Lord Shadow

Chapter 471

Chapter 471: New realization (1)

Thunder boomed in the distance while the rain is slowly look like it is going to end. Many of the storms have dissipated.

The smell of blood from the top of the mountain have been washed away by water and the wind.

On top of the mountain, corpses of children and innocent people were all sprawled around, their body were either slashed or cut into tow.

Some have green veins and widened bloodied eyes like they were poisoned. They are the victims of Yu Rong, Fen Xiao and Yu Meng.

Yu Rong uses his Saber technique to cut and kill the children and the disciples of Xi Feng while Feng Xiao uses his Poison Palm of the Sun Devouring Sect

But they were also a few dozens of black robed men that is sprawled across the open martial arts hall of this broken school for sword arts.

They all were killed by a deep slice of a blade.

It is clear that those people are the minions of Vulture Peak and the Sun Devouring Sect that Xi Feng and Feng Xiao brought and were killed by Xi Feng.

Today was supposed to be the day that Xi Feng should have died. With such force, he should have surrender. Instead he was stubborn and finally such tragedy visited this mountain.

No one of the evil force doubted their victory until the moment they enter this cave.

Right now, those evil forces are looking at someone as the dust settles and they saw a silhouette of a person


The lightning thundered again and Xu Meng nearly jolted in shock.

‘There is quite a disturbance in the mountain tonight’ he muttered slowly but his voice echoes in the cave.

Smiling, Azief look in front of him at the dumfounded expression of the four people. Yu Rong gulped in fear while Feng Xiao and Xu Meng widened their eyes is disbelief.

Xi Feng himself was shocked. He expected an old man with long white flowing beard. He did not expect to see a young man.

The four people look at the mysterious expert position. Lightning flashed and they could see that expert face and the area around him

The expert face was handsome and he is leaning against a weird tree that seems to have branches that curves and swirls with fruits in each of its branches.

The expert hair is long, reaching his waist and he has a thick beard yet for some reason it only enhances the young feature of his face

The aura around him seems to be nonexistent yet at the same time there is this feeling like they are in the eye of the storms and the only reason they could not feel anything is because the storms did not yet want to take action.

Around his thigh, on the ground around it, is a few dozens of stone pebbles.

They all recognize it as the same pebble that have guided Xi Feng in his swordsmanship, force Xu Meng and Feng Xiao to stand transfixed near the exit of the cave without even daring to take a step and foil Yu Rong attack at every turn

Behind the tree that the expert is leaning on is an immortal paradise.

They could see something that look like a hot spring bath with the air around it seems to be heated and around that hot spring is an artificial lake.

There was cloudlike mist behind that expert making him look like an immortal being

They could not believe that all this while, when they were fighting that there is such a place inside this cave.

The most surprising fact is that they didn’t even notice.

Xi Feng seeing this scene was the most shocked. Especially when he sees the hot spring bath and the artificial lake.

Then he remembers something that he heard a few years ago.

Around the second or third year he was on the mountain he remembers hearing a sound of smashing

It shook the entire mountain and some of his disciple thought there was an avalanche or an earthquake.

It happens twice that year. Then he looks at the artificial lake and the hot spring and he thought to himself

‘Could those strikes had something to do with the lake and the hot spring bath?’

He also couldn’t believe that there really is an expert here secluding himself in the mountain. There is a reason why Xi Feng chose this mountain

Four years ago after winning renown and fame as one of the powerful swordsman of the younger generation, he decided to open up a martial art school.

He also wanted to pass down the teaching of the Heaven and Earth Gate Sect

When he was searching for a place to construct his martial art school, one of his acquaintance in the martial arts world show him this mountain.

It is called the Five Element Mountain. It is in the state of Wu beside Silhae, the kingdom ruled by the woman ruler.

When he asked his friend why no one built their school or their sect in the mountain he said that some of them believed that it would be inauspicious to do so.

People of Silhae fears the mountain because they said one of their rulers in the past had bad fate with the mountain while other martial artist fears its curse hence they do not dare opening their martial art school and sect here.

When he asks his friend why it is considered inauspicious, his friend said that, from the myth of Silhae and from the lore of the Wu State, during the primordial ages, when demons and immortal roams the land of the mortal world, there was a monkey demon.

The Monkey Demon was extremely powerful and fought the Immortals killing them in Heaven Realm, their divine body falling from the skies like stars falling.

It was a Havoc that affected Heaven and Earth.

From the myths, the Monkey Demon was the most powerful Demon of his time.

He wrecked the Heavenly Realm, fought the Jade Emperor, destroying the stars and destroying all heavenly order

In the myths, it was said that when the Monkey Demon was fighting in Heaven, the entire world of mortal was wrecked with disasters

Finally, the most powerful of Heaven forces imprisoned him under the Five Element Mountain before he was finally set free a few hundred years later.

The Temple in Xi is said to be the Temple where he gained ascension.

There was even a story there about how he left an ancient flute full of Demonic power before he ascended to the Heaven Realm

Hearing the story from his friend, Xi Feng chalked it up to ignorance and superstition.

Immortals and Demons?

Such thing did not exist. Even Immortal Tian is not a true Immortal. The reason why he was so called Immortal is because of his long age and his powerful martial arts.

It is a title the martial arts world gave to him

There is no such thing as Immortal and Monkey Demon. He then looks around the mountain and after a few times surveying the area, he decided to construct his school here.

While it is pretty cold in winter, when spring came it is pretty refreshing as the air of the mountain could even revitalize the most tired of mind.

It is odd really. He also notices that the fruits around here mature early and very juicy.

Even the rare ginseng could easily be found here with each of them have high concentration of their extract

And he likes the fact that no one will want the place or fight with him for it. He wanted to peacefully teach people and as such he did not want to fight for spots.

It is the reason why he did not go to the Central Region of Yong. He ignores such advice calling that the mountain has curse of ancient time

It wasn’t until today, when all of his disciple and his pupil were slaughtered that he almost believes that this mountain truly has a curse.


Author Note

Now, I think you coudl see the connection right now. Right? There is the Five Element Mountains, the Flute ( If anyone still remember. because I will not tell you. Though if you remember where the flute was mentioend, some of the ability of teh flute woudl slowly make sense to you)

Anyway, below is another author note. It is a little bit long but I think this will be the only exception sicne after this I would be burying myself in fornt of my laptop to write. I like to believe effort is rewarded but sometimes the reward is disproportionate the effort. But, hey. I like writing.


Hello. This is the first chapter for the month. Hope you enjoy it. Hmm…there is a few announcements here and a few notes.

I know some people commented on the earlier chapter and sometimes when I have time I check it and commented on it.

Most of the time, if people give me a gift I would leave either a thank you or a thumbs up. When they ask question, if the question relates to the future plot I would not answer that much.

But there are also question that I did not see. When any of the readers commented I do get all the comments in the notification.

But sometimes I do miss a few comments. And honestly if I commented to all the comments I will have no time to write.

Though don’t let that discourage you all. I do like reading the comments and there are times when I felt lazy writing and look at the comments and it motivates me. (and sometimes an idea for a plot)

There was that one rare case when one of the reader write his theory. I would not say who that person was but he got one third of the ending right.

It teaches me not to give to many hints. I think it is the same person who predicted another big major plot. Though I could not deny or affirm.

Of course there are time when I feel down when someone uses bad words to bring me down but that is the minority. But it is quite peculiar how the minority is the one that always bring you down and stuck with you the most

I don’t like criticism. Honestly who really likes being criticized? But I do accept it. Because there is a lot of thing about my work that could be criticized.

I even admire some of the criticsm because I could feel they love the story and wanted it to be better. But there is also the people who just want to make noise and vent.

Though I do hope you look at my work favorably considering I am not really a native speaker. And I am improving. At least I hope I did.

I do hope I have an editor but I also did not expect anyone to help me that much. Maybe when I have a lot of cash, I could hire a few people to PR my works.

It is a huge undertaking to edit my story and that is why I have stopped asking for volunteer for PR my work.

This author note is a bit long. But there is a few other things I need to announce.

I am dropping Lord Shadow.

Psych! josei


No. I am announcing that today would also be the new chapter for Age of Adventure. This time, it would be extremely different vibe from the previous Age of Adventure.

Some people might like the new vibe, and some people probably don’t. So, for those of you who also read Age of Adventure go check it out now. (though at the beginning do bear with Aero for a while.)

And Age of Heroes also come out today so check that out too. So, here comes the bad news. Because I am writing three stories at the same time right now I am heavily overtaxed.

My fingers are aching and sometimes my eyes hurt.

So, I am asking a vote here. I really hope there is a poll feature in web novel but there still isn’t. So, what I am asking you all to vote on is this.

I usually post any new chapter for the month on the sixth day of the month. I might have to extend that to seven for one of the stories.

Though I did not decide which story would have one-day delay than the others.

Of course I might be able to handle the pressure next month. But if there is a delay then don’t be shocked since I am announcing it here. I would ask this question on the other two story too.

I guess this is it. I will not be talking too much in the next chapter. This chapter would have many things to expect. New revelations and new mystery.



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