Lord Shadow

Chapter 296

Chapter 296: Become a demon 1


The sound of wind tearing apart could almost be heard but was suppressed by something.

A black blur flies through the clouds before it slowly merge with the surrounding, appearing to have disappeared.

This black blur is none other than Azief, the Death Monarch. He is now employing his stealth technique to hide himself from being detected.

As Azief flies undetected and in stealth mode across the skies of Pandemonium, his Divine Sense scans the entire large continent without obstruction.

It was a subtle scans not alarming the people.

He just wanted to make sure nothing terrible happened during his absence. He senses Hirate in the Palace, sense Sofia in Sina workshop, senses Sasha among other things.

He also sense Shinji awakening. Shinji is a warrior Azief admire and fought against him in the Poland Incident.

But that divine sense of him keep going back to check up on Sofia unconsciously. Or is it done on purpose? Azief knows…but he couldn’t admit it.

He could only sigh.

The wind blows around him and for some reason he felt cold like the cold of winds of winter.

He smiles bitterly. His breath merged with the clouds, making that cloud to dissipate like a dream.

The moment Azief returned, no one could even sense that he returned.

He arrived at the Centre Palace like he was black smoke, drifting across the Halls and returning to his secret chamber situated inside the Palace.

No one is the wiser other than some people who was privy to the secret and Hirate. Hirate could sense that the Azief he met was a clone.

Then there is Hirate who was informed about Azief attempt at forming his Disk. And then there is his protector Xu Cong and his lover.

To the people of Pandemonium, the Death Monarch has always been in the Capital overlooking Pandemonium and protecting them from the dark.

If they know that the one attending the Meeting in Hawaii is Azief clone, they would surely be shocked.

No one notices that the Azief that appear in Hawaii is a clone because the emanation coming out from the clone is as powerful as Death Monarch.

The clone however could only display half of Azief power and prowess.

This means that the Azief the other people met is only at half ability. Just imagine Azief true prowess if he appears with his true original body.

Azief could now be considered the strongest of the powerhouse.

When he enters his secret chambers, black mist around him dissipated, revealing a man more powerful than the last time he was inside this chamber.

His eyes seem to glow golden with a trace of blue.

Being instructed by Azul about the spell and learning new things about the Universe, Azief aura raises by leaps and bounds.

He now has that trace of the Sovereign aura.

His gaze seems like he could see through everything, separating illusion of the world and the truth with just a glance, while the aura emanating from his body could suppresses the Heavens and pressures the Earth.

His smile seems even more mysterious and there is a sense of majesty and divinity around him that forces people to obey him

‘Hmm’ he said. He did not immediately do what he came here to do. Instead he looks around this chamber.

He smiles a bit

From the last time he was here, this chamber is more organized than before with the books, herbs and crystals core were arranged neatly and stores at their rightful place.

There are more racks and secret hatch and opening around the walls.

Azief could not help but smiles.

This secret chamber is also only known by certain people in Pandemonium. There is Sasha and The Head Keeper of the Palace that knows about this secret chamber.

If Azief had to venture a guess on who arranges this chamber, he would put his bet on the Head Keeper of the Palace.

Azief knows that the more he favored Sasha organizations the more power he gives her but he was never that worried about Sasha even though the people in the administration worried about her uncheck authority and influence.

This is not a new discussion in Pandemonium and in the faction around the world

Why does the Death Monarch trust Sasha the Nightingale so much?

People sometime question why the ruler of Pandemonium Death Monarch trusts Sasha so much considering the bad history between them both.

In the Fake World Sasha kidnapped Sina and hide in the Forests Region before submitting to Death Monarch.

Still, Azief appointed her to lead the most powerful and mysterious organization in Pandemonium.

Why not somebody else?

After all in Pandemonium, there is still Sina the Genius Alchemist who is considered to be the Death Monarch family.

There is also Wang Jian who followed loyally behind the Death Monarch. These two people loyalty is unquestionable and they would do anything for Death Monarch.

But the Death Monarch did not pick them to lead the Shadow Guards.

Instead he picks Sasha to become his intelligence agency leader. The Shadow Guard is Azief personal intelligence agency

Because that is what the Shadow Guards is.

They are not only guarding Pandemonium in secret and protecting Death Monarch from unseen threats; they also acted as an intelligence agency.

But that is not why the Shadow Guard were spoken in hushed tones among the officials of Pandemonium or feared by the people of Pandemonium.

It is because they are the knife of the Death Monarch. They kill any enemies they deemed traitorous to Death Monarch of would endanger him

Their member background is confidential information in Pandemonium and their methods are decisive and merciless.

This is an important and powerful organization that has the ears of Death Monarch. Everyone knows the importance of such organization the day the Death Monarch wanted to create it.

The officials all suggested that the Death Monarch chose someone who is loyal to him, preferably among his friends.

They were many names being floated around at that time. Sina, Wang Jian, Loki, Sofia among the people being suggested to take the post.

But Sasha name was not in the roster or suggestion list by the officials of Pandemonium.

Which is why people wondered why Azief chooses Sasha above all other more eligible candidates and more suitable.

The reason was simple actually. At least it was simple for Azief.

It is simply because Sasha is the only Azief did not mind killing. There is a reason why he did not appoint Sina to be the one heading the Shadow Guards.

Sina is loyal to him but her temperament is unsuitable for the job.

Not to mention if she became the head of the Shadow Guard she have to worried about being targeted by other factions

And Sina is weak if we are talking about combat abilities.

Wang Jian on the other hand is too honorable. That is his strength and his flaw. Sooner or later that sense of honor would invite problem for Pandemonium.

But the biggest problem in appointing Sina and Wang Jian to the post is because if Sina makes mistakes Azief didn’t have the heart to punish her.

And if Wang Jian makes mistakes Azief is even unwilling to punish such a loyal person.

Sasha on the other hand has no such problem.

Any mistakes and Sasha knows she will not get the same mercy Azief would afford to Sian and Sasha.

Their relationship is strictly superior and subordinate relationship. Probably that is why they work so well.

The other reason why Azief never fears rebellions from Sasha is because Azief knows Sasha knows what would happen if she failed.

If she succeeds it is fine. But if she failed, she knows Azief would have no mercy to inflict any kind of punishment he felt necessary.

Azief sighed.

He could not treat everyone the same because they all have a different relationship with each other.

He sighed.

‘I need to inform her. I don’t think this forming of Disk would be as uneventful as the other Disk Forming’

Azief had premonition about what is going to happen. It was a kind of gut feeling that his refining will not be as peaceful as he wanted it to be.

So, he is setting precautions beforehand. He took the communication device inside the secret chamber and sends the message.

He informs Sasha that he would be in the secret chamber and would be attempting forming his Disk.

Sasha got the message and she immediately sends a few of Shadow Guard to guard the Palace covertly.

There were ten men dressed in black that appeared undetected, teleported from the secret headquarters of the Shadow Guard.

They immediately position themselves in many parts of the Palace, not revealing themselves.

The moment Azief is about to prepare in forming his Disk, he could not help but smile, the excitement and happiness in his heart could not be hidden any longer. josei

Then he laughed.

‘What a great harvest this time!’ he said to himself and laughs

All of that time, all of that effort, all of that suffering finally it paid off big time.

Azief eye was shining. It was like he was reaching his dreams step by step. And that feeling is intoxicating. The feeling of everything is going good.

The feeling that it is going to be great. And the feeling of accomplishing your goals and moving a step closer to your dream.

In his journey this time they were a lot of thing he has experienced. He met Azul. He met the Sorcerer of All Realm.

And he learned how vast the Universe really is.

They were heavens above the Heavens, they were Ancient Beings more powerful than the leaders of the United Intergalactic Alliance, and he learned that the history of the Universe is unlike anything he ever heard from others.

Azief thought he had known everything about the Universe but his meeting with Azul just shows him that he knew so little.

This revelation of him knowing so little about the Universe did not make him feeling intimidated or sad instead it made him happy.

Because he finds it out early that he did not know many things. If he find it out to late he might already made many mistakes

It is better he learns about it early

‘I need to become stronger. More stronger.’ His eyes shine with desire. Then he laughed even louder in that secret chamber.

‘If Azul could do it…then why couldn’t I?’ After all Azul was also weak in the beginning. He did not become who he is in one day.

And after all that he had been given by Azul if he did not strive to become even stronger than Azul, or surpasses him Azief would be disappointed in himself.

Azief thought to himself.

Then he takes a deep breath and feels the energy inside him. There is a smirk on Azief face.

There are seven energy cores inside his body. If he refines each one of the energy core he could form each of them to become his Disk

Thirteen Disk!

Create Thirteen Disks, Summons The Supremacy Stairway. This is what Azief has attempted to do for this couple of years from the moment he was walking this Path that chases Perfection as its maxim.


So, here is the first chapter for May. Among other thing Azief explains why he chose Sasha and his aspirations. Thirteen Disk to summon the Supremacy Stairway. Hope you didn’t forget about that. Anyway, this chapter is a little bit shorter than before. It has around eight thousand words nearly reaching nine thousand words. But a lot of it will be showing the approaching Time Crisis.

This chapter will probably have four parts that will be posted each day. So, tomorrow there will be part 2 of the chapter. And guys and gals( Thought I don’t think many girls read this kind of story)do check out my other novels Age of Adventure and Song of Heroes. Song of Heroes is kind of stopped for a moment since I am editing Age of Adventure and writing Lord Shadow at the same time.

But do check it out.

Anyway, for now…ciao. See you all tomorrow. I am interested on who will be winning first today in the comment section.

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