Lord Shadow

Chapter 333

Chapter 333: Wind of change (2)

The lock opened from the inside and the Laws around the door stopped revolving as Loki enter the room.

One would expect a small room considering the small door. But instead the size of the door is disproportionate from the size inside of the room.

The moment Loki passes the translucent barrier a few feet after the door he is greeted with the large space of darkness of space.

He immediately floated as Trisha followed him from behind and also enters and passes the barrier, floating behind Loki

Loki smiles the moment he is floating.

‘This really works’ he said as he looks behind her. Trisha nodded

‘I send the report to you before didn’t I?’

Loki nodded embarrassed. To be honest he only skimmed the reports.

‘I did read it but it is different from actually experiencing it.’ Trisha only sighs from behind and Loki ignores it.

He embeds Laws into the room core and manipulates the space around it with the help of the Laws.

It was an experimental idea. Even in his timeline he did not try doing this. But that time he was powerful enough to create his own brand of Prison and he was a Sovereign.

While he was always considered to be the weakest out of all the Seven Sovereigns, he is still after all a Sovereign.

Unless it is a Sovereign, all under Sovereigns is just a mere mortals, like an ant that could be squashed any way they wanted.

Loki sighs as he shakes his head trying to shake off the memories.

Each room contains a Law. Most of the time it would appear like this. An empty dark space without an end.

But it does have an end since it is after all a room. But it is still a large area. If one had to say each room have a space of the size of half of Europe.

Of course this large space is created by the embed Laws in the core. It also depends on which room.

Most of the prisoner room only has small space enough for them to do necessary things. But none of the room has this kind of space other than this room.

Loki and Trisha seem to be floating in space and Loki could see that person floating and drifting endlessly on the edges of this space.

‘I guess I need to talk to him personally’ Trisha nodded

‘That would be better. He still didn’t know who kidnaped him though I think he had his suspicion’.

‘He refuses to say anything to us. Though if you ordered us to torture him…’

Loki held up his hand and said.

‘Let’s not make that our first solution. And I know him. If he is really stubborn he could find other ways to kills himself. Don’t underestimate him just because you manage to catch him. He is very resourceful.’

Trisha nodded.

Loki looks at this empty space and said

‘What a bleak and dreary sight to watch. What about a change of scenery?’

‘What are you thinking about my lord?’ Trisha asked.

Loki smiles widely and then he clicks his finger and the space in this area shrink and then morphed as this entire room turns into an investigation room like those television police investigation room.

Sitting on one side of the room is Loki in a detective long coat and Trisha who no longer have her Demon Mask, covering her beautiful face.

Instead it shows her beautiful white pale face and her long eyelashes and her lush lips.

Instead of her trademark look of dark tight attire and her cape, she is now wearing detective uniforms and jeans with an office shoes.

Trisha immediately blushed red in her cheeks and she look towards Loki with a little bit of anger. Loki only laughed and said

‘I am in a mood for some change of scenery. I always wanted to try to be like those detective in those television shows.

‘So, I’m the serious but beautiful sidekick?

‘Do you want to be? That would really help’ Loki said innocently. Trisha was dumbfounded but then she only sighs and just nodded

Loki smirks.

Sitting across them, chained to the table is none other than the person the Three Sisters of Shadows caught.

The Inventor.

He was slightly dizzy from the disorientation of the entire space morphing and takes a few seconds to get a bearing.

He then look at his hand that was chained to the table like he is a criminal and then he look in front of him as he notices a presence.

The Inventor doesn’t recognize the person sitting across him but then seeing that woman he immediately know the person in front of him.

The reason why the Inventor did not immediately recognize the person sitting in front of him is because that person once again change his appearance

But seeing that woman beside that person, the Inventor immediately knows who is in front of him, smiling deviously at him

He gritted his teeth and almost shouted with all of his might toward that person. His shout is full of anger.

‘It’s you! Trickster, you did this?’

Loki nodded

‘Whoa…Calm down man. Be chill’ Loki said his face look like he was innocent and had nothing to do with anything.

Instead it looks like he was sincerely consoling the Inventor which made the Inventor almost blew the top of his head in anger.

Then he tries to grab Loki throat but because his hand was chained, his hand is just short of his neck. Loki looks at him and then a smile form on his face

That damned rotten smile.

‘Why are you doing this Trickster? Are you just now regretting letting me go? Did you too want to know where the Merchant King Treasury location likes the others? You want to kill me and take everything in the treasury?’ The Inventor shouted at Loki accusingly

Loki scoffed and then shakes his head

‘I am a man of my word, Ezzio. I make deals and people paid the Price. But I never break a promise’ Loki said saying the Inventor real name and the Inventor flinched before regaining back his calmness.

But there is still anger in his eyes. Loki then said

‘Ezzio, old friend. Let me clarify something for you so you will not misunderstand me. I could’ve killed you anytime I wanted. And I don’t mean just today. I mean every day from the moment I let you go. But I didn’t.’

Loki looks straight at Ezzio eyes and shakes his head as he continues.

‘Do you know why? Because you have nothing useful to me after you finished building that thing for me. Regardless of what you think of me, I’ve liked you, Ezzio. You have some questionable quirks that is quite a headache but I liked you’

Ezzio is a bit calm now as Loki continues his words

‘Just know this. I could have told your success of finding the treasury to any number of people and they would have gladly done my bidding to kill you. I could even have sold the information to the Broker and let you be hunted by all the crime families who mind you is still scouring the Earth searching for the Treasury’

Then Loki sighed and said with a little bit of reminisce

‘But, instead I send my people to take you in the most subtle way that even your enemies would think you just disappear for a few days. Why do you think I did this?’

Loki face goes even closer to Ezzio face and there are just a few inches of space between them. Ezzio could see Loki clear blue eyes.

Loki then said

‘It is to make it abundantly clear there is nowhere you can go in this vast Earth, there is nothing you could do to stop me from doing it again, anytime, anywhere. So…..be a good man and cough it up Ezzio. Give me the Orb. Do not force my hand, old friend’ Loki said, his back leaning on the cold chair of steel…just like those chairs in those old television cop drama.

Trisha did not interfere and just stand there beside Loki, looking coldly at Ezzio. Ezzio then lean back on his chair and take a deep breath. His mind is thinking about many things.

Ezzio close his eyes and then open it back and he look at Loki and ask him

‘All of this…for that?’

Loki nodded

‘Just that Orb?’ Ezzio asked, clearly there is something bothering him

‘Just that orb’ Loki reply calmly.

‘Nothing else? Not all the treasures in the Treasury, not all the gold, the weapons, the secrets contained within it? Just the orb?’ Ezzio ask once again for confirmation. Loki smiles and nodded

‘Nothing else’ he replied.

Ezzio was thinking what the hell is up with that Orb that Loki would rather take that than any of the other treasures in the Merchant King Treasury?

‘I need to try to dig a little deeper’ Ezzio think to himself.

Then staring at Loki he asks.

‘And what if I don’t give it to you?’ Trisha eyes turn severe. She was about to do something but Loki shakes his head and she stopped.

Ezzio did not care even one bit. His eyes are staring straight at Loki. Loki grin and then calmly he ask.

‘Why won’t you give it to me when there is nothing in it for you? I did not ask for the whole Treasury. I did not even ask for even half of it. I ask only for one thing. Out of the millions things that must be within inside that Treasury, I only want one. Then we can go our separate ways’ Loki calmly said.

Ezzio shakes his head and said

‘That’s what you said last time and now here we are’ Loki only smiles at Ezzio words.

Ezzio then said josei

‘If it is that important to you, that Orb must not be something ordinary. That you would bring me here to the secretive Nowhere Land is a testament to that secret’

This time Loki is slightly surprised.

‘You know the name of this prison?’ How did you know?’ even Trisha is surprised. Other than a select few and the prisoner inside the prison no one knew the name of this prison.

To the outside world, this is just an uninhabited island left after the Weronian War. Ezzio find it amusing to see Loki in a shocked mode.

Of all the years he is with Loki he rarely saw him surprised. It was like he knows everything that is about to happen so he is rarely surprised or shocked.

‘Well, Loki we’ve been together for years when I was building that thing for you. You don’t think I try to pry some information from you for my safety?’ Loki hearing this widened his eye and then he laughs.

‘It seems I was not as good at keeping secrets as I think I did’

Ezzio did not laugh with him.

‘What if I refuse?’ he asks once again.


The Inventor appears and the mysterious Orb has come into play. Loki scheme runs deep and he doesn’t have much time now

Anyway, hope you like the chapter and please vote and leave some gifts if you can. Though a comment is always appreciated. Thank you.

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