Lord Shadow

Chapter 431

Chapter 431: The gate (2)

He could guess who brought out that Gate. He had not seen that Gate for a very long time.

Meihul also frowned looking at this current scene. She did not think that Gate is part of the test of the Supremacy Stairway.

Even though she herself did not walk the Perfection Path or walk the Supremacy Stairway, that aura coming out from that Gate made even her felt fearful.

It was not like normal fear. It is an instinctive fear and that blue glowing symbol fill her heart with unease.

And looking at her husband expression her guess is correct.

‘Someone is trying to further their own agenda taking advantage of him. That ancient thing should have pretend he is dead just like before’

Azul said.

Then looking at the blue aura that is slowly emanating out from the Gate he said

‘The Creator and Destroyer have always turns a blind eye on him because he is the last of his kind, that alone is generosity enough……Now he suddenly summons that Gate. What he is trying to do?’ Azul ask himself.

He is pondering but it is clear that he would not let this go on.

Azul did not say much about Supremacy Stairway to Azief because he was confident that Azief would find his own way.

Sometimes, telling oneself where their destination end, is like cutting their Grand Path early.

It is why many Grand Supremacy like him or Supreme Beings did not like divining their own future or ask another about their own future because it could waver their will

Meanwhile on the steps Azief who was looking at the Gate opening slowly could not believe how easy it was to open this Gate.

The moment that he pushes the door of that gate a ray of blue aura solidify and turns into an all-illuminating light.

It was so blinding that Azief could hardly keep his eyes open. It was like the light itself is filled with Laws of the Universe.

That kind of light could even blind him as Azief did not resist and put his hand up to resist the explosion of light

The blue light passes him and for some weird reason Azief senses that his body become even more stronger.

This time the light become more intense and he had no choice but to close his eyes

Because he closes his eyes he could not see that his vein is turning blue.

His vein is being filled by weird symbols and each of his veins right now, if it was extracted from his body could be used as a rope to attach itself into stars and is capable of bringing it down.

The blinding light slowly covers the rest of the Universe and while Azief could not see he is sensing a Will is being awaken.

‘This is bizarre’ he thought to himself.

Azief could feel his premonition is tingling. It didn’t seem like a test. The feeling he is feeling right now is like someone is bestowing an inheritance to him.

But each inheritance of power would always come with a price. Nobody going to give him anything good without expecting something else in return. josei

Azief right now did not know that the Gate appearing is not part of the test but he instinctively feeling it.

And he did not know how furious Azul was when he sees that Gate.

He knows that there is only one person that could summon that long forgotten Gate.

He stands up for his throne and takes a step as the space around him spirals and he appeared in one Dark Universe.

As he arrived in that Universe, there is a large monster floating on the darkness of this particular Universe.

It has vague anthropoid outline an octopus like head whose face is a mass of feelers.

It had a scaly spike rubbery looking body and a prodigious claw on its hind and fore feet. And in its behind there is a long narrow wings that seems to disintegrate everything it touches

If any humans of any being without sufficient strength and powerful will sees this monster appearance they would be driven insane when they see this entity.

To Azul when he saw that entity, in his eyes it is nothing but a monster. But in many worlds, this entity is a godlike existence with power beyond imagining.

Azul ignore that monster. But that monster seems to be devoid of intelligence as it senses the abundance of life energy that is contained inside Azul.

Like a moth flying to the fire, it sailed through the stars, crushing countless planet in its wake as it charges to Azul. Azul saw that entity behavior and look at it with disdain.

He then snorted and look at the monster with his eyes and in just one gaze that monster dissipated into dust.

All the dark monsters in this area opens their eyes. This is the Dark Universe and in this Universe, these entities are everywhere.

They were sealed here and is unable to physically leave this Universe.

They could appear in other Universe in their Willform but because of the seal they need the faith of those people there to appear strong.

They look at Azul and one of them spoke. It spoke no language but Azul understand it. Azul ignore them and snorted once again and wave his hand.

A thousand of them disintegrated into space dust and the other entity retreated in fear of such unthinkable power.

Azul expanded himself so that his entire body seems to cover a part of this Dark Universe

The light around his body is driving away the darkness of this Universe and when that light covers every inch of this Universe finally that place revealed itself to him.

Azul look at that place and shouted

‘Come out! Show yourself in front of me!’

At the same time while this happening, Azief slowly able to open his eyes. The veins on his eyes were slowly turning blue.

However, this change is so subtle that he did not even realize it happening. That aura coming out from the gate is slowly fusing itself inside his body.

Azief saw that the light coming out from the opened gate become larger and slowly spread to cover this entire Universe that he is in

As he looks around him he could see that the stairway around him is slowly getting unstable while the many planets in this Universe seems to be wearing a layer of blue.

Azief slowly felt something wrong.

He could feel that the Stairway did not approve the existence of this Gate and is even hostile to it

At this moment the blue light reached its peak. As that light spread, he could see old planets exploded, new planets appeared and the Laws of the Universe is being altered and erased.

The blue light didn’t stop as it continued to expand changing more and more of the Universe Fundamental Laws.

The steps beneath Azief feet turns translucent and then it disappeared but fortunately he did not fall into this unknown Universe.

Instead he was held in place by some invisible energy. Right now in this blue colored Universe, it was he and the gate is the only things that exist.

Everything else was covered with blue light. This terrifying scene caused his heart to shake violently.


Can anyone guess why that Gate apapers and who put it there? is it part fo the test or is it not? And if its not why?

Hehehe. Anyway, hope you like the chapoter nad if you do leave some comments below. I rarely answer commenst these past few days because I had bad health. I just got back from my trip and I had a bad flu.

Anyway, I will try to finsih this part before we offciaily enter the new arc before the end of the month. And those who wanted a dose of LS coudl read the AOA chapter that will come ou on the 31st

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