Lord Shadow

Chapter 342

Chapter 342: That arrow (4)

The arrow however had already been loosens and abyss of space was ripped apart and huge crack appeared in the sky

The arrow broke through the heavens and earth as it closed in, creating ripples of monstrous pressure that spread in all directions.

A monstrous killing intent came from the arrow

It was as if at this moment, no person or thing in this world could stop this arrow. This is the might of Houyi Bow.

At this moment the whole world also had one realization. It is true that Lady Sofia is not as powerful as Ice Queen Katarina or the other heroes like Raymond, Hikigaya, Oreki or Jean but if one forces her to a death end and she uses the Houyi Arrow then it is doubtful that anyone in the world could be her match.

And people remembered why she was classified as a dangerous persona non grata in the World Government bounty list before they canceled of the bounty.

It is because she possesses the Houyi Bow.

But because she never uses it people forget that she even has it. Today, the might of her arrow and bow were revealed to the world.

And a new fact emerged in this battle. Katarina is the strongest woman in the world…only if Sofia did not use her bow.

The arrow flashed by like flash of light and every assassins that come out from that rip in space all fell a sting of pain in one part of their body before they all exploded in a fireworks of blood and gore.

And then the whole world was calm again.

BOOOM! Azief body did not finished his transformation but Azief couldn’t care right now josei

And he flew as fast as he is breaking space and ripping the time-space barrier around him as he arrived almost an instant beside Sofia who is about to be unconscious.

His eye sis anxious and there is fear in his eyes.

Death Monarch, the strongest man in the world that did not even show one trace of fear when he was fighting the Heavens and not even when the assassins appeared.

But now, for the first time since the battle begins, he shows fear.

And he grabbed him and hugs her tightly.

While hugging her he transferred Life Force into her. Azief life force right now has increased tenfold as he is as eternal as the Heavens right now.

Life force is thrumming inside his every meridians and veins and it is channeled into Sofia body reforming back her Inner World and healing her injuries.

But her body is dangerously at the breaking point. If not for Azief fast action, she probably would have to spend time in a coma after this , and permanently abolish her hard earned work in forming her Disk

Azief for a moment, wanted to take that Houyi Bow and break it into two because of his rage. But Sofia words bring Azief to a standstill

‘I’m not late am I?’ Sofia said weakly as she is coughing up blood. Azief face turned hard and he hug her tighter.

He kissed her on her hair and his eyes is red as water is forming around the edges of his eyes

‘No, you’re not’

‘Good. Uhuk’ she said as she coughed up another black blood from her lungs as her body slowly regains back its vitality.

But her potential will always be permanently scarred. But she didn’t seem to care. Azief body is trembling. That moment just now is probably the most terrifying moment in Azief life.

The thought…..of losing her…just the thought of losing her fill his mind with a future of an endless darkness.

Having her in his arms, hugging her tightly to make sure she is still here calms his heart down. Azief don’t know what to say right now, so he only hugs her.

Sofia could not see him because Azief is hugging her. Smiling she tries to move her hand but unfortunately it is withered like a dried rotten plum exposed to the sun.

She couldn’t use her hands right now to hold Azief cheeks. To wipe the tears that is slowly coming down from his eyes and falls down onto her shoulders.

So, she lean her face slowly and gently kissed his neck. And she said

‘See, I could do what she could do too.’ Azief stiffened hearing Sofia words.

Azief did not feel happy hearing it. Instead he felt guilty and his entire body trembles. All fo this….and Azief shakes his head. This is not what he wanted for her.

His words trembling he gently caressed her beautiful smooth silky hair and said

‘You didn’t have to do it, you know? I never blamed you. I never wanted you…to think you aren’t enough. ‘

Sofia hearing this, in his embraces only smiles bitterly. In her eyes she could see Katarina hundreds of miles away and Katarina is also looking at her.

Sofia closes her eyes before opening it back.

Her eyes are getting lazy and heavy.

The life force Azief channel will save her life but it does not change the fact that Sofia using that arrow expended almost everything in her being.

She would have to rest and even Azief boundless life force must not force Sofia body to accept all of it.

Unless Azief want Sofia body to explode with such massive life force injected into her body. Azief has to take it slow.

‘I’m tired’ she whispers to Azief

‘Lean on me’ Azief gently reply. Sofia smiles as she could feel her eyes is slowly about to close. Then she asked

‘This is not a dream is it?’ Sofia asked.

It has been a long time since she felt him on her. It has been a long time since she could feel this warmth covering her. It is a familiar feeling that she wanted since the day she left.

Azief hug her tighter, tears is about to falls down from his eyes even more

‘No, it’s not’ he answers. Sofia eyes is already half closed and she whispers to Azief ears that almost broke Azief heart with pain

‘If it’s a dream….don’t wake me up’ she said as both of her eyes close.

As she drifts into unconsciousness, she felt like she is walking on clouds, free and unrestrained, happy and euphoric.

And she knows at that moment she is fucked. Because she has fallen so deeply, over the heel kind of love for Azief.

She would never say it and she would deny it to death if anyone asks but it is probably since he saved her from the Super croc, her heart has always beats for him.

Though he would never know that. That is her secret. And every time they kiss, his kiss is like sweet cotton candy. It is one of the things that Sofia notice when she kissed him.

When they walk together in the garden or the park, he would hold her hand tightly and she always likes that.

And sometime when he is not looking she would sneak furtive glances on him. She doesn’t think Azief knows how handsome he is when you look at him from his right side.

That feeling has always been saved up deep in her hearts.

That why she is falling crazy in love with him. And as she is thinking of this, her eyes closed and she falls unconscious…with a smile on her face.

In the sky, Azief has finished transferring life force inside Sofia body to make sure she will not be in danger after she wakes up. He holds her and then closes his eyes.

Then opening back his eyes, a strong life force burst out from his body that the sky above him changed color to blue.

The red sky is no longer there instead it is replaced by a blue sky. His entire energy recovers like a dry tree revived in spring. His Inner world was constructed as fast as lightning strikes the earth

His body and energy completely recovered. He made a fist and he felt completely transformed. He kissed Sofia forehead and then his body split into two.

His Shadow Clone appears and takes Sofia body as it flew across the South Atlantic Ocean. He looks in the distance and he saw the assassins.

The one that is not yet dead.

He slightly curled his lips and there is maliciousness in his eyes.

He had always pursued the perfect physical body and the powerful force were just the way of Perfection that he had always pursued.

The assassins were about to run away in all direction but then even before they could take that one step Azief spoke, his voice is like the decree of the Heavenly Will.



Thunder exploded from the blue sky as vines of lightning bolts stretched out forming a thunder cage around the entire sea.

Azief is trapping not only the area but he also at the same time Seal the Space around it.

Unless these people are able to break space and direct it to somewhere else, then they could forget of trying to teleport their way out of this

On the other hand the higher up of Kasap that is watching this scene in their headquarters all felt bitter.

Sithulran, Will of the World, Extermination thunderbolts, and even the Heavenly Thunder of Extermination all fought the Death Monarch in the span of one day.

And all of these forces still aren’t enough to bring him down. Kasap organization thought that they would score big after targeting Death Monarch.

Who would have thought they have no made an enemy out of Death Monarch…new and improved.

Azief survived all of this and now he had a flawless perfect physique that could endure Laws altering.

Even before this he was the top notch person in the world. And now he had transformed himself to become even more powerful. The thought itself was terrifying!

Azief look at the sky and he felt that the Heaven is weakening. And as such the rate of the world healing would also be affected and also the spawning of the weak monsters.

Right now, since Azief has fought the Heavens, and survived one way or another the Heavens have no choice but to recognize Azief existence

But to say it recognize Azief it is like under playing down Azief capability. Instead of recognizing it, is more the fact that the heavens is incapable of doing anything to him anymore.

Azief stood in the air valiantly, with his dark black robe fluttering in the wind.

The chilling atmosphere that is emanating from him is flowing between the heaven and earth, and all the people of the world that is watching this scene gulped in awe.

The imminent vibe of death and destruction radiating from him indicated that he was not going to let it end here.

He look at the frightened assassins in the distance and he gave them an eerie smile that would be the last thing they saw as Azief glance at his fist and then look back at those assassin.

Frightened by Azief smile, some of those assassin cried in fear. Then he said

‘You people really do not give me any respect? Do you think my reputation is built of hot air? YOU DARE!’ His voice is like thunder roaring as the entire sky tremble and shakes.

Then suddenly he disappeared from the eyes of the assassin because his speed was so fast that their eyes could not even perceive it

In an instant he appeared in front of those people. He lift up his hand as the wind around him all condense and exploded as a primordial energy that seems to come from ancient time covered the whole thunder cage.

And then a powerful force of destruction swept the area inside the sealed space of the thunder cage.

And wherever that force of destruction swept by everything was extinguished. One could hear the wailing and screams of those assassins before they turned into dust.

The screaming of their pain make people that were watching sweat buckets of fear. Then Azief look back at the sky and he waved his hand and the thunder cage was dispersed.

He took a long time looking at the Heaven and then he said

‘Today, I have something I need to confirm’ as he clench his fist and a look of determination appears in his eyes.

Whatever Azief wanted to confirm, it seems today event is about to come to a close.


Hmm..what do you think? last chapter for this month I think. Unless I could finish what I was writing before the end of the month, this is the last chapter for the month

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