Lord Shadow

Chapter 403

Chapter 403: Scheming in the dark


The Garden of Pandemonium is one of the most scenic area inside the Centre Palace and it is one of the most relaxing place to unwind

Even Death Monarch usually could be found there in his idle time. It is also one of the rendezvous place for the couples in the Palace.

There were many Keepers of the Palace and the Palace Maiden that met here to express their ardent wish and desires

Of course when Death Monarch is in the Palace, the Keepers of the Palace and the Palace Maiden avoid doing it.

Nobody likes to be caught with their pants down by Death Monarch. He might just pulverize them on the spot.

And while the people of the palace like dating there, nobody even dares to have sex there. After all, it is his garden.

Today, as the sun begins to show his face someone is sitting on a chair inside one of the gardens in the large Garden of Pandemonium.

The person is sipping wine in the morning like it is nobody business.

This person is tall, around six feet five, with brown hair and green eyes.

He is fit and lean, his face is handsome and his demeanor is especially striking.

The few Keeper of the Palace and the woman maids look at this person yet even though his face is strikingly handsome and his demeanor is amiable none of them dare to come near this person.

When they pass the area of this Garden to do their job on the other side of the Centre Palace, they would look down to the ground fearing to make eye contact with this person and they will not speak a word.

It is not they tried to alienate the person. They would not dare to do such a thing. They just following the wisdom of the Palace.

That is to see nothing, to hear nothing and to know nothing.

Because this person background is too high for them to interact with and the rumors surrounding this person is numerous and no one knows which one they should believe.

And not every rumor about this man is good. Which explain the precautions that the Keeper of the Palace took to not communicate with this person.

The man sighed as he looks at the garden.

He come down from his room today to look around the Garden to ease his heart.

While the beauty did take his mind off from his problem for a few minutes, his mind could not just forget it all.

They are too many things that had happened in this past few months that made him unsettled

He got up leaving his unfinished wine on the table.

As he got up and leave the Keeper of the palace that is responsible for the maintenance of the Gardens watch over and saw the unfinished wine and they all quickly cleans it making sure the place is clean as a sparkle almost immediately.

The wind blows gently today in Pandemonium but that Keeper could not help but feel his back is sweating.

That person might not do anything but the pressure around him is truly suffocating

They also released a heave of relieved breath after seeing that person have already gone from this place.

The man walks around the corridor as he looks at the roof of the other towers in this Palace like he is waiting for something or someone.

In the distance, he saw a raven flapping around its wing on top of one of the towers. The man smiles as he walks calmly to his destination

Each time he passes the Keeper of the palace, they would all bow down to him before going on their way.

They did not speak unless spoken to and they did not try to curry favor from him or trying to make his life miserable.

In other words, he felt that they are keeping a comfortable distance from him.

The man sighed bitterly thinking about this matter.

It is not that Azief is making it hard for him. It is because the tense atmosphere in Pandemonium right now.

There is that murder that got everybody talking, then there is the fact that a battle almost erupted in the Court and dye this entire Palace red.

If not for Wang Jian rushing in time to stop the battle, he would not know how Death Monarch would response.

In the time that he steps out of Pandemonium momentarily, chaos seems to rear its ugly head almost like someone is directing this.

Now in Pandemonium, the Three Army, the Central Government and the Shadow Guards seems to be watching each other like predator eyeing each other waiting for some weakness to appears

The Central Government hold the Western Suppressing general Athena to be responsible for the murder of their most esteemed leader of their faction, while Athena herself is incensed because her people were also being assassinated and demand justice.

Wang Jian shut the Southern Region while Freya took up the North and defend her position in case the Central Government is trying to reduce the influence and power of the Three Army.

The populace does not know what truly happens in the Palace, but they could feel the tense atmosphere in Pandemonium right now.

After all, The Three Generals no longer came to the Palace in their monthly court meeting while the Central Government officials set the Court at the Ten Thousand Blessing Pavilion instead of the Centre Palace.

The Head Keeper of the Palace suddenly shut off the gate of the Centre Palace not allowing any officials, or any members of the military to enter the Palace until Death Monarch return. josei

So, everyone in Pandemonium knows something happens. They just did not know what happened in exact.

But they thought it might have to do with the fact that Death Monarch is leaving.

And everyone expected him to settle a few affairs before he is leaving.

The Central Government, the Three Army, the officials and the people of Pandemonium is all in a state of anxiousness.

For this couple of months, there is no large events. War is rarely waged now as each power is consolidating their powers and trying to attract population to their area and Continent.

Each power is offering a lot of benefits. The only one that did not do such advertisement is Pandemonium.

Yet people still keep sailing the seas to come here.

Pandemonium is large and most of its land is uninhabited.

There is the fact that most of the people of Australia died in the initial Fall that causes it to become uninhabited.

It wasn’t until Azief clear the land and formed Pandemonium that the people of the world started migrating here.

The title of the strongest is the most effective advertisement that they have. Everyone like being with the winning side.

This is not the first time that Death Monarch is leaving.

But Pandemonium is not a normal territory like Eden in the Fake World. Many people that is in Pandemonium here now used to live in Eden

But Pandemonium is not Eden.

Eden was not as large as Pandemonium.

And there is the fact that people regarded Pandemonium as their homes and where they belong.

Civilization was started again and the most stable one is in Pandemonium.

People still die of course.

There is still unexplored land and there are monsters everywhere roaming around the land.

But as long as you take precautions there is no dangers.

Pandemonium still have caves with monsters on it but instead of a place of fear those caves were treated like dungeons in a video game where people who are at lower levels could ask for help to help them at least pass the Pillar Forming Stage.

The man walks around the corner as he climbs the stairs to go to the Communication Tower.

As he walks he could see below him people scurrying about in the market place in front of the Centre Palace

Pandemonium is peaceful right now but he could feel the anxiousness in the air. Probably the only one that is not anxious is the Shadow Guards.

No one knows when Death Monarch is living but as weeks and months passes by and seeing Death Monarch entering into seclusion, all the people in the world speculated it will not be long now.

He is going and the question in everyone mind now is who will substitute for him?

Who would rule in his absence?

Everyone knows that Death Monarch doesn’t really rule Pandemonium at least this is common knowledge among the Three Army and the Central Government because most of them is the one that is making the policies.

But just because he didn’t draft laws or make policy to say he is not the ruler of Pandemonium is ridiculous.

The Shadow Guards is his sharpest blade and his orders are followed to the letter without question.

He is their leader and each of his words is like a decree from the Heavens.

He did not need to say much to express his will because his official knows his will. They created an effective system of bureaucracy that aligned with Death Monarch personality.

There is fear, awe and respect from all over the world of this person called Death Monarch. And the whole world is waiting for him to leave and before he leaves, none of those forces dares to make even a squeak for fearing to attract his attention.

The man sighed as he finally arrived at the Communication Tower and then he opens the room.

This Communication tower is one of the abandoned communications towers in the Palace.

The Three Army and the Research Department of Pandemonium headed by Budiman created new kind of communication center and is inventing many new things like the Orb of Recording and the Stone Disk Player.

They used to communicate using birds but now since that method was scrapped, these tower also were abandoned.

The moment he enters the door he quickly closed the door and then stomp his feet. Energy rushed out from his entire body and gathered at his feet.

The moment that energy comes out it turns into a green aura.

Then it condenses into green mist comes out from the point where he stomps the floor as the green mist turns into runes and embedded itself into every brick of this room.

If anyone Divine Senses were to scan around here, they would discover that no one is inside the room and no noise escape from inside the room to the outside.

The raven on the opposite tower fly over to the open window of the communication tower and then it jumped to the ground and it morphed into a young woman.

The man was not shocked at all. Instead it was almost like he expected it.

It is a woman around six feet four, slender and wearing a red smiling demon mask with horns on each side

This young woman is none other than one of the Three Demoness Trisha the Red Smiling Demoness.

The moment she morphed back to her original form, even as the green mist around her not yet receding. She anxiously reported the information she got

‘My lord, I got the news’

The man smiles and nodded. Then he said

‘I never doubted that you would get it’


Part one of the last chapter for the month. There will be another chpater tomorrow untuil the 30th if my calculation is correct. Anyway, hope you enjoyed it and leave some commennts, rate the chapter and vote for the story

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