Lord Shadow

Chapter 298

Chapter 298: Become a demon 3

A supersonic boom breaks out in the sky above the Center Palace.

The sky was pierced opens revealing the sky above the sky and the clouds parted away like it was being forced to open by a prying hand

Then the entire sky is covered by a red cloud, the change was fast and immediate.

The entire people residing in Pandemonium nearly get a heart attack when they saw the red skies and heard the explosions of sound in the clouds.

They look up and many of those people who have low cultivation almost shouted out in panic

‘What is that!’

‘Is it another battle?’ another asked cautiously.

While some people who are higher in levels look at the skies and frowned. They could feel the killing intent in that sky.

It was like the Heavens are being taken over by a Demon!

The clouds were red as blood. The sky look like it was falling down. It was like the day of Judgment is upon them

And then the crowd that was looking at the sky their face turns pale as they spotted another change that is happening..

Because the red blood clouds turned even darker like something is using something to wound the Heavens.

It was like the sky was bleeding!

It appears like the Heavens itself bleeding! What are the Heavens? The Heavens could be understood simply as the Will of the World.

Then if the Heavens in the Will of the World then that mean right now the Will of the World is bleeding!

The red mist spread into the Heavens of Earth, into the land and ground of Earth and the demonic energy contained in the red mist absorb the resentment that existed in between Heaven and Earth.

The resentment of the dead, of the dammed and the broken….and Earth had a lot of resentment this couple of years after all of humanity tragedy and all of that resentment is being absorbed.

And then another sound sounded out from the skies. Perking up one’s ears one could hear the sound of howling echoing through the clouds.

Looking up one could see translucent bony faces emerge from the clouds.

They seemed like the ghost of people that died. Some of these ghost looked life-like with the exception many parts of their body is drenched in blood, mutilated beyond repair

It also looks like the images of souls flying around near Azul Wheel of Reincarnation. josei

Demonic spiritual energy filled Pandemonium. Blood red skies, translucent forms of the dead howling and screaming on the sky how could anybody not get scared and weak knee?

Inside the chamber Azief hair mysteriously started growing longer and longer until it reached his knee.

Each strand of his hair is filled with killing intent, like there is a soul in each of his strands of hair.

His handsome face also seems too morphed into something that demonic in nature.

His entire aura changed.

He is usually cold, but he also possesses a certain aura that could be all embracing but now he is filled with violent aura, like he was the Harbinger of All Destruction, killing and slaughtering images would be conjured up if one is to felt the energy coming out of him right now.

This aura is domineering, ancient and could stir the feeling of any people that mean him harm to go crazy with one wave of this energy passing them.

In Azief Inner world there is also a battle happening but on the real world the demonic spiritual energy around Azief becomes dense like it was a bog in a swamp.

The air around him becomes heavier and seem to contain pure the Demonic energy.

It could induce anyone who is at lower cultivation level to go crazy if they come near Azief right now.

By now, the entire Palace is now filling to the brim with demonic energy. Everything inside the Palace is now filled with raging demonic spiritual energy.

Azief did not know it but by this time all the safety organization in Pandemonium is becoming more concerned.

They have even begun spinning the stories that is what happening in the Palace is an experiment gone wrong from the Research Department

At the same time the moment Azief concentration of demonic spiritual energy in the palace become denser the same could be said onto the demonic spiritual energy on the skies.

It was so dense that the clouds are filled with specks of black flames that burn the clouds.

Azief in his secret chamber is still sweating, the inside and outside of his body is completely occupied by demonic energy that going amuck and at the same time merging with his Eternal Physique.

Azief entire aura is filled with a tyrannical aura and crazy amount of killing intent. It even surpasses the most prodigious experts of the Asura world.

Azul never gives his energy in his eternal existence which is akin of giving his blood to people and now that he is giving it to Azief the concentration of that energy is unbelievably pure and powerful.

The demonic energy in Azief body is slowly fusing with Azief entire being and existence, trying to become a part of Azief.

Meanwhile on Azief Inner World a different change is happening. The Worldly Disk as the sun, the Universal Disk that forms the moon and stars.

His Ancient Rune Disk forms the runic energy that embedded itself into the stars, the moon, the sun and the Space and Time itself in his inner world and act like Laws of his Inner World.

The Celestial Disk he had enables him to absorb celestial energy which is now has become like one of the energy most prevalent in Azief inner world.

The entire creation inside Azief Inner World is nourished by the Celestial Disk. It is there but it is unseen

And then there is the All Source Disk that embeds itself into all creations, into the suns, the moons, the stars, the grass, the wind and the Laws of the Inner World.

Everything has a little bit of the essence of this Disk.

But the moment Azief tries to refine the Demonic Energy, the Inner World shakes with such intensity it felt like the whole Inner World is about to collapse.

Even the entire galaxy which is now could be called Azief Inner Universe is shaking with red mist that seems to travel with the speed of light reaching to the ends of the Inner Universe of Azief in a blink of an eye.

This red mist turns into a demonic flame! And shockingly it starts to devour the stars from the ends of the Inner Universe.

The more stars it devoured, the demonic flame endlessly expanded, forming a sea of demonic flame sin the space of Azief Inner Universe.

Rumbling sounds could be heard in the entire Inner Universe. The space of the Inner Universe slowly began to collapse and countless cracks in space opened up.

It was then another rumbling could be heard in the Inner Universe.

And then Azief appeared in his Inner Universe. His body is transparent but oddly enough he seems a little bit more solid than before.

This is the second time Azief is appearing in person in his Inner Universe

Divine light spills out from his eyes strengthening back the entire Inner Universe. He waved his hand and another billion of stars were formed using the Universal Energy.

This act drained half of Azief Universal Energy.

He stomp his feet and the opened up space closed back up and the inner Universe that is about to collapse is slowly reverting back to their original condition.

This stomp uses the All Source energy and the Worldly energy both of that energy were drained in half.

‘Defiant Heart!’ Azief said to himself. Even the energy is defiant even though it is willingly given Azief bitterly thought to himself.

It is fortunate that in his Inner Universe he is the monarch of all creation inside it. As Azief take a step he arrived at the ends of his Inner Universe and saw the mass of red mist that is becoming a sea of flames.

Heavenly energy surrounds Azief singling him out as the Creator of this Universe. He was surrounded by blue aura.

Behind him, the trails of his feet created gentle waves of energy that pacify and calm the Inner Universe and a harmonious melody sounded out from all corners of Azief Inner Universe trying to suppress the Demonic Energy.

‘It is a defiant heart. Then this is battle of wills!’ Azief thought to himself and he knows what he needs to do.

He charged to the mass of sea of flames, his eyes lit up and shouted

‘Break apart’

This time Azief iron will and his confidence is soaring and unbreakable.

With these two words the sea of flames seemed to become corporeal and dissipated like ashes being blown by a slow breeze.

Azief laughed. It was a tyrannical laugh like nothing would stand against him and his eyes were filled with determination and there was flame of will burning within them

Even though he only said two words and it seemed so easy to disperse the sea of demonic flames in those two words, it contained his unflinching and iron will!

Because he knew what he need to do to gain the demonic energy. To gain the demonic energy…the solution is quiet simple.

Become a Demon! More accurately become a Demon like Azul. To defy the heavens…and to do as you wish!

That is the way of the Demons. That is the way of the Asuras of the Dark Universe.

That is what is meant to walk the path of a Demon! Unconstrained even by the High Heaven! And then smiling Azief grabbed that wisp of energy left after the sea of flames dispersed.

It was a strand but it contains the quintessence of the Demonic energy. It is the Will of the Demonic Energy. It is the Defiant Heart core.

The moment Azief grabbed it, the strand enters Azief body and Azief hair turns long and there is a ruthless expression on his face like a Demon God.

Azief finally become a Demon!

Azief entire body is surrounded by demonic energy and blood red mist surrounded and swirls around his body that turns into demonic flames.

But the flames did not hurt him even one bit. Then the demonic aura around Azief intensified and pierced through the Heavens of Azief Inner Universe.

The entire Universe is dyed with demonic energy and it was filled with demonic aura. Azief knows he could not maintain this form for too long. But he needs to maintain this form until the demonic energy entirely fused with him and his Inner universe.

He didn’t want to become a bloodthirsty and mad killer after finished refining this Disk. After all to embody the Grand path of Azul who defies the Universe is not Azief Grand Path.

He is different from Azul.

Azief Grand Path has always been about something else. His Grand Path could be considered freedom.

While Azief is now a Demon, he knows he could only imitate Azul Grand Path for a few moments as the last measure to force the Demonic Energy to fuse into his body.

It took about a few moments before the Demonic energy to fuse with Azief entire inner Universe and his body.

For a moment Azief floats there eon the sky of his Inner Universe, unmoving, his eyes closed. But then he opens his eyes and light filled the world


Am I cruel for leaving you all with this kind of cliffhanger….I am aren’t I? hehehehe. Hahaha. Anyway the refining is about to end already

And there is a slight discussion of Grand Path. Anyway, hope you like the chapter and leave some comments. And leave some reviews on the review page if you didn’t left it yet. It helps people to discover the story.

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