looking at him with disdain.

Considering the fact that Hirate himself is a Disk Formation leveler he could easily dispatch the Keepers of the Palace with just his thoughts.

He could make them crazy or tweak with their memories with his ability as a Mind Master but he didn’t do that.

Because this is Pandemonium.

His title as the President of the World Government might mean something outside but here in Pandemonium it means jack shit.

Because Hirate knows in Pandemonium, there is only one word that people listen to. And that is the Death Monarch.

It is the reason why he restrains his anger and politely speaks with the Keeper of the palace. He just hope his trust on the Death Monarch is not misplaced

He smiles and he then said

‘There is a tide in the affairs of men, which taken at the flood leads on to fortune. Omitted, all the voyage of their life is bound in shallows and in miseries. On such a full sea are we now afloat, and we must take the current when it serves. Or lose our ventures’

For some reason he was reminded of these word. One of his secretaries is an avid reader of Shakespeare.

He decided it is time to stop waiting around. Which is why he agreed to come to Pandemonium.

Now, he hopes for a good conclusion.

He sighed as he went back inside his room to prepare his meeting the Death Monarch.


I have been thinking and been deliberating. I decided to post all the chapters today in parts instead of scheduling it. Because this chapter is meant to be read in one sitting.

And this is a 12 thousand word chapter. So, rejoice. And please bear a few days without a new chapter after this mass release.

Anyway, I am thinking of buying a new table which will help me writing faster and more comfortable. So finger crossed next month will have even more chapter.

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