Lord Shadow

Chapter 313

Chapter 313: Thunder ready for a fight (3)



In the secret chamber of the Palace, a person opens his eyes, his eyes is glowing blue and boundless power emanated out of him.

The man then takes a deep breath and inhale and exhale and with him exhaling and inhaling movement the energy inside his body stabilized.

Then he smiles.

This time unlike the time before he forming his Disk did not attract any weird or dangerous phenomenon.

This person is of course Death Monarch. Other than the Death Monarch who else could access this room?

This time the room is fortified with more talisman, and protection barriers and arrays design

Today, he wakes up in quite an awkward position. Beside him was Sofia sleeping peacefully her black hair covering up her left eyes.

He could only look at her and slowly move that hair away from her eyes. Not knowing what to do he kissed her on the forehead.

They did not do anything last night, only sleep beside each other. It is not because they don’t want to. josei

The reason they don’t do anything is because they both have a lot to think about.

This morning seeing she is still asleep he wakes up and decided to form his Disk. It took him almost all morning to refine the energy.

While this time there is no weird phenomena the energy that he refines takes much more time to be formed into Disk.

Azief believes this has to do with the fact that energy was extracted from the Rings.

He had been wearing this ring for a long time and the things in the rings and the spell in the rings is all heaven defying.

But even until now he did not know the true origin of this ring. Azul seems to know something about the ring but he was clearly not fond of sharing.

Azief did not immediately go out from this room. He needs to take time. He waves his hand and he could feel the elements that flow around him.

The seventh Disk he forms is the Aether Disk. It is the energy that flows through nearly all existence.

Azief was also shocked when he found this energy inside the ring.

This is why he was always puzzled about this ring. This must be some powerful treasure in the Universe.

But he never found or heard of a powerful rings in his journey across Universes and Dimensions

He still could not control this energy perfectly but he could sense a flow in the Universe. It is a flow of energy that exists in all things.

In some magical world, Aether is called Mana. In the Three Thousand Worlds of the Jade Empire it is Qi.

This elements is highly rare and extremely magical.

Even though Azief uses the energy to form the base of his Seventh Disk, even he could not fathom how powerful it could be if it is cultivated into Laws.

Azief also has his own speculation about Aether energy. He snaps his fingers and then a flower appeared on his hand. A live fresh flower.

Azief smiles for a while before his smile faltered when the rose dissipated into blue motes of light.

‘Something that seems to exist between both matter and energy. It can partake in the nature of either substance but it is neither of those things. Hmm’ Azief ponder his own understanding of Aether.

He closes his eyes. Aether seems it seems to encompass existence seems to be similar to life force but Azief knows it encompasses more than the essence of living things.

It could also be considered to be divine power.

‘The power to create’ Azief muttered. Aether also existed in Elemental, Cosmic, spiritual and many others energies.

Azief believes if he could master this energy he will be extremely powerful and essentially….invincible.

If he could combine the energy in Aether and his Death Source…

A new thought sprouted in his mind.

He felt that if he could master this energy and turns it into Laws he could control the cosmological force and maybe even create his own.

Even now Azief could already will the laws of nature to do his biddings. Imagine the force he would be wielding the moment he mastered the Aether energy.

Right now he has seven Disks. The Worldly Disk, the Universal Disk, the Ancient Rune Disk, the Celestial Disk, the All Source Disk, the Ancient Demonic Disk and now the Aether Disk.

‘Six more to go’ he said to himself. He only needs six more Disks for him to open the Supremacy Stairway.

He then got up and he walked out. Outside nothing seems to change. He should talk to Sofia and ask how she is.

He was about to walk to the Hall when a Keeper of the palace runs to him. Then he bowed and said urgently

‘My lord, there is urgent news from the Shadow Guard. Please answer the call’ the Keeper of the Palace said as he handed a small flat stone with a round bead in the middle.

Azief knows what it is. Nowadays it seems to replace telephone of the past. It is an invention by the Order of Thinkers and marketed by the Golden Syndicate.

It is powered by monster cores.

Azief took the stone and put his hand on the bead. The beads glows and Azief brought the stone close to his ears. He expected to hear Sasha voice. Instead he heard Katarina voice.

‘Azief.’ The voice seems unenthusiastic and weak.

‘Katarina!’ he was shocked. Not because Katarina called him but he could hear the tiredness in her voice.

‘What happened?’ Azief face immediately turned hard and his eyes are bursting with killing intent.

‘Sithulran happened.’

‘You fought her?’ Azief ask, worries is evident in his tone

‘Well, when she comes knocking hard I couldn’t really just let her go without any consequences’ Katarina said as she coughed up hard.

Azief wanted to fly to Moscow right now to see her. If there is anything he could do to help he would.

With his understanding of his Life Giving Finger he is confident he could heal Katarina with one push of his finger channeling the life force of the world into her.

But for now unconsciously he is mad at Katarina. Hearing that he got injured by Sithulran he worries that her injuries is severe.

He heard what happen to Raymond and the others the last time they clash with Sithulran.

‘You…you…idiot. You should have reach out to me. I would’ve helped you’

Katarina was silent and then scoffed

‘I heard the Divine Archer is back.’ Azief ponders how to answer this question. And then he said

‘Yes. She is back.’

There is another silence.

‘Congratulations’ she said. Azief face turns complicated and then he said

‘What I said that night…..it is not a lie. It is the truth in my heart. It was true then….it is true now.’

Azief don’t know how Katarina would have looked right now and that drives him crazy.

Then Azief said

‘I will fly to Moscow. Wait for me.’

‘No. Don’t’ Katarina said and Azief face turned dark. The shock of hearing her said that almost make Azief wanted to squeeze the stone phone on his hand into ashes

‘What do you mean?’

‘There is a reason why I called you using the Shadow Guard.’


‘Will was there. He is your sworn brother right?’ she ask. Azief said


On the other end of the line Katarina hesitate to say

Azief could feel something is wrong

‘Tell me. Is there something wrong with him?’

Then she said

‘I think he is in trouble’

Azief then quickly remembered the conversation he had with Will before. He said he is dissatisfied with himself running away when he encountered Sithulran the last time

He said he too wants a rematch.

Azief then said to Katarina

‘We’ll talk later’ and he ended the phone call.

Then standing on that same spot, he closes his eyes and his Will pierce the Heavens, his Disk are all resonating and seven energies swirled around him

Then his body slowly turned translucent and then dissipated as he merged with the Will of the World, usurping it.

Azief divine sense spread all across the world. It was then he saw the fierce battle between Will and Sithulran locked in a storm of Time and Space in some island archipelago.

And Will is clearly losing and suffering severe injury.

Azief merged out from the Will of the World and his body appears back in his original position startling the Keeper Of The Palace who is waiting nearby.

‘Go!’ Azief said to the Keeper of the Palace, his eyes is red like a Demon, killing intent swirls around him. The Keeper of the Palace run away as fast as he can.

It is clear whatever that phone call is about, it makes the Death Monarch angry. In the sky of Pandemonium, thunder booms

Azief is angered. And he is full of wrath. The winds went crazy like a mad monarch.

Storms of lightning are forming all over Pandemonium to reflect the stormy emotions Azief is feeling right now

The people are freaked out but they are not yet panicked. Living in Pandemonium one had to have a strong heart

Then Azief roars, his roar is infused with his Will and superseded the Will of the World, so that his roar could be heard all over the world and mostly where Will is at.

The roar shakes the earth and causes the sea to rumble with great ferocity.

‘WILL!’ He shouted with his roar as he sees the broken image of his sworn brother, looking like he is about to die

Thunder rumbled across the vast continent of Pandemonium, Death Monarch anger is at the peak right now.

Endless thunder spread out that it causes the protection barrier in Pandemonium to crack.

Those that cultivated or have thunder energy in their body in Pandemonium all felt their thunder energy trembled.

Azief thunder is tribulation thunder, the most destructive type of thunder, containing the might of the Heavens

Arcs of lightning fill the sky and thunder boomed like a war drums. Azief is about to enter to battle.

The clouds in the sky burst into black flames as Azief forms turns into more demonic. He is using the Ancient Demonic Disk to bring out his most brutal side.

His killing intent spreads out all over the sky. Then without hesitation he flies up with the force of his propulsion cracked all the pillars in Pandemonium Centre Palace.

The shockwaves shatters almost half the residence in the Centre palace. Azief shoots out from the balcony of the Centre Palace into the sky in a shape of a blur

His speed warps space and gravity. Sonic boom exploded behind him. Thunder followed him and as he passes the sea, the sea parts into two

Azief is out for blood.

On the sky, thunder is ready to fight


Thunder is ready to a fight! This explains Azief bursting out from the Centre palace. There is not much to talk about in this part of the chapter. Anyway, there is that conversation between him and Katarina. And one could see how Azief cares about her in his own way.

Anyway next chapter is about….hahaha…I got you again didn’t I? no spoilers this time. Mwahahaha. Wait until tomorrow. And people reading it in ******* please don’t give spoilers.

And below is my obligatory promotion time for my story

And guys and gals( Thought I don’t think many girls read this kind of story)do check out my other novels Age of Adventure and Song of Heroes. Song of Heroes is kind of stopped for a moment since I am editing Age of Adventure and writing Lord Shadow at the same time.

But do check it out.

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