Lord Shadow

Chapter 455

Chapter 455: The last step (5)

And Azief knew that Indra exist though he doesn’t know where he resides. So is a few of those mythical beings mentioned in the mythology of humanity.

But Azief don’t think Indra cares that much about humans since they are of a higher level of existence.

He was shocked of course. But while he was shocked he did not realize that the latching force have managed to yanked out his last Disk out from his body.

The moment it was pulled out the entire Stairway seem to tremble and in many of the steps, crack appears from top to bottom as the last energy in Azief body seems to be formed from a powerful energy

The last energy in Azief body is an essence of Omnipotence. It is an essence of Divinity. That energy strengthened even more when Azief walk the Three Steps to Perfection of Divinity

His Omni Law Body is slowly being formed and the Universe seems to groaning as it expands. The Storms of Concepts is happening around the Omni Law Body

Storm of Concepts is what happens when a powerful energy distorts all kind of Concepts of Universe creating a chaotic merging of concepts

The Storms swirls around the slowly emerging translucent form of the Omni Law Body. It is the largest Law Body Azief had formed.

The entire Universe was shaking and the multiversal barrier around the weak points of this sealed dimension is slowly destabilizing.

Stars flew to the Omni law Body and it was absorbed inside its body. Suns flew towards it forming his eyeballs.

The stars form his hair. The planet flew and merge itself into the Law Body turning itself into the Law Body internal organs.

The entire Stairway expanded to accommodate the growing figure of Azief Omni Law Body

While this is happening Azief is waiting for the pain to come. No sooner he thinks of it, he felt a burning sensation.

This time the burning sensation comes from his forehead. This time it etched itself into Azief skull. He could feel like someone is using a carving machine to carve the mark ono his skull

The diamond mark and the vein like pattern started to spread from the forehead to the arm and stop at the palm.

From below, the vein like pattern started moving upward from the sole of his feet connecting with the one on his ankle then to his thigh and rising upward to his belly button and finally stopped at his chest

Then it connected itself perfectly and Azief glows in a divine light before he was suddenly motionless.

He felt all of his movement were locked. This is the sealing formation perfected. Right now, he could not even felt even one energy and he could not even move anything even one of his finger

It was like he had a full paralysis.

He was petrified. He could not see right now and he could not hear anything and now he couldn’t even feel anything.

This takes a different kind of bravery to overcome. To felt like you do not exist.

He could not move right now and one second felt like a thousand years.

He could not even sense whether time is moving or not. Standing there just like all the statue before him, he waited.

He waited for something to happen. For anything to happen. For a moment, Azief even think he no longer exist.

He was in darkness. And in that darkness he doesn’t even feel anything.

It is not Emptiness. It is Nothingness

Then he felt his first sensation since he become like this. He felt the energy in his sealing formation was slightly disturbed.

A wave of energy comes from all thirteen of his Law Body and pushed him off from the thirteen step.

On the stairway, all of his Law Body is still gaining energy and trying to gain comprehension. The next level after Disk Formation is Divine Comprehension.

Even on Earth there are some reclusive experts have passed the Divine Comprehension level

But even among the Divine Comprehension levelers there is a rank between them. Theoretically anyone that have reached Disk Formation could charge through to Divine Comprehension.

But like him, there are some people that waited.

Some people like Raymond who only cultivated only one energy waited so that the Disk would form a spiral of terra Force and then he would charge through the Divine Comprehension leveler in the higher ranks.

But everyone has a different way of reaching Divine Comprehension.

Azief have the Shadow Guards.

And as such he met one of the reclusive expert that have passed through the Disk Formation and take that step into the Divine Comprehension level

This reclusive expert does not want to fight and he hated battling other people, he only want the ability to protect himself and secluded himself on Devon Island.

It is why after he got only three Disk he quickly charge through Divine Comprehension.

While this make this reclusive expert in a disadvantage against any other Divine Comprehension with a denser energy of Disk or someone who cultivated a lot more Disk, the truth is there was not many people that have reached Divine Comprehension on Earth.

From the Shadow Guard reports, when he was about to leave, there is only three people with Divine Comprehension level and they all take shortcuts to reach there and they are mostly reclusive experts not wanting to go out on the main stage, preferring to be safe

From what Azief knows about people that already reached Divine Comprehension they could be divided into three.

Earthly Realm. Worldly Realm. And Heavenly Realm.

Comprehending three laws could be considering one a Divine Comprehension leveler in the Earthly Realm.

They usually understand their Law but not its true path and as such could not truly use the Laws in their hand effectively.

Then there is the Divine Comprehension leveler in the Worldly Realm.

Comprehending six or more Laws or have Six Disk when charging through to Divine Comprehension would enable one to be in this category.

These people have more powerful energy and the Laws they could manipulate is more varied and could even affect other Laws if they understand the core of their Laws.

One could even cultivate a useless Law but if one had a dep understanding of their own Law they could reach the Source of that Law and evolve their own Law by their own comprehension.

In battle or the exchange of pointer, one might have the same law but the nature would always be different depending on the user Path.

For example, the Law of Death if trace to the Source one would find the Nether energy where All source of Death Source originated.

Azief was lucky in that his Ten Eternal Rings houses the very source of every energy in the Universe.

And if he fights another person using the Laws of Death, his definition of Death might be different than that other person definition of Death.

In these cases, the energy and the utilization of Laws is very important in battle.

And then there is the ultimate form of a Divine Comprehension levelers. Those that in the Heavenly Realm.

Comprehending around nine Laws would make someone under this category.

Those that have these many Laws comprehension would surely be no different than God. Imagine controlling Nine Laws. The variety of ability such person could use is endless.

Then what about Azief who is cultivating Thirteen laws and not only its Laws but also transforming the Laws into Law Body

As he felt that energy pushing him, he thought to himself…why does his breakthrough is so different than the others and why is it so much harder?

And the moment that question formed in his mind he chuckles internally because he immediately answers it himself

Because he walks a different path.

But now as he is falling from the steps he at least thought there would be a portal opening or like his breakthrough before to be blessed by some energy before he is rejuvenated with full power

But clearly it did not happen like he thought.

He is free falling from the Supremacy Stairway, into the Void passing stars and hitting space debris.

If not for his Physique, he would have already exploded into mist of blood.

He did not see anything and his Divine Sense could not sense anything because of the mass storm of energy that is gathering on the Supremacy Stairway

It was like a force of apocalyptic power is gathering on the Omni Law Body. Omni energy was created by the combination of all thirteen energies in his body.

Now that it is manifested as a Law Body, the effect and the force it exhibited is truly terrifying

It is a power that could unmade and remade creation.

Azief could not see right now but many beings are now looking at Azief from their realms, dimension and their Universe.

There is Azul looking from his throne of light.

The Jade Emperor looking at him in his dreams. There is Wargod sitting on his red throne full of the energy of bloodlust and killing intent while looking at Azief with a complicated expression.

And there are even some hostile gazes from the Demonic Realm of the Jade Empire. josei

Azief right now is in a state of unrest.

While he could not see it, he is falling into one of the space rips. Like being pushed by some invisible energy Azief body was drawn to that space rips.

The three thousand rips are the Purgatory for those that walk the Supremacy Stairway. The last Monkey did it to help others that would walk the same path he walked

He was the last one that walk this steps eons ago and as such he opens up three thousand space rips, with each one leading to one of the worlds in the Three Thousand Worlds.

It is a place so that those who walked the Thirteen Steps could recognize about their weakness and learn something.

It is not a trial per se in that it is trial of hardship. instead it is a trial of time.

Azief kept falling and it felt like an eternity before suddenly he felt his entire body crashing onto some rocks and stop falling.

The moment he stops falling, the thirteen mark glows and seal all of his energy.

Now Azief understand why everyone who walked the Path of Perfection need to perfect their physique.

If they did not have the Purification of Physique they would already be mashed meat before they landed.

While his energy was constrained, his physical body surges out with revitalizing power like it was being free from its chains.

His eye sockets slowly healed and his body now heal naturally. His ears are no longer deaf as he could hear the sound of the wind

His eyes reformed back and then he opens his eyes.

He saw stones and rocks. He seems to be in a cave and hearing from the wind he is on top of an abandoned mountain.

Then he looks above him and he could see blue skies.

The bird’s flies about but as he tries to move he found out none of his body could move

He smiles bitterly and close his eyes.

Thus began his long wait


Thus began Azief new journey. See you tomorrow and please vote and rate the chapter.

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