Lord Shadow

Chapter 464

Chapter 464: In a cave (9)

The young man looks at the three people and did not know how to react.

Azief looking at this knows that this must means that this matter is not as simple as this. By now, he had understood a little bit more about this world.

This young man, Xi Feng have a martial arts school.

It would explain all the sound of fighting he heard in the entrance the of the cave every morning.

It is not fighting, it is training.

The people that come up and down the mountains must be the people trying to learn from this young man

And the sound of construction that dragged on for month on the top of mountain must be the construction of this young man martial arts school.

Azief waited. He also wanted to know why these people attack the martial art school on top the mountain.

‘Junior Brother Xi! Heh!’ His Senior Brother Feng snorted

‘Whether we colluded with the demonic sect or not is not your problem. We want to know where is Old Dragon Li’

Hearing this Xi Feng face turns angry. He now understands why his school was attacked. It made him feel dizzy.

‘So…in the end it is about the manual of the Flowing Swordsmanship. You could have asked me that on top of the mountain and spare the lives of my disciples. Why do you have to be so cruel and massacre them all. They are all young kids and they do not deserve being killed like that’

He said, tears filling his eyes.

Azief hearing this matter sighs. Hearing this matter, he truly felt that these three people are too excessive. Fighting for treasures is understandable.

He himself fought for treasures before when he was weak.

But he himself tried his best to not involve the innocent. There is a rule, an unspoken rule to not involve those that do not play the game

These three people have no mercy, killing people wantonly and indiscriminately just for their greed. Azief fingers is itching to move.

‘Heh’ The Senior Sister Xu snorted.

‘And reveal ourselves to your disciple? Let ourselves exposed by you and hunted by the Martial Arts Alliance?’

Xi Feng shakes his head.

‘I underestimated the greed of humans. I should not have trusted you. Old Dragon Li have saved me during one of my journeys and trusting you as we are all that is left of the Heaven and Earth Gate sect I told you about him and the moves he taught me. I never have thought that my trust in you three now would put me in this situation.’

‘Enough talking, Junior Brother. Tell me where is Old Dragon Li’

Xi Feng look at the three people of his former sect and laughs. It was a bitter laugh and a laugh full of despair. Azief nodded as he looks at XI Feng. He could understand what that man is feeling right now.

‘I owe Old Dragon Li my life back then. He graces me by teaching me the ten moves of the Flowing Swordsmanship’

Azief saw the expression on the face of Xi Feng. It is like he is reminiscing his memory.

‘He never told me not to tell about him to other people but I know that he is an expert figure of martial arts and have the manual of his old friend, the powerful Old Immortal Tian thus I do not talk about him but I thought I could trust my Martial Uncle. I thought I could trust my Senior Brother. I thought I could trust my senior sister. I was too trusting which lead today tragedy upon me and upon my disciples.’

Then laughing even louder his finger is no longer trembling as he raises up his sword, the sword glinting dangerously as the illumination of the thunder reflected the light of his face and his sword.

There is even a trace of madness in his eyes

He pointed it at his former sect member and his eyes is determined.

‘You want to meet Old Dragon Li and read the manual of the Old Immortal Tian? I would not tell you even if I died. But even if I died tonight, you all must accompany me!’

He shouted and thunder roars outside.

‘Humph! XI Feng you must be confident because you learn a few moves from the Flowing Swordsmanship manual but there is still three of us and one of you. You are already at your last breath. Even if we keep fighting, you would surely die under our blade. Better you compromise with us and tell us his whereabouts and we could even share the manual together’

Xi Feng laugh madly

‘I am not like you. I know how to pay gratitude and enmity!’

Then he charges to the three people, his sword pointing straight as his feet glides from the ground.

The thrusting of his sword was determined and blazing with his determination. He truly abandoned any desire to live.

He only wanted these three people to accompany him to the Underworld, so that he would not harm his benefactor and also to avenge the death of all his pupils.

Azief is still leaning on his flower fruit tree and he could sense that will. He still did not make any moves.

But on his finger there is already a few stones pebbles.

The blade of hiss word vibrated and made a buzzing sound as rays of reflection covered his martial uncle upper body.

His martial Uncle was not flustered seeing the attack and he was kind of expecting the attack

While the Flowing Swordsmanship is one of the three most powerful swordsmanship in the martial arts world, Xi Feng did not learn all thirty-three moves of the manual and even after learning ten of the moves of the Flowing Swordsmanship, he still did not master it.

But that itself is terrifying

Xi Feng is the youngest of them all, but with only ten moves and without even mastering it he had have been able to held them at bay. They could be considered Elder level experts

While they could not be considered some peerless experts or great names in the martial arts world, it does not mean any riffraff or martial artist could defeat them.

Which is why his martial uncle desire to know the location of Old Dragon Li intensified.

Azief could sense it. This kind of thing, the desires and emotions of people for some reason is easily detected by Azief now.

He had stay here in these cave, on this mountain unmoving like he was the mountain itself and he felt like he could understand nature even better.

He became sensitive to the changes of the mountains and he could even feel when the wind is about to change or when the mountain is having a slight shake.

His finger is moving around the pebble.

Xi Feng attack is full of power but it is also an erratic move. A move of a man with nothing to lose sometimes is not that terrifying as one would imagine.

His martial uncle took a step back and block it easily as the part of their clash illuminated the dark cave.

Xi Feng followed with another move immediately, trying to do a sweeping slash to distance the other two people from his martial uncle.

His attack then stormed on his martial uncle. Azief shakes his head.

‘Still too rigid’ he said.

Though now he understands why Xi Feng moves is so rigid. He did not yet master the moves and he only learn ten moves. It is no wonder why his attack lacks many variations

But Xi Feng is still an idiot in Azief eyes.

Just because you learn ten moves doesn’t mean you couldn’t add your own moves or adapt with the circumstances and swing while following the core of the Flowing Swordsmanship.

Xi Feng Senior sister move away but then push her feet forward and executed a powerful knife move.

Xi Feng dodged to the side in a slide, missing the attack only a few inches from his head. He pushes his foot upwards as he started attacking his martial uncle again

Xi Feng knows that the most powerful of the bunch is his martial uncle and because of that he must be removed first.

Azief could see with each move Xi Feng uses energy unnecessarily and his stamina and energy is being sapped out.

Xi Feng martial uncle either blocked Xi Feng attack or dodged them, as he did not execute any counter attack.

When Xi Feng was thrusting his sword upward, Xi Feng martial uncle suddenly brought his saber swishing down through the air.

Azief sighed and flick one of the pebbles on his finger. Xi Feng Martial Uncle was already smiling. Even the other two people on the side look at the battle and smiles

It is clear that the moment the saber and sword clashed with each other, Xi Feng sword will be knocked down.

Even Xi Feng realizes his mistake. But he could not take the move back as he did not possess the agility or the moves to do so.

It was then as it seems that the decision is decided that the sound of metal clanging could be heard.

The moment the sword and saber about to clash, something hit Xi Feng Martial Uncle saber.

The force of that something, has enough power to numb Xi Feng martial Uncle hand as his saber moved to the side dragging him with it.

His feet were dragged along leaving a clear trial on the muddy and wet soil. The sound of the metal vibrating could be heard echoing inside this cave

At this time, Xi Feng martial uncle is not the only one that is shocked. Everyone inside this cave is shocked.

His eyes widened and his heart are beating so fast like it was about to jump out from his chest josei

Thunder suddenly exploded outside and the rain become even harder and the sound of water coming from the entrance flowing through the gaps of the boulder fills their ears.

The thunder only added to the creepiness that is slowly encroaching the hearts of the people inside the cave.

They look around and they realize that there is something very wrong about this cave. It is……too clean.

There doesn’t seems to be any poisonous snakes or even any insects on this part of the cave. And as the lightning sometimes illuminated the cave, they also saw mist covering some parts of the cave.

And it was at this moment that their intuition told them this is not just a normal cave

They did not think to much of the cave when they enter it since they accidentally enter the cave. But now that they are inside they realizes that a closed off cave would not be this clean.

It was almost like someone is living inside here and as that thought flashed on their mind, they felt goosebumps rising

Xi Feng Senior Brother and Senior Sister suddenly hold tight their weapon looking around them, their eyes trying to see through the darkness.

Xi Feng Martial Uncle is also looking around, his saber now pointing at the darkness.

Xi Feng on the other hand look toward the ground

He notices that when his sword is about to clash with his martial uncle saber, there is a small object that comes flying to the tip of the saber that changed the trajectory of the saber.

He looks on the ground and as the lightning from the outside roars, the area was momentarily illuminated and he saw it.

He saw a small round pebble on the ground not far from the area where his sword was about to clash with his martial uncle saber.

The moment he saw it, he was reminded of that kick and move he executed on the entrance of the cave.

He too looks around in this cave.

‘Who’s there!’ Xi Feng martial uncle shouted. The other two also look vigilantly while Xi Feng look at that round pebble, his eyes wavering

Leaning on the flower fruit tree, Azief smiles mischievously.


New chapter tomorrow and will also be the prelude to all of your Tribulation. Anyway, enjoy thsi chapter, and like usual, leave some comments and please vote for the story if you like it.

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