Lord Shadow

Chapter 302

Chapter 302: Home is where the heart is (2)

And amidst all of this chaos and the screaming and howling, there is a green eyed raven looking at all this thing.

The green eyed raven blinks for a while and then it flies away and then vision stopped

Erika is now slowly gaining her memory. She now remembers why she fainted. And she no longer chanted

‘Death Monarch’ she said her voice is now clear and now she could move her finger. This time she would no longer wait.

She shouted in the emptiness of this space.

‘Come to me!’ She shouted and like an order this space obeys her words. The entire space distorted and it seems to emit the power of Space and Time

Another green light emerged from out of nothingness and this time instead of passing by the Oracle it struck her in her forehead.

Her entire being was envelop in that green light that has turned into mist that swirls around her entire body

And then an image appeared in Erika mind.

She saw a monster in that vision, horrendous and seems to possess no mind whatsoever. The monster seems to be destroying anything on its path, devouring life wherever it trails.

She saw a green sand hourglass in an abandoned island beside a crystal coffin. Weirdly the sand in the hourglass did not fall down.

It was like Time was unmoving in that island.

She saw a snake trapped in a sturdy cage.

She saw a white snow expanse being melted by a green acid rain as it turned into water and flow endlessly creating a water trail and pooling to become a river.

She saw a tiger and a dragon sailing through a mist, weakening at every moment.

And then she saw an owl. The won was at first looking at everything with its eyes. Then when it is time the owl hoot and then it flies off and fought the monster, clawing it with its claws.

The vision then stopped and then Erika was back again in the space of stars. This time she is standing.

She is no longer drifting aimlessly like before. Instead she now could control herself and felt that she could direct the force that has been pushing her all this time.

When she wanted to go forward the force of Time push her forward. When she wants to go back, the force of Time pushes her back.

Then she saw a green light in the distance emanating the same aura as the other green light that have passed her by.

It is a little bit further but Erika knows there must be a reason for that green light to be so far away.

‘Forward’ she thought in her mind and then like lightning, the force pushes her forward.

It was like she was light embodiment as she travels so fast that she should have been melted by the heat of the friction force or crushed by the pressure of the speed.

She then in a matter of moment arrived in front of the green light.

She cautiously approached the green light and could feel the immense power of Time surrounding this green light.

This green light looks like a strand, a thread of yarn

She then takes a deep breath and said

‘I need to try it. I need to at least try to see it’ Then decisively she grabbed that green light and the space around her distorted and the Time that is around her also distorts and then she was in another vision

This time she was in space surrounded by a dark galaxy as seven godly beings face off each other on a large table that was three times as big as Earth.

Each time they raised their voice thunder boomed, lightning strikes and the land shakes

Erika was stunned. Not because of the power of these seven godly beings but because she recognize this vision.

‘This is that vision’ she thought to herself.

She once again saw the seven godly being that is gigantic as they dwarfed the planets and the stars. By now Erika had already determine who some of them are.

Of course most of it is just her assumption .They all have their colors and all were shrouded by lights so Erika couldn’t really see them all clearly

One particularly was shrouded by dark red lights that seem to choke the life out of Erika but this time Erika could see him a little bit clearly.

She drew her gasp as she finally verifies her assumption.

The man wearing the rings in each finger, the black robed man that haunts her dreams is none other than the Death Monarch.

However this Death Monarch is colder and even more powerful than the Death Monarch that she knows.

The aura he emanated was like he was the source of destruction and Death aura around him was so thick that anyone who is close to him would have their lifespans reduced.

But that is probably because he was angry. josei

He disagrees with the other Six Gods and the other Six Gods keeps trying to persuade him. It seems he was the leader or at least the most powerful one of the seven.

Then he went away.

Then there is one other that is surrounded by green light holding a staff. Even though she could not see that person face Erika felt like she was familiar with this aura

Unconsciously she takes a step closer and then the scene changed as Erika tries to go closer to see the other faces

She saw fire. It was a great fire that devours the world from end to end.

And she sighed. Because she knows what she is seeing right now. She has seen it many times in her nightmares. This is the War of the Gods

She once again saw the Great War, millions of humans fighting to kill each other and hurling magic and clashing their weapons.

Millions dead, bodies filled the battlefield piling up to form a horrendous sight of hills of dead bodies all over the battlefield, sea of blood was formed and the soil were thick with red soils.

She watched over the battlefield and she saw the green snake, its eyes vicious and poison it’s spit out from its mouth.

Green mist swirls around that snake

A golden lightning then strike the land like a hammer striking a glass, breaking off a large chunk of the earth as a golden eagle could be seen in the sky, lightning spewing out from its feathers, showering the battlefield with thunderstorms, taking more lives.

Then she looks up. Because she already knows what she is going to see. And once she looks up she saw it.

Then on the skies, appears a large brown eye the size of the moon. No, to be exact, the eye is the moon.

She saw the Moon that was formed from the eyes of a person.

It was an illusion that rendered every mortals and human immobile and their eyes dazed like they were trapped in an illusion.

They all looked happy like they are seeing paradise, like all their dreams were being fulfilled.

She then saw the earth quake like it was angry. She saw fissures appearing without rhyme or reason.

Sinkholes were formed and then from the crack of the Earth emerged a gigantic tree with its roots deep in the Earth, biding everything.

The screaming and the killing continued and Erika wanted to close her eyes. But she endures. She keeps looking. Like a witness.

Then something falls down on top of her head. It was cold. Cold air comes from the north as she shivers and then snowflake falls down.

In a matter of second the snowstorm suppressed the thunder storm created from the flapping of the golden eagle.

She knows what she is about to see next.

She is supposed to see the sand hourglass which reminds him of the green sand hourglass she saw before and then she would see the black scythe.

But suddenly there is a cold voice ringing in her ears

‘Who’s there?’ Erika immediately almost jumps in fright. She remembers this voice when she saw the face of Paulette in one of her vision.

It was the man she could not identify that asked her this question. One of the Seven Gods

‘Who is trying to peek through Time?’ This time the voice was booming and full of majesty. Time swirls around the sound wave.

There is also a hostile feeling from Time itself against Erika.

And immediately Erika felt like her entire body is about to explode and then she immediately went out from the vision.

She coughed up blood and her face turns pale, her vitality and lifespan was harmed in that brief moments. With a few words, that voice renders her useless

She was about to faint and once again drifts in this sea of stars when someone holds her from behind, preventing her from lying down in this floating space.

The moment that hand touches her, her entire body was rejuvenated.

That terrifies her more than hearing that voice because she should have been the only one here.

She quickly pushed herself forward and then turned to look at the person who is holding her from behind.

When she looks at that face shock was one of the emotions running in her mind But most of all it was disbelief.

She saw herself….an older version of her with One Eye.

Now there will be some answer about why Erika didn’t wake up from her sleep. And there is a lot of foreshadowing in Erika vision. It always has been so many foreshadowing when Erika is involved. And there is a lot of hint each time Erika appears

And guys and gals( Thought I don’t think many girls read this kind of story)do check out my other novels Age of Adventure and Song of Heroes. Song of Heroes is kind of stopped for a moment since I am editing Age of Adventure and writing Lord Shadow at the same time.

But do check it out.

Anyway, this is it for today. Wait a few days before I post a new chapter though maybe by this time I am already finished with the new chapter

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