Lord Shadow

Chapter 421

Chapter 421: The thirteen disk (1)

The moment he said that he closes his eyes and his aura rises up exponentially.

Azief is in his Inner Universe again as his presence stirred up all the twelve energies present inside it.

He takes a breath and the world stirs and responded like it is heaving and breathing like him

He is floating up in the sky his body is clothed by darkness and the aura around him were divine and full of godly presence that envelop everything.

He smirks as he looks above him. He is the Heaven here and if he wanted to he could travel anywhere in an instant.

It would not take him even a second since the Laws of Space and Time in this world is under his command.

In this world, he is God.

Whatever he desires, whatever he wanted would be realized. He felt his twelve energies that made up this world is eager to be unleashed.

It was like a pet that has gone hungry. It years to be fused again and Azief could not help but be excited.

They wanted to be unleashed from their leash.

He waved his hand and his energy spread out from him and a golden bluish light exploded out from him.

The sky around him changed colors, the sky shakes and rumbles, the land trembles and tremors and it was like an omen of apocalypse that is descending down from the heavens

Azief look at this with no change of expression as he could feel his entire body becoming even more powerful, full of energy and the ability to control everything in here josei

It was like he is slowly merging with everything. His eyes is shining bluish golden light as it could penetrate anything in this world and he could see even the smallest atom if he wish for it.

He smiles and then he said

‘Gather!’ he shouted, his word shakes the entire Universe as stars exploded creating a large black hole in some corner of his Universe.

And this word of him turns into a heavenly decree that could not be disobeyed.

The energy of the world heeded his summon like an emperor calling upon his loyal subjects. He looks at the sun and it dimmed and the world goes dark under his gaze.

He breathed and the winter wind set in and freeze the world, as mountains fall and trees wilted. Then he opens his palm, waiting for the energy to came to him

The Worldly energy gathers and turns into a small orb that spin on top of Azief palm.

On the real world, Sofia look worriedly at Azief.

While Azief is standing still on the middle of the marketplace, Sofia could see there is a change in Azief body. He is not the only one that senses it.

The dignitaries peek and could saw that the Death Monarch closes his eyes and his body suddenly emitted a powerful aura.

It was one that could push people hundreds of miles away, and it an absolutely terrifying aura as it seems wildly going off in every direction.

Yet, when that aura passes through the people that is kneeling and kowtowing to the ground, the aura removes their impurities.

The one that is kowtowing feeling this energy passes through them knows that this is the way Death Monarch giving them some blessing.

The sorrowful appearance of the tens of thousands of people kowtowing on either side of the street become even more sorrowful.

The Heaven way is to abandon affection and become heartless. Azief defy this and he won. But who in the world could do things that Death Monarch did?

If everyone could do what he did, then he would not be considered a legend and the hero of the generation.

This is his era. Everyone knows that.

But even though Azief is not heartless that did not mean he is full of affection.

In a way, even though he did not follow Heaven Way, he is infinitely closer to heaven way than anybody else.

He is heartless and he abandon affection for useless things. But being heartless is not to be emotionless.

He might not care much about the people of Pandemonium and this continent when he first founded it but his heart grows fonder of it.

He had affection for this city but he still could appear so indifferent and emotionless and hold the affections people of the world gave him in disdain.

Because while affection is a precious thing…it is also very cheap. He knew that if have affection on something or someone, he must not be controlled by that affection.

And he is bad at doing that. That is why he defied the Heavens. He wanted to be whatever he wanted to be.

He nearly become inhuman.

Not in the way inhuman refers to being cruel but inhuman in the sense that he would not forget his emotion.

Azul had led him to believe that Heaven path is not the only path in this wide vast Universe and it is not necessarily the strongest.

It is the easiest but the easiest path does not mean it is the stronger path.

The moment Azief had his Will acknowledged by the heavens, he broke though something invisible and one could see he is more expressive and his feeling is more human.

In the past he would not care even a bit about these people kowtowing to them but now he is even giving them the chance of purifying themselves.

And his aura is slowly rising even more.

Inside his inner world, as the Worldly energy gather on top of his palm another energy is gathering and gaining momentum

The gravity in his Universe seems to be disturbed and the moons and the stars became dim like it is being drained.

Things that should have been stationary moved, and things that should move become stills and things that should not float, floated.

BOOOM! A larger explosion created an energy blast that spread out through his Inner Universe.

The stars were drained of its energy.

Energy coming out from this drained stars and moons gathers and turns into an orb of light that shot out to Azief and floated on top of his palm.

It looks like it is still but it is actually spinning so fast that no one could see its motion.

Azief could see it because he could feel its motion and he as the monarch of this Universe could see through it easily.

Azief smiles and then he looks back at his slowly destroyed world as the sea was rising, on one part and some were freezing while mountain collapses on itself and the large land break off into smaller pieces

On one part of his world, it was freezing while on the sea on the other side, it was boiling so hot that the vapors created clouds.

An ancient energy suddenly bursted out from the world.


The breakthrough is coming and the stairway is coming

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