Lord Shadow

Chapter 462

Chapter 462: In a cave (7)

He of course did not remember much about his time and his mastery of the sword when he was the Sword God now that he is out of the Six Trials.

He realizes that while he still remembers the outline of thing that happens in the Six Trials he also notices that he does remember the details

It is like the memory about the Six Lives in the Six Sabers is slowly being erased as he grows in power.

He remembers Azul and he remember the trials but he didn’t remember the process.

Azief could understand why. After all, that life is not really his life and those memories is not really his memories.

As such, it will naturally fade leaving him only the memory and the result of his act. But just because he didn’t remember every details don’t mean he doesn’t remember anything

Though, he also suspected that this loss of memory is also another gift from Azul. It might seem contradictory. How could him forgetting about his experiences in the Six Trials help him?

Those who do not seek the Grand Path will not understand. The so called Grand Path is none other than your own path.

Each path you trod is your path.

If you walk another path, then that is no longer your path. No matter how you try to convince yourself otherwise.

The moment you walk other path, then you will never see the road where you need to walk. You will stray and then walk other people path.

One could walk the same path but end up in different places. By not remembering about the lives he had in the Six Trials, he could freely be colorless and blank.

Then he could fill the blankness and the colorless path with his own colors and images. If not, he might be tempted to walk the easy path.

He did not want to walk the path of the Ancient Demonic Path. He did want to walk the path of Emperors with its Tyrannical Will

He did not want to follow the way of the Dragons, nor did he want to walk the path of a Sword God

If he does walk any of those path, it should be his path without being burdened by another person experience.

Azief sighed as he shakes his head, as he looks at the fight outside the cave

‘Those black robed people while they do look like bad guys the way they use their weapons is more to my liking then that white robed person’

Azief could deduce that person deliberately make himself opens so that the young man in white robe would attack him.

And the young man took the bait.

Too easy to be fooled Azief sneered in his mind.

A battle does not mean one had to stop to use one mind.

Azief might not seem like it but when he had to fight people with the same level of power he would also employ scheme in his attack and if he could not win by brute force, then he would plan first

One of the other black robed person sneak attacked the white robed person and it is clear in Azief eyes if this sneak attack is successful, ten that white robed person would probably be even more disadvantaged and probably even lead to his death

Azief sighed. He could no longer just sit and watch this to happens.

He thought to himself that these people look like they are some kind of low level people of the martials artist and he doesn’t think that interfering with this would do much to his current peace.

And with his ability Azief is confident he could help that white robe person without being noticed.

From the first moment he notices those people is coming near the cave he had a small round pebble on his finger.

He took a small stone and molded it into a small round pebble with the force of his fingers

While he did not know the full story of these people and why they fight each other, he could feel the killing intent coming out from those three people.

It is not only killing intent, there is also this feeling of resentment that follows them and attached to them.

While he is not certain one hundred percent he is quite sure those three people are not the kind of person one would associate with righteousness.

When he saw that one of those three people is about to sneak attack the young man, Azief sighed and flick the stone with his fingers

The stone flew with lightning speed as it goes through the gaps of the stone on his area and then pass through the vines that cover the small opening of the cave entrance

The speed did not decrease as it then shot itself to one of the nerve behind the young man knee.

It causes the young man knee to jerk and kick the person doing the sneak attack from the bottom.

That person flew behind.

The young man looks at his own feet in shock when he realizes that his feet shot a kick to one of the black robed person.

Not only that, his kick had made him lose his balance on his upper half body.

But instead of the sudden force of kicking messing up with his swordsmanship, the force that he generated by kicking that person that tries to attack him causes his sword to jerk and deflect one of the black robed person hacking slash.

It was like everything was connected.

The kicking and the slash of the sword were all connected with each other.

With one pebble of stones Azief have managed to help the young man escape from two fatal attack.

With the kick, his body moves in the most natural way, and the pushing force of the kick was distributed to his other part of the body naturally.

With that it then broke from the sword routine and while it is no longer the moves of his sword technique at the same time it did not actually means it is a different swordsmanship

Even the three black robed man was shocked by the sudden change in the young man attack. It is because it was to unpredictable, messing their already stable rhythm of attacking.

It is still the young man sword technique only now, it is freer and more flowy, each move connected perfectly with each other

Azief eyes still scans those people. josei

Azief while he did not do anything in his time inside the cave, it does not mean he couldn’t improve his other strength.

While his lower half of the body could not move and he could do anything too much, he did use his time wisely.

He learned to control the strength he used.

Now he could even accurately use his strength to reduce the impact of his attack or to adjust his strength to shoot out a pebble and only touches a vein before that force is dispersed entirely

Azief look at that white robed young man with disappointment

‘Idiot’ Azief thought.

Instead of focusing on what is happening in front of him, he had the time to look at his feet.

And just like Azief suspected, the other black robed person that is waiting on the back will not miss such opportunity.

Azief thought that his help would be able to help the young man turned the tide but he is too preoccupied with trying to understand what he did that he forgot that these people would easily regains back their calm and gang up on him again.

The other black robe person seeing he is not free to use his sword, conjure a palm attack. The palm strike causes the area around the man palm to distort

The attack seems like a simple palm strike but Azief could see the nerve around that man palm went tense and his arms seems to be enduring something very heavy.

The concentration of energy on one point and using that one point to pierce through one defenses.

Azief could understand what that black robed man wanted to do

Azief eyes brightened.


the battle begins. And Azief is like that old expert in many martial arts stoy that look on with taht feeling of superiority.

Anyway, hope you like the chapter and leave some comments and vote for the chapter fi you enjoy it. And thank you all for reading

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