Lord Shadow

Chapter 349

Chapter 349: Grand path (2)

Meanwhile on the sky of the South Atlantic Ocean, Azief is trying to grab the thin string with his hand.

His hand itself is envelops by seven energies that seems to be able to grab anything in this vast universe.

Wherever it passes, it either absorbs, destroy or break down the concepts and energies they clash with

Even though there is no longer thunder and lightning. The roaring of the wind did not cease and light filled the dark sky

The thin string sensed danger and immediately flashes through clouds as it retreated away as fast as it can.

Azief wanted to clear a doubt in his heart and in his mind and want to take advantage of the crisis to strengthen himself.

That is what he had always done to get stronger. Take advantage of the crisis to become stronger, no matter what. And now there is a chance for him.

His body is now like an empty receptacle.

With his body transformation, he felt he could contain more than just energies of the Universe. He could contain even worlds inside it.

His body alone is powerful enough to smash Laws. What kind of concept is that? To destroy laws just by using the prowess of the body

This kind of terrifying body physique, there is not many in the world that possesses such strength and prowess.

He roars and then he laughed. To the people watching Death Monarch behavior right now, they could not understand.

But some people understand.

Even though Oreki, Hikigaya, Raymond and Katarina are now far away from Azief location, they could still see something and sense something.

They are just not quite sure whether what they are sensing is really what they think it is. It is hard to confirm unless one sees the world through the eyes of Death Monarch

Oreki sighed. And then he turned to look toward Hikigaya and said almost despairingly

‘The Wall is getting taller and taller. Can we even climb over it?’ He said with a sigh

Hikigaya heard it and there is a faint smile on his face.

His eyes were shining golden colors before but now it has dimmed and the blood that drips down from his eyeballs has also dried up.

There is still some paleness on his face, his back is sweating cold sweat and his hands are still trembling because of the pain but he only smiles and said

‘If it is so easy to climb this wall, why would we desire to climb it? If it is that easy, why would we even try to climb it?’

Oreki hearing this was shocked before he laughs joyfully and nodded his head in agreement.

‘True’ he said and then he turns to look toward Katarina. Katarina look at him and raise her chin.

Oreki only shakes his head and then said

‘He is fine now’

Then he added

‘He is better than fine. I just hope he remembers old favors’ Oreki said looking at Death Monarch trying to grasp at something.

He didn’t know what the Death Monarch is trying to grasp but he could sense something that is changing in the energy of the world.

He had a pretty good guess what Death Monarch is trying to do. In the end, his Grand Path is not the same with Death Monarch grand path

So, there is no need to understand his path

Katarina only nodded, understanding Oreki feeling.

She herself felt it and had a guess. But her Grand Path is quite similar to the path of Heavens which is why probably she didn’t even try to understand Azief Grand Path.


That is Azief creed. But her creed is to bind. To let thing stay as they are. To froze a moment eternally

In a way her methods are the same like the Heavens. josei

Oreki look at Katarina lost in thought after nodding at him smiles a bitter smile and then with a flash of thunder he disappeared from the scene.

Hikigaya on the other hand no longer have the beast he had ridden to the battlefield before. Instead under his feet is balls of clouds.

He then said looking at Katarina, his voice is weak and he seems to suffer quite a grievous injury during his battle with the Divine Thunder of Extermination

‘My work here is done. Tell him, I have paid my debt. We are even’ Katarina nodded and Hikigaya clouds moves away as his figure slowly shrouded by a fog of clouds and disappeared from sight.

Raymond on the other hand look toward that dark clothed figure in the sky and sighed. He looks at Katarina and then he also sighs.

There is only silence on the area between Raymond and Katarina.

Other than the sound of the space breaking and wind roaring in the distance, it was like silence has descended in this part of the sky

‘You’re not going to say something?’ Katarina asked Raymond. Raymond contemplate a bit and he close his eyes as he seems to be thinking of something

‘What else is there to say? What is there more to say?’ Katarina look at Raymond like he is some kind of a weird person she did not get a grasp on.

‘Why did you save him? You didn’t need to. And everyone knows that while Hirate try to appear buddy with him, everyone knows Death Monarch hated the World Government ways of doing things. If not for his disdain for dirtying his hand, he would have killed Hirate a long time ago’ Katarina asked.

After all she understood why Hikigaya trying to save Death Monarch.

Hikigaya wanted to repay a debt. He must have saw something, a path leading to the trial he should have walked on when they last clashed in Island of Peace.

So, today he come to repay it back so he would not owe anything to Death Monarch in the future

Oreki while is not that close with Death Monarch his presence here can be understood. Oreki had always have vague relationship with Death Monarch but Raymond?

There is not much relation there nor is there a need for Raymond to try to save Death Monarch life

Even if he does not come no one would blame him. Raymond also seems to be thinking of how to answer this question.

He will not talk about Hirate matters since he did not want to talk about politics. After all it is not like the Death Monarch is that fond of the Republic either.

He will only answer why he came today.

There is a shadow of a woman that flashed by his mind when he was thinking the answer to this question and he smiles bitterly

Then Raymond answered Katarina question

‘Because he wanted to save the world. He was fighting Sithulran and if no one helped him before, one could surmise they might be more opportunistic villains trying to take his life than just Kasap.’

Katarina shakes her head and decided to accept that explanation. Then she said with a kind of a mocking smile

‘You are still that honorable man I know. A good guy’ Raymond notice the mocking tone she use

‘That is actually a burden’ Raymond said.

‘What is?’

‘Being honorable and good’ he said. Katarina was silenced and the she nodded and no longer offer any words.

If Raymond is the typical hero in a story, then Azief is a villain. Because villain is true to their desires.

Everyone have a light and darkness in their hearts. But people always pretend that they don’t have that darkness in their hearts

He embraces the dark side and stay true to his desire no matter what people say. But its probably because of that he is lonely

Someone who is true to their desire is usually lonely.

Raymond just shakes his head and asks Katarina, breaking the awkward silence between them with another question that doesn’t help to ease that awkwardness

‘I always felt that you don’t like me’ He ask looking straight at Katarina.

‘I don’t’ Katarina answered swiftly

‘Why?’ He asks calmly.

the answer did not shock him that much. After all he had always expected so. But Raymond didn’t think she hated him because he is in the World Government.

It doesn’t seem like Katarina care much about the Republic. After all the one ruling in her stead is her brother.

So he was always curios about why Katarina never seems to like him

‘Why does it matter?’ she asks

Raymond frowned and said

‘We never clash swords against each other and I don’t think I did anything to make you hate me so I want to know why’

Katarina look at the distance and saw Azief. She smiles a bit and then she answered

‘He doesn’t like you’ Raymond was curios of this and then he also looks toward where Katarina gaze is seeing and he understand

He almost laughs at the reason

‘Is that a reason?’ he asks

Katarina nodded and answer

‘It is a reason for me’ Raymond hearing this unexpected answer suddenly chuckles

Then like he couldn’t hold it anymore he laughs at the absurdity of it all.

‘HAHAHA’ he laughs

‘So that is the reason’ he sighed and then he nodded and added

‘Thank you for resolving the knot in my heart. So it was always that simple. I wish I was that simple’ he said and then without turning back he fly below the sky and disappeared from sight in almost an instant

Now, only Katarina is there, looking at Death Monarch in the distance.


The other have retreated and only Katarina is still there. Anyway, who do you think best girl? No, don’t tell me. I know all of your thoughts. I heard all about it. Anyway, I am not going to make it easy for you all. Like always I am the S author. Mwahahaha.

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