Lord Shadow

Chapter 338

Chapter 338: Heaven punishment (3)

The Nether energy. With the destruction energy inside his body Azief could easily refine the Nether energy.

It is an energy that flows through the realms of the living and the dead.

If he could form a Disk from that energy he could generate, conjure and manipulate nether, the very essence that flows through the realms of the living and dead

It also relates heavily with his Death Source. One could even say Nether energy is the source of powers from Death Source and other related energy source.

It is also the substance that makes up the underworld. One could think of it as a subterranean dimension where all souls go when they pass on.

Azief has been researching about souls since he created the Creation and Destruction seeds a long time ago.

Nether energy is the opposite of the Aether energy. It is similar but unlike it. It is like the Aether energy in that it is from a Plane that exists between the planes of both matter, and energy.

However, although it can partake in the nature of either substance, Nether energy is neither of these things.

Azief felt the energy of Nether being refined by the power of destruction contained in the Will of the World destructive thunderbolts.

Azief uses that opportunity to channel that destructive energy into one of the energy orbs Azul gave him.

He directed it to the Nether energy. If this succeeds he could create the Underworld in his Inner World.

One day when he could sustain life in his Inner World their souls would have somewhere to go when their physical body dies down.

Azief could feel that if he wills it the Nether energy would turns into his Disk. It is also one of the energy Azief wanted the most.

Nether force….is often misinterpreted as a Death Force but that is not entirely true.

It is more than just the source of what drains life away from living things, it is the destructive aspect of reality, the source and very concept of entropy and destruction, disasters and all degeneration in matter, energy and concepts.

It is the power that makes possible and ensures severing the soul’s connection to their mortal body, so they can pass onto the afterlife.

It is also the power that summons and controls the souls of the deceased.

This energy exists in the cosmos as sort of a gateway between the land of the Living and the Dead, stretching out to anywhere where death has potential to occur.

Like Aether, Nether is an unseen element, which means it cannot be perceived by any physical sense.

The only way Nether can be seen is if it were mixed with an Element of the Physical Realm. It is why Azief desires this energy. Aether and Nether energy

Both of them represent creation and destruction. If he wields both in his body, he could create and he could destroy.

Even now even though he did not yet refine it into his Disk Azief could feel he could expertly manipulate the cosmological force.

He felt the essence of souls and he reckons that when he turns this Nether energy into Laws he could bring down absolute destruction, collapse anything and everything into oblivion.

But the reason he wanted Nether energy the most is because by wielding it he could destroy concepts.

Around Azief the particles that makes up reality is degenerating slowly as his Nether energy refining going speedily.

The space below his feet and above his head is also being warped and some of the thunderbolts that are coming towards him becomes moot.

This is not Azief consciously willing it to happen but the power of the Nether energy that is leaked accidentally. josei

Azief take a deep breath and the whole world seems too thrummed with fear that even the thundering roars of the lightning seems insignificant in front of the mighty pressure emanating from Azief right now.

His body pressure is climbing up and there is many more the scorched and charred skins that is falling down from his body revealing a flawless glossy skins like a newborn baby.

But just because it look like a baby skin doesn’t mean it is smooth and easily hurt.

A thunder bolts strikes against Azief and Azief only had to use his fingers to crush that thunderbolt into a beautiful explosion of lights in the sky.

The clouds in the sky gathered again so much so that there is some places in the world that had no clouds in their sky.

Azief before uses his roar to rolled up the cloud above him to act a shield.

This time, his body healed and his pressure is slowly about to rival himself before he wield the Wheel, he no longer had such thoughts.

‘It is better to fight face to face and head on charging straight forward now’ he said to himself as he suddenly accelerate upwards, a supersonic boom exploded in the sky as the clouds exploded into mist of airs wherever he passes.

With thunders of the world gathering and the dark red sky the scene of Death Monarch flying upwards with craziness in his eyes it look like the Death Monarch is about to slay the Heavens.

Azief did not desire to use nay shield or any artifacts this time to shield himself from the thunder.

He will be charging head on.

He wanted to accelerate his transformation. However to the world, the Death Monarch is crazy. He had already healed himself. Why bother provoking the heavens again?

The whole world is astonished at Death Monarch behavior.

Maybe the reason why he is called the Death Monarch is because he seems to be seeking death for himself.

Azief could not care less about what people think of him at this moment.

Faced with the benefits of this thunder to his body transformation and the refining of the other energy inside his body, he would be crazy if he let this opportunity go.

The entire world and the people looking at this battle could not help but come up with another word other than madman to describe Death Monarch

But not everybody is happy with this development. For many of the people wishing him to be dead, this development is nothing but a face slap to them.

They are all glaring at the screens as they could not believe that even after all that punishment Death Monarch seems to become even stronger. And this is nothing good to them.

The Death Monarch is an already a troublesome and a force no crime families would dare to come in contact with.

But if the Death Monarch passes this incident successfully, then he would become an even more powerful being.

It is the same like Death Monarch is choking them.

The moment they dares shows their face and even accidentally involves Pandemonium in their crime business then Death Monarch will surely interfere.

And if Death Monarch moves the Three Army of Pandemonium will also moves. What is a measly force of a crime family compared to the mighty force of Pandemonium?

Even the Republic and the World Government never once come on top when dealing with Death Monarch not to even talk about them.

They did not believe that even at this moment they still underestimated Death Monarch power. Seeing Death Monarch keeps getting stronger and stronger, all the crime families head had this though in their mind.

There would be no place that the sun could shine upon them as long as Death Monarch exists.

Death Monarch must die.

‘How is it that crazy madman is still alive? Even the Heavens are no match against him? This is fucking absurd!’

One of the head of the Corleone family in Italy smashed a precious vase into the Persian carpet he bought and look frustrated.

This scene is the same in many headquarters of crime families and dark forces of the crime underworld.

They did not expect that the Will of the World will act against Death Monarch. But then they prayed that the Will of the World could destroy Death Monarch.

While Death Monarch did not really actively seeks the destruction of the crime families but everyone knows under Pandemonium no such groups thrive.

He kills anyone he wanted or one he believes did a wrong. There is no due process and no one is crazy enough to demand that from Death Monarch.

If you don’t like how he governs his dominion, one is always free to leave. But because of his killings and his tough and almost brutally inhuman stance no crime families ever dare to set foot even one step into Pandemonium.

Azief kills them brutally because he knows there is only one thing that these people from the criminal families know and respond to.

Violence and fear.

They could not be persuaded by kind words or some reformation activity.

You could not use the rule of humans to govern monsters.

So, Azief give them only one ultimatum.

For those groups that enter Pandemonium ….the only end for those people is only death. There is no due process and there are no trials to discuss evidence or severity of crime.

There is only his judgment. If he judges you guilty then by law you are guilty. It is this absurd rule that forces the crime family into a dead end.

They did not even dare sails the Pandemonium Sea to transport their products or weapons. They had to go the long way around because of the presence of Death Monarch in Pandemonium.

Meanwhile on the sky, Azief is charging head on to the clouds of thunder.

Another round of thunderbolts falls upon Azief body. Hundreds flashes of lightning like spears hurled down from the skies feeling together to strike the Death Monarch

Azief body surrounded by the vital force of his life grins as booms of supersonic behind him exploded.

Those that saw it was startled by its power. Oreki could feel his thunder source trembling and shaking inside his Inner World and Katarina could feel the patch of snow clouds that she created in the distance disintegrating as even the snows being electrified and condense into gaseous substance that come back to the heavens.

Raymond felt his Terraforce being forcefully ripped apart and Hikigaya felt that if he tries to make an illusion to deceive the Heavens, that force coming form that thunder would break through it like a hammer smashing upon fragile glass.

‘HYARGH!’ Azief shouted as he pitted his body against the thunder and a gigantic explosion happened up in the sky.


The sky is fizzing with thunderbolts arcs and stormy thunderous snakes.

When it settled, the whole world sees that there is a patch of black on the Death Monarch hand. But then he smiles as his body quickly recovers.

‘HAHAHA!’ He laughed.

The necrotic skin on his body all fell down as his body recover almost immediately and the space around him all break.

There is a vital force of creation in his body, a power that would not lose out to the pressure of the Heavens itself.

The Heavens rumbles and one could feel its wrath and for those who sensitive to the energy flow of the world, one could even sense fear

Another round of thunder attacking had fallen again but just like before Azief body turns black for a moment before he rejuvenates himself. It is like he is getting stronger every time.

Azief felt there is a powerful energy thrumming in his every veins, in his every being. It was like he was the Sovereign of all things and the whole world is under his Will

His body were destroyed, reformed and experience rebirth. Like a Phoenix that rises up from the ashes.

His Disks is not yet healed but his Physique is enough to deal with the thunder. It is getting stronger and become even more perfect and flawless.

Azief strength rises sharply that it affects the space around him. And one would notice the more thunder fell on Azief body, there is less and less burn mark on his body

While he seems alright in the surface and his vital force is climbing up, but truthfully with every round of thunder he had to endure, his body recovered but he is also losing lots of energy.

And it is becoming obvious now.

There is also the fact that he has no time to absorb energy or the capability to absorb it right now considering all of his Disk is broken.

It is why he did not form the Nether Disk right now. Doing so would put him in an even more vulnerable position than he is now.

Right now if there is other people that attack him with Laws while it will not kill him because his Physical body has been strengthened it does not mean he would get off scot free.

He himself knows he is at the limit. His vital force is slowly being chipped away by the thunders as the Heaven seems to become angrier and more vicious in its attack.

‘Heaven and Earth’ Azief muttered to himself

This concept has never been more real than it is now.

When Heaven and Earth try to exterminate someone, not many people could fight until this stage, forcing the Heaven to this step.

For the Heaven wanted t punish him and the Earth want to reject him.

Could you imagine every force of energy in Earth trying to reject you, trying to swallow you and the Heavens wanted to exterminate you?

Such pressure would break many heroes.

A rejection force that came from the very core of Earth. And a destructive pressure from above the sky.

Even Azief the Death Monarch would bleed.

And it is breaking him right now, one step at a time. But he did not despair. He pushed forward. As the chains of Heavens and the shackles of Earth is trying to force him, to oppress him down back into the Earth, Azief would never let that happen to him.

He was never free. He was never free before. But he is free now. And no one is going to put chains and shackles on him.

From the moment the meteorite fall and bring magic and several of other energies that appeared to Earth, Azief was free.

And from that moment, he has been flying in the sky like a blue bird of freedom, traversing the clouds flapping his wings carefreely.

When Azief first could fly he would look at the direction of the sky, close his eyes and take a deep breath.

Then he would open his eyes and he would fly to that sun smiling.

He would then proceed upwards and he would reach the thin wall between Earth and space.

Then he would look down on the Earth from that vantage point. And then he look back at the space and he felt how small he is compared to the Universe and how much he doesn’t know.

It is a humbling experience. And that is what he did….always on night where he is lost and confused.

But he also do it to cultivate a humble personality. He is confident but he never forgets to make sure he is humble.

To remind himself that he is not…..always invincible. Because the moment he starts thinking like that, he would surely make a mistake.

He could project the image of invincibility to his enemies, but he himself must not believe himself to be invincible.

Because he knows he is still far from that. And his wish was never to become invincible. He just wishes to be free to live peacefully.

That is all he wants.

To live peacefully and without restraint. Right now even though he is attacked and bombarded by thunderbolts, closing his eyes he could feel it.

The feeling of the cloud between his knees, the exhilarating speed and the sound of the wind. It is hard to describe how euphorically that experience really is.

Being truly free. That is why there is no use putting chains on him.

It will break down. And if it doesn’t, he will find a way to break it. The Heavens has always been giving him an ultimatum.

Either he surrenders under Heaven following its Laws and cultivates according to its Will and lives or defies the heavens and run the risk of dying….. but free.

It was a tough choice for him…at least before the Fall. But now he had no hesitation of what he will chose if he is ever presented with such choice.

He would rather being free and die rather than being alive and enslaved.

Azief was not the only one noticing that as the Heaven and Earth gathered its energy against this long war against Death Monarch, his body could no longer heal as fast as the thunder struck.

One could see the vital force of his life slowly being chipped away by red and grey thunderbolts by golden and purple lightning and by spears formed from the stone below the sea.

Heaven is no longer the only attacker of Death Monarch.

The Earth has joined in.

Even Raymond with his Terraforce could feel the surging anger of the Earth, its mighty roar resounded in his ears like a declaration of war.

Form below the sea water rises up creating a sharp blast that attack Azief from below and the dirty, soft mud in the seabed coagulate and gathered together, becoming solid from the compression of energy and then shoot itself up.

One could see millions of stone-like spears shot out from the sea and attack the Death Monarch.

Thunder came, and now rocks and stones appeared. The heaven and Earth united in their killing intent.

Exterminate Death Monarch! This is the Will of the World!


Third part of the chapter. Next chapter the plots sown before will sprout. Anyway, hope you like this chapter and thank you for reading. leave some reviews and comments and vote if you can.

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