Lord Shadow

Chapter 441

Chapter 441: Supreme (7)

When Azief was in his Soul Form he understands a bit about soul attributes and then as his thoughts returned to him he was reminded of Meihul and Azul Six Reincarnation Wheel.

That Wheel that control rebirth and reincarnation and the countless souls that is inside that Wheel, and could imprison anyone even an immortal being that could not be destroyed.

How could he forget it?

He then uses the opportunity to divinate and create a new type of illusion when he is in Soul Form.

In such condition, the body that is usually the limiting factor was removed. He put all of his energy into his mind as his mind seems to deconstruct the concept of Karma, Rebirth, Reincarnation, Life and Death in the Wheel.

When he is thinking of illusion his mind would surely go to Hikigaya.

Hikigaya put illusion in his eyes but he also could activate his illusion as long as one looks at any part of his appearance.

That One Finger Opening the Heavens and Suppressing the Earth is still fresh in Azief mind

Azief decided to put the lives he had experienced in the Six Sabers into his eyes, turning it into a hellish illusion.

Since the illusion had a base, it became stable and it became a legitimate illusion spell.

Azief did not immediately jump through the last three steps instead he look at the rings in his finger.

His face expression was not pleasant at all. Now, that he started venturing to the Vast Universe, Azief felt the premonition of getting closer to the identity of this ring and why so many beings in the Universe wage a war for this ring.

Azief did not forget the war he saw in the Seresian world.

A three hundred feet Demonic King that fought against Demonic Prince with the land cleaved into half, the sky was torn apart by powerful ripping energy, their moon was shattered and a Heavenly Palace was brought down as the battle pit the forces of the Demonkin and the Heavenkin of that world.

Heaven was struck down, and Hell was broken into unleashing terrible fire and coldness into that world

Azief got the ring from the last survivor of that war.

The Demonic Prince of the 78th Level of Fiery Hell was the only one that survives the massacre and manages to kill the Demonic King who was at that time already in their last breath

The war was fought for the ten rings. Azief could not believe it at first.

At that time, he thought what kind of ring that could incite the two strongest race of that planet to give their all to grab that ring.

About a trillion of Demonic Prince and Hell Judges that dies under the Demonic King hands that day and there were even more Heavenkin that died during that day

At that time, Azief was merely an Energy Dispersing Stage. On Earth he was pretty powerful with that level of cultivation but in the Seresian World he could only be a slave.

Azief follow the expedition and hid himself and when he saw the Demonic Prince of the 78th level of Fiery Hell won the ring Azief take the risk.

The Demonic Prince had already cut the Demonic King finger that was big as a hill and grabs the rings. josei

At that time the Demonic Prince only have a few breaths left in his body yet he still chuckles maniacally as he tries to wear the ring.

Azief took the chance and kill him and grab the rings.

Since then the ring has accompanied his journey and Azief knows that the ring seems to contain powerful spells and energy and it almost seems like there is nothing in the wide Universe that the Ring could not provide.

The energy inside it has made Azief evaluated the ring and the fact that Azul recognize the ring only added to the mystery of this ring. What kind of treasure or artifact is not worn by Time?

But Azul said he had seen this ring before.

When he turns translucent and dissipated into Soul form and the dissipated entirely even under the Suppression of the Stairway and its Laws, these the rings did not change.

This time Azief saw it for himself.

When he dissipated, the ring floats in this Universe around the stairway and in his Soul Form Azief could see many strings of energy trying to suppress the rings and the strings came from the Laws of the Supreme Stairway.

Yet, it could not suppress the rings.

When he returns back to his original form, the rings flew back to him and wear itself into his fingers.

Unless he wished for the rings to turn into a soul form, then the ring would not turn into soul form no matter what kind of Laws is imposed to it.

Azul words still rings in his head about the origin of this ring and he sighed. He also remember how the Ring had resonated when the Gate appeared.

He sighed but then look at the Three Steps in front of him.

He then put all that thought away as he took a step.

Suddenly Azief was surrounded by formation glyphs and other form of writing that seems ancient and grass sprouted from the steps.

It was like the step he is stepping on now turned into a large flat land. He no longer sees the other two steps instead all he could see is a land full of grass stretching to infinity.

The ground was red and brown but as Azief walk forward, countless green grass and blooming flower actually emerged from the ground and slowly turning the empty land into a sea of flowers.

The land is full of life and vitality, and a strong breath of many energies. It was at this time Azief understand something.

This is the World of Life. This is Life. And the step he walks on is none other than the Step of Life.

The formation he sees before while it is not visible anymore Azief could feel it. It is in every blade of grass, every blow of the wind, every scent of the flowers.

That formation turns into Laws and concepts. Azief did not know such thing could be done. A formation to create Life.

It was at this time Azief knows what he needs to do. He needs to absorb the energy inside this illusionary world.

He sits on the patch of green with the scent of the flowers around him. He closes his eyes and the take a breath as his entire body now turns into black hole absorbing the energy inside this world.

The entire land radiated with light and an enormous force overturning the universe suddenly burst forth.

The Space around him distorted and flipped over.

The sky that was formed from the formation and glyphs collapsed and as it came crashing down it turns into formation symbols and glyphs and it was absorbed into him.

Around him, life seems to bloom even harder. Vines slithers and then the grass turns to trees, the gas rises up and the rains fall down, and lakes was formed.

The rain falls again and the lake turns to river and the river produce oceans as the land quake and break.

But while all of this happens, Azief was still sitting there focusing only on absorbing the energy of Life.

The more he absorbed the more the land that is slowly turning into a world riot. Mud and sand rolled up, mountains formed and crumbles, the sky appeared and then collapsed

It was a great apocalyptic change

The ethereal and lofty sky was overturning.

The earth that carried the weight of all was roaring!

Yet, through it all, through the thunders, the sky rising up and crumbling, the land quaking and breaking Azief is quickly absorbing the energy of this Life Step and it is clear that the only way he will be out of this step if he destroys the world.

It was now that he understands the three steps of Divinity. Unlike the others they are all connected.

Life, Death, Creation and Destruction. They are interconnected. Then the last step is none other than Emptiness.

As Azief sit there he could deduce and even divinate all of this. He then opens his eyes and stand up.

Around him the wind goes crazy, the world is crumbling down but there is still so much powerful Life Energy holding down this world

Azief lifted his index finger and the Life energy around him was absorbed and concentrated itself around the tip of his finger.

Now, that he could see through these three steps he no longer had any hesitation. He converts the life energy into a world shaking destruction energy

The moment he lifted his finger, the entire illusory world darkened and trembles.

His finger seems to contain an unlimited destruction energy. Azief understanding of Destruction energy enables him to turn the Life energy into a Destruction energy,

And now with his thirteen energy also imbued in this energy, it creates a powerful pressure that radiated and shakes this entire illusory world created by the Stairway.

The wind stops, the crumbling sky was held in place and everything was motionless like even the Laws governing this world is also being frozen.

The energy in this world suddenly stop. Only that finger with the energy of Life and Destruction seems to be able to move.

He twitches his finger and the Heaven and Earth collapsed, the Sun and Moon in this illusionary world reversed their rotation and he stand supreme alone and unrivalled in this world.

Right now the aura that he emitted is almost reaching the level of those Supreme Being and even the Supremacies.

It is not Azief aura since he borrowed it from the understanding he had derived from the Life Step but it did not change the fact that right now, Azief aura could contend with Great Supremacy that did not yet actualize their Grand Path.

The might emanating out from him right now is suffocating.

Azief right now is producing extreme destruction and cut of all Laws and Concept from the world.

This is how terrifying the energy he had converted from the Life energy in the Life Step.

Just lifting his finger causes everything to lose its luster. The energy on the tip of his finger is about to erupt and Azief is still calm

Countless green rays dazzled brilliantly as an apocalyptic energy erupted from his index finger and the moment it erupted everything resumes its motion.

But just before they could resume their motion the vast amount of power contained inside that finger erupted and the illusory world started to tremor and breaking at its seams.

The green light now being intermixed with golden, black, red and purple energy was akin to a godly invincible sword as it tore through this world ripping out the land beneath and tearing apart the Heavens above.

Nothing seems to escape this finger strike

The pure destruction power that Azief converted from the Life energy obliterated everything in its path and everything was annihilated

It took long to describe but all of this happened in just a few second.

When he released that power from his fingertips Azief waved his hand back and the finger strike had already obliterated everything and tranquility returned.

And when he blinks his eyes he was back where on the step. But there is something different this time. When he opens his eyes and returned he is already at the last step.

He looks behind him and there is no longer any stairway steps.

Instead, all he could see was the vast expanse of nothingness, churning and churning. And then he looks back in front of him and smiles bitterly as he looks at the last step. He did not have to enter into any other illusory world.

He instinctively knows that.

Nothingness if one thinks of it in complicated manner means to become empty of desire of earthy wants.

But, how could that be possible for these beings that created these stairways.

The many people that fought to become Perfect and walk this Supremacy Stairway will not give it up to become empty.

Then what should be emptied? Should he empty his ambitions and desire?

Azief smiles.

Because he knew that was not the answer. It is the simplest method possible.

As he walks all of those steps he did not only understand the many energies that is present in this dimension, he also slowly understands the thoughts and mind of the people that built all of this places and illusory worlds full of formations and imbuing energy in bricks and altering laws of the Universe.

Then if all of that is still not enough, they even hidden the real Supremacy Stairway behind this Thirty-Three Steps.

The Supremacy Stairway, while it seems grand and mysterious in the end it is just stairs. One just had to climb it.

So is this last step.

Empty just means that.

Empty. He looks behind him and smile as he looks at that emptiness of space and then believing his thought was correct he jump to that nothingness


He jumps from the last step to the emptiness of this abandoned Universe and before he could even have the chance to close his eyes proper, he arrived.

The process doesn’t even seem to take even a second. He did not feel pain nor did it take long.

When he jumps he found himself standing on top of another staircase.

This time, it is the true Supremacy Stairway.

He felt the aura of Supreme Being flows through him and as he looks below he saw that he was at the rifts step of the stairway.

The step of the stairway is huge and large each one is the size of a football field. He took a deep breath and he remained motionless as he tries to perceive the energy of this stairway.

There are no illusory spells, formation or some other kind of worlds like he experienced in the Thirty-Three Steps.

All he had to now is climb these thirteen steps.

Then he opens back his eyes and before he takes the next step he took a step to the left and he immediately arrived on the edge of this step.

He saw a statue and the moment he saw it Azief smirk.

He might not recognize other people statue above the first step but the moment he saw the statue on the first step, he immediately knows who that was.

Even if the appearances changes a little, the aura that statue emitted and the familiar energy around the statue factor in Azief certainty of who the Being that is carved into the statue were.

He come closer to the statue and look straight and gaze upon the statue eyes.

‘No wonder Azul knows so much about the Supremacy stairway. Turns out, he used to walk these steps himself. Though I wonder which reincarnation these is’

The first statue on the first step is Azul statue which means the first step was created by him. Azief did not feel any pain or pressure this time.

But he does feel something is entering into his Inner World and latching through all of his energies like a string binding them tightly but for some weird reason Azief didn’t feel any pain of does he felt any malice.

‘I just need to climb the stairs’ and then bowing a little to the statue, Azief took his step forward jumping to the second steps as he begins his climb.


End of teh chapter for this month. And there is an announcement here. I might be posting the chapter for the next month on the 7th and not the 6th. I usuualy take a six day break in the begining of the month but my health is getting worse so I would post the chapter for next month a little bit later.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter and leave some comments and vote for the story

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