Lord Shadow

Chapter 475

Chapter 475: New realization (5)

Before he does not know what principle of energy this world follows, hence, he could not understand.

But now, he understands, and a new realization dawned on him.

In his world, while there is an Inner World when one reached a high level, everything from his Concept, Essences and energy it was all taken from the outside to strengthen the inside.

It then affected the Concept and Laws since one merged itself into it.

He himself have many times felt that feeling of merging with the world and he even uses it when he fought in Poland

In other words, they were like a container with a suction function that absorbed everything as long as the container could bear the weight

From there he derives the magical power of the world, the Universal energy of the stars, moon and sun, the celestial energy of immortals, the demonic energy of Asura and many others to his arsenal of attacks and strikes.

Each strikes that he employed could then split the sky apart and broke open mountains.

He even could absorb words and turns it into a world changing energy, or a source of power transformed into all-encompassing source of energy.

They could have absorbed the energy of primordial beginning and the essence of creation and ending

But the difference was that none of it comes from them originally.

They were like a blank paper and the energies, laws and concepts were all the colors of the palette as their Will is the brush that uses the colors to draw on the blank paper

The power always come from the outside.

That is the source of that power

Whether one walk the Heaven Path or not, the energy and power and even their abilities that made him look like a God, it ultimately come from the source of the Universe.

That made him look like he is limitless but also at the same time, if the Universe were to end, if this sources of power were stripped off from the Omniverse, then would the energy in his body would be the last remainder of that energy?

When the source of such power were annihilated without even a single speck of revival then would he turn as weak as mortals?

He thought he was free all this time, but could it be he is still trapped? Could he still be that frog looking down from the well?

Has he not yet leapt out from the well? All this time, is he still constrained?

Is he free?

Even as he was thinking of this, and his mind is comprehending new concepts and trying to digest this sudden enlightenment and understanding of the world, his hand is actually still using the branch to fight off Xu Meng and Feng Xia.

Both of them is sweating on their forehead and their hand is trembling but they still try to at least break the branch stick on the mysterious expert hands.

How could a branch of stick felt like an immortal weapon in the hand of this expert? They thought inwardly

Sun Devouring Sect is not a sword sect but that does not mean they did not have any sword arts technique.

Feng Xiao is one of the most prodigious talent of the Sun Devouring Sect.

With the foundation of the internal energy style of the Heaven and Earth Gate Sect he has managed to snatched a powerful position in his new sect

He laid back and delayed his attack before is because he wanted to see the style of the mysterious expert.

He tries to recognize what kind of style. Whether it is the Sword Stream of Flat Mountain old expert or maybe one of the experts of the Martial Alliance.

But the more he sees the more he believes that this expert does not belong amongst those people

However, when he saw that Yu Rong is only about inches to death, he finally decided to come forward.

After all, if Yu Rong dies, then they too would also undoubtedly die. He gestured to his Martial Sister and they both intercepted that killing move.

IF Azief heard what they were thinking he would laugh.

Because, if he really wanted to kill Yu Rong, just by using his palm it is enough. But the only reason he did not do so is because he wanted to teach Xi Feng

Intercepted? It is more like he spared Yu Rong lives for a few moments.

Feng Xia also notices that the sword art that mysterious expert is flowing and requires it to be broken to flow. So, he used the Sun Stopping Sword Art.

But who would have thought that the moment his sword clashed with the mysterious expert tree branch, the force that should have cut even a thick boulder, should have stopped the move with the internal energy shrouding every part of his blade, could not break that one branch of stick and could not stop its movement even by a bit.

Instead, like being dragged down by a swamp, their sword follows the mysterious expert pace.

However, the most shocked with this occurrence is none other than Xi Feng. He is the observer meaning he sees more clearly than the participant

That is because, the swordsmanship style of the mysterious expert employed is now different the moment, his stick branch connected with Feng Xiao and Xu Meng

Before the sword style the expert employed is carefree and unrestrained, like the movement of the clouds being pushed by the unpredictable changings of the wind but now that it clashed with Feng Xiao blade, it suddenly changed its form and style.

Suddenly the sword style is now distinctively strong in its stableness and steadiness.

And the essence of it was shown in every movement, deflecting and breaking the moves of the Feng Xiao and Xu Meng easily, like the mysterious expert is playing with children.

That is what it looks like to Xi Feng eyes.

Those two people wield powerful and sharp weapons, and even Yu Rong his martial uncle wielded a long heavy saber that weight a lot.

Yet, one of their strikes, none of their slashing could somehow broke that fragile branch of stick, like it was an immortal weapon forged in Heaven

At first Xi Feng did not understand but when he looked more closely he realizes something else

The mysterious expert trick was simple. josei

It was simple but just because its simple doesn’t mean it is easy to do.

Because it is simple in theory but almost impossible to do it in real life. That is why he said it was simple but not easy

Each time any strike comes to him, the mysterious expert would dissipate the force that his enemies have put in their strike.

It was truly like a Flowing Sword as it follows and flows endlessly, with countless variation without ever being broken.

It looks like the moves was being broken, but in the end, it was not broken at all, instead it flows endlessly.

That is the essence of the Flowing Sword Arts. Like the clouds, like the winds, like the water, the sword must flow.

At times it could be free and unrestrained, at times it could display stableness and steadiness.

Of course with Xi Feng understanding it would be impossible for him to truly grasp the essence of such method just by looking and memorizing but this alone have broadened his vision of his path as a swordsman.

Azief moves look like it a rigorous and well discipline sword style yet one could sense that nimble and agile move that is hidden behind his every attack and deflections of his enemy attack.

Xi Feng seeing the expert movement and style and flair could not help but felt something in his heart and then he felt guilty for thinking of it.

The mysterious expert attainment in the sword is immeasurably high and for one moment, he even hoped that the mysterious expert would not end his battle quickly.

Because the more he observes the mysterious expert technique, the more fascinated he became, and soon he was so focused that in his mind, there is only that one sword, deflecting and dissipating the enemy internal energy is in his eyes.

Even his pain and the coldness that is creeping in his bones is forgotten.

But while Xi Feng is entranced with Azief swordsmanship and style, Azief however is entering into a new realization.


Azief is showing off. And we are not even delving on the real mystery yet. Anyway, hope you enjoy the chapter until now and please leave some commenst and vote. I will be doing another polling in a few days or maybe tommororw. I will be asking again the question I used to ask before. And no, it is not about the release date. Hopefully, this time there is a response from you guys.

Dont forget to vote, leave some commenst and if you have the time and did not follow anyone, do follow my youtube channel. I do have an instgaram but I only posted food there.


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