Lord Shadow

Chapter 449

Chapter 449: The thirteen steps of the supremacy stairway (3)

When he looks at his Law body he also felt conflicted.

He knew he could fuse all of them into his body but as he is the original body he could feel that the attainment of laws in each of his Law body did not even reach five percent.

If he fuses with his Law Body right now, he would be delaying his own progress since he would need to understand the laws by himself

This time the stairs separated him and his Disk energy allowing his Law Body to cultivate and gaining comprehension on the Laws instead of putting him into the burden.

He felt like an old man trying to fight the wave of the raging sea.

And while his body look even weaker and his body slowly lose that pressure of a mighty being, when one looks at his eyes then one would understand.

The roars of the powerful beings and the constant pain from the shedding of energies had transformed Azief on the inner level.

If one looks at his eyes right now, it was like his eyes contained the heavenly pressure of the Supreme Dimension and could shroud a person existence, crushing it as he wills it.

He then takes another step. It is his fifth steps. On the fourth steps, there is the statue of a one eyed and long bearded being.

It emitted a powerful aura of majesty that seems to made all life bowed upon him

Azief did not even have to look closely because he knows whose statue is that. The statue looks a little bit younger than the real one but Azief could easily recognize the being.

Odin Allfather, the Lord of the Eight Realms and the King of Asgard. On the hand of the statue it wielded his spear Gungnir.

He is wearing a blue robe with Asgardian design. On his shoulders are two ravens, and around his feet is his wolves.

Azief was about to take another step when Fatigue hit him again but this time he ignores it. Blood is seeping out from his ears but he let it flow

The Laws Body of Celestial is formed on the fourth steps. Heavenly phenomenon happened all over the abandoned planets in the Supreme Dimension.

Celestial energy wafted all across this sealed Universe.

Celestial energy flowed from all parts of this Supreme Dimension as it fills the translucent Law Body of Celestial.

Then Azief felt a little burning on his arms.

He looks and see that on his left arms another diamond pattern appears and it became another vein like patterns as it is slowly closing in on the left palm mark.

It was like it is trying to merge with the pattern on his left palm. He took a look at the Law Body on the fourth step

that Law Body look to become even more solid and the aura it emitted is like a Celestial Immortal like he saw in the life of Azul

The energy was astonishing and golden white light illuminate the entire steps and the stairway. This time ignoring the pain he took his sixth step.

On the fifth step, there is another statue.

This statue is tall and large and have human like features.

The statue is a being who looks young but had cold eyes. He sits in an ebony throne and he has three headed dog or perhaps a three headed wolf beside his throne

Azief do not recognize who that is. Instead as he felt the pain in his body is multiplying and feeling that the binding getting even more powerful, he quickly takes another step

The moment his feet reached the six step he felt like his brain is about to be split apart. He felt like all energy was drained out of him and he knows exactly why he felt like that.

‘Fuck’ he cursed as he could felt the trembling all over his body.

His back is full of cold sweats and blood is dripping from his nose because of the pressure.

Because the Disk that was yanked out of him is none other than the All Source Disk. The pressure come crushing down the moment that Disk is gone.

It is the very Disk that allowed him to use a variety of energy without worrying the lack of the suitable energy.

The All Source Disk enable shim to convert any kind of energy he had to other types of energy. It is a synthesizer for energy.

Sitting cross legged in the fifth steep, is a Law Body hundred feet high as the space around that Law Body is breaking down and created back almost instantly.

There is an infinite cycle of destruction and creation around his Law Body. The energy he absorbed seems to cause the entire Universe to shake and rumble.

The stars on the furthest parts of this Universe exploded and a hundred years away from that stars, like it was also affected and exploded

When the stars exploded, their essences and their destruction turns into energy as the Law Body of All Source absorb it all, refining it inside it.

The Laws of energy around the All Source seems to bend to its will like he was the sovereign of all energy

Azief also felt that the blooming of the Seeds is near.

Like a flower that is about to bloom brilliantly, Azief felt the thrumming of Life in his Inner Universe.

Even after five of his energy has been taken away and his cultivation level is dropping his body is still be able to endure.

Right now there is more than just the feeling of being tied up from a rope. This time Azief felt like there is mud beneath his feet preventing him from moving forward.

Each steps felt like there is a knife on his ankle, slicing a chunk of his flesh every time he made the slightest movement.

It is trying to force him to stop.

The sound of roaring sound more distant, but the latching force become so strong that Azief felt like his thigh is about to be split apart from his lower half if he takes another step

Another diamond pattern appears on his body.

This time it appears on his chest and it was like his body was burned by some mark as Azief winced in pain.

The eye on the middle of the diamond patterns is closed unlike the other symbols which had the eye opened.

From his chest, vein-like tattoos spreads as it yearns to be connected to the pattern on his left arm and right arm.

By now Azief could no longer ignore this pattern. It is clear to him now that this is none other than a sealing mark.

There is uncertainty and a little bit of fear in his heart. Yet he still takes that sixth step. A demonic aura was unleashed the moment he takes the sixth step.

The pressure caused the surrounding planets to collapse on itself, creating a powerful quake in the sea of stars.

A curtain of red aura surrounded the entire stairway making it look like a stairway stained with blood.

This red aura intermingles with the golden white light of the Celestial Light from the Law Body of the Celestial.

This red aura is none other than the Demonic Aura. But it is different from the Demonic Aura of the Asura. josei

This is an Ancient Demonic Aura.

The aura of bloodlust and slaughter was so thick that it become solid and created this phenomenon.

It turned into a mist that waves around this Universe unhindered by even the most abstruse concept.

It is like a knife as it cuts the Celestial Light around the Stairway. Wherever it passes, the Celestial Light would be dispelled.

Azief felt his eyes go red for a second before it returned back to his original eye color.

He was almost taken by madness for a moment when that Disk was yanked out from him. The sky shook and the stairway trembled.

Some rips on the distance was forcibly close because of the pressure of this Demonic Aura

A person on the Imperial Residence of the Jade Empire frowned as he chanted a spell to stabilize the rips on the Supremacy Dimension.

On the Supremacy Stairway, the Law Body of the Ancient Demonic Energy was formed and inauspicious signs fills the Universe.

The sound of wailing and screaming could be hear coming from the Void of emptiness of this dimension. The appearance of this Law Body elicit such responses from this Universe.

The gaze of this Law Body is cold and indifferent while he is sitting cross legged, red aura swirling around him.

His aura is full of madness and killing intent.

One gaze is enough to break one mind and one wave of his hand could cut anything in this world with his thick killing intent.

There is a saying. If looks could kill. This Law Body formed from the Ancient Demonic Energy is capable of that.

The Demonic energy that is contained in that Law Body is even more superior than the High King of Asura bloodline.


I dont have many thinsg to comemnt other than please vote and leave some comments. And I am depressed for thsi couple fo days. Because of IZONE…Huhuhu. Anyway, hope you enjoy the story

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