Lord Shadow

Chapter 458

Chapter 458: In a cave (3)

The moment that seal was lifted the area around him were pressure as it caves to the pressure and the soil around him were depressed a few meter deep

This time he felt a bit of the energy returning to both of his palm.

Before, while the diamond pattern mark did disappear from his right palm, weirdly only his fingers could be moved.

Now that both of his palm was released from the seal, he could truly use his palm. It felt like he was liberated from something.

He did not know this but at the same time in the Supremacy Steinway two of his Law Body have stand up.

The Worldly Law Body and the Universal Law Body have both stand up. When they stand up they merged into the statue of their steps.

Azief did not know that when he is released from each of his seal it means that his Law Body in the Supremacy Stairway have finished their comprehension.

On the cave, he smiles as he smashes his palm and he shoot out from beneath the soil and exploded out into the surface.

His body landed beside the huge tree as dust rises up from the ground. When it slowly settles, he claws the ground with his finger as his body slowly moved to the tree.

He pushes his palm onto the ground again, this time shaking the entire cave as he catapulted himself onto the tree.

He collided with the tree and sound of cracking could be heard from the large sturdy tree.

Azief sighed this time. Finally, he able to free himself beneath the slowly sinking ground he was in before.

The area around him was dark but there are some sunlight coming in from the gaps of the stones. Azief close his eyes and decided to enter into hibernation.

Three years have passed since he come to this world. It could be considered long and it also could be considered short. Azief knows that he is extremely lucky.

There is probably no one in the Universe that cultivated this path of Perfection as fast as he did.

As the fallen leaves of fall drop from the trees, welcoming spring again with the chirping of the singing birds, the seal on his right arm is finally released.

The vein like pattern on his right arm retreated to his chest.

He tries to move his right arm and he was overjoyed to find that he could at last move his arm. He picked up the fruits on top of the branch of the tree and took his first bite of food.

He could not express how delicious that fruit is.

It is true for people of his level that he did not need to eat. But just because you didn’t have to eat doesn’t mean you don’t want to eat.

For three years, Azief had eaten nothing and now that he has eaten something, he felt like he is a normal human again. The joy of eating that he had forgotten come rushing back.

Like a newborn child he was excited just because he eats some fruits.

He was even craving a little bit of coffee. He would deny if people said he is addicted to coffee, but there is just something about that drink that always made him crave it.

That day was quite an eventful day for him. He closes his eyes when he felt that the sun has come down.

The chirping of birds did not wake him today. He opens his eyes suddenly in the morning and his eyes is full of vigilance.

It was probably just after dawn. He felt the vibration of footsteps of people coming up the mountain. He then heard some conversation though it is not clear what they are talking about.

Like most of his abilities, he could not hear as far as before since he falls from the Supremacy Stairway.

He used to be able to hear even a pin drop falling a hundred kilometer away if he focused.

The he heard the sound of fighting. Metallic sound clashing against each other and he could feel that the vibe of this mountain changed slightly.

Then the sound died down. And he heard laughter and smell a fragrant aroma. Then after a few hours, the sound and the smell is no longer

Azief was curios at this change of event on this mountain but at the same time he is also feeling a little bit nervous.

His life since he falls from the Stairway has always been monotonous and boring.

Since he could not move, the only thing he did is sleep and sometimes when he is bored of sleeping, he would open his eyes and look around. josei

Right now other than his right arm and both of his palm he could not move anything else. He is like an invalid right now

And while he concluded that this world he falls into is the Mortal Realm of the Three Thousands World, there is always a chance that he made a mistake

And if he makes a mistake and he found that people of this world possess the same kind of power like he did or even surpass him, then he is a sitting duck.

If even one person possesses just slightly lower level of power than him and found him in this situation, they could easily kill him after wearing down his defenses.

And while his Physique is powerful, Azief don’t know if his Physique is truly the Undying Physique right now.

After all, when he falls, he did feel something changed about his body.

Of course if he died in this world, he might not probably be dead for sure but for some reason Azief felt that if he died here, then all of his effort of creating the Law Body would be rendered useless.

A broken path of Perfection…is not Perfection. A broken path is just that…broken.

So, he listens intently. At the same time, he felt a little excited. At least today, the things he did will be different. He listens intently to make sure if there is any other noise.

Or maybe someone is approaching this cave

He waited until the night but nothing else seems to happen.

After making sure there is nothing out of the ordinary and bored out of his mind, he closes his eyes and sleep.

The morning came and then he was awakened to the sound of fighting once again. He stretched his ears out but he could not hear much.

But he is sure that this time the sound of fighting is louder and there seems to be more people

He only hears the sound of clanging metallic objects and at times he could feel the gust of wind around the mountain sometimes changes its course.

But nothing ever changes around his caves. Day after day, the sound could be heard near the cave but not to near that they would enter the cave.

Slowly Azief grow accustomed to the sound. Every day, he would hear the sound of people fighting around the cave area and when evening came, the sound would disperse.

Then for a few weeks, the fighting stopped.

There is no longer the sound of people clashing or fighting. In those few weeks, Azief once again settled to his routine of hearing the chirping of the birds to wake up from his sleep.


A new element in the familiar routine of Azief in this new world. DO pay attention because this will matter by the end of the episode.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter and leave some comments and please vote for the story

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