Lord Shadow

Chapter 479

Chapter 479: Sword immortal (4)

The second statue on the second step cracked but did not explode but the Universal Law Body eyes is full of sword technique as his aura grows sharper.

The sword moves were imbued with the properties of the Universal energies.

Each sword moves have the heat of stars and suns, have the weight of planet and the sharpness of an atomic splicer.

If it was unleashed, it could bring a cataclysmic calamity bringing down an entire Universe with one slash of a sword.

The Runic Law Body on the third step did not have any change in his step.

Instead he holds up his finger and carve a few runes on his body with his fingernails. josei

The moment he carves it on his body, the runes was shaped straight like a sword.

If these runes were embedded in a weapon it could become a divine armament, if it is embedded in an essence of energy like a law Body it enables the Law Body to run into a weapon.

On the other hand, the Celestial Law Body who is sitting cross legged on the fourth steps and directly related with the fourth seal on Azief body, only opens it eyes for a moment before closing it back up.

For that one moment when it opens his eyes, the area around him turns into a paradise of immortal with thick celestial energy coming out of his body.

Azief action and enlightenment in the mortal world have affected the law Bodies in comprehending the Laws.

Their comprehension was added with the comprehension of Azief on the path of swordsmanship and his realization

Azul in his realm watches as the statue on the first step of the Supreme Stairway crumbles. He nodded and said

‘So, that is how it is’ Beside him, siting on her throne of stars and suns, is a woman.

It was none other than Meihul. Looking at the crumbling of the statue and hearing her husband said those words, her eyebrows furrowed.

‘Is that how it is?’ she asks to no one in particular. Azul did not answer as he closes his eyes. Sighing he said

‘Karma. Destiny. Fate’ he said only these three words and he said nothing else but it is clear from his tone, that he was disturbed by what he had just understand.

Meihul hearing those words from her husband, close her eyes and ask nothing.

Their Universe stands still.

Wargod, a million light years away, even as his floating star flew across many dimension and breaking many planes of existence, he felt the change on the Supremacy Stairway and he laughs with the joy in his heart could not be hidden away.

He remembers some old memory and then the smiles blooms on his face

‘So, that is how it is’ He shouted as he passes through a Time Tunnel trying to run away from a duo of speedster.

Yu Wang while he fishes for Destiny and Fate also felt the crumbling of the statue and he too slowly form a conclusion.

‘Thirteen Steps? Thirteen Steps?’

‘Hmm. Is it really the divination is wrong…or is it that we are looking at it with a wrong perspective? There will only be Thirteen people that walks that Stairway? How could there be fourteen?’

Then smiling, he said

‘Hah. How could there be fourteen!’ He said, this time it is no longer a question. It was a statement of truth.

But what does it mean? He said only thirteen people but clearly there is fourteen people that walk past the stairway?

Then what does he mean by saying how could there be fourteen?

Yu Wang felt happy like he is slowly unraveling a mystery.

In the Omniverse, that stretched through dimensions and innumerable space and even fabric of reality, those who understand will understand and those who do not understand will not understand

A Monkey in a secluded floating mountain that sailed through the stars with his clans of monkeys also felt the emanation of the crumbling of the statues on the Stairway.

He only snorted and nodded to himself as he laid himself on top of a floating clouds.

‘I was right’ he said and then just resume his sleep.

In the mortal world, Azief is still fighting the duo.

They were slowly accustomed to Azief attack but then Azief turns his deflecting motion into a thrust.

Azief smiles as his branch of stick seems like a flowing water.

It cut through the gaps of the attack as he uses the branch to hook Feng Xiao to him.

Feng Xiao was taken aback by the sudden change of style from the expert. Now, the moves that Azief exhibited is chaotic and messy.

It had no order whatsoever. If they are not convinced that Azief is an expert in swords, they might even think that Azief is some crazy person waving a branch of stick.

But to their surprise, it is precisely because his sword move was messy and chaotic it manages to penetrate through their attack and even evading Xu Meng attempt to deflect Azief attack.

Azief smirks again, his body radiated confidence and power as he uses the branch of stick to tap on Feng Xia arm back, the vibration force forces Feng Xiao to drop his blade.

It was fast and it was forceful but also unpredictable all at the same time

Xi Feng who was looking at this battle from afar was shocked because he knows what the expert is going to do.

‘The expert is tired of playing’

Yes, that is what Xi Feng thought.

From the moment he saw his martial uncle, his senior martial brother and sister fought the expert, to his eyes, it is clear the expert is only playing with them.

And by playing with them, the expert is trying to teach him something.

It was another guidance for him.

Meanwhile, while Feng Xiao was shocked by the sudden disarmament of his sword, he did not realize that his life is already forfeited the moment he let go of his sword.

Azief pointed to Feng Xiao throat and without even a shred of hesitation, he pierced Feng Xiao throat like the thing he was holding is not a branch of stick but the sharpest knife in the world.

‘NOO!’ Xu Meng roars, her eyes turn red from rage

Xu Meng was shocked and her face warped immediately.

She saw what the expert is going to do but she was to slow compared to the expert and she could not prevent the death of her lover.

Her already distorted expression turns even more distorted. Azief look at that women and he could feel her resentment and he could also see her face.

Azief then said

‘I don’t know the story of why your face is like that but it must be a tragic story.’ But then he smiles

‘But who in this world doesn’t have a sob story? That doesn’t excuse killing children and innocent people. If you all did not enter this cave, then this Old Ghost would not have had the desire to exterminate you all. Not only you kept killing, you disturb my peace. This is fate and destiny’ he said and as the woman turned crazy and mad seeing her lover wiggling on the ground with a bleeding hole in his throat.

Feng Xiao tries to close the hole with his hand but it was useless as blood keep spurting out and he felt his life slipping away from him.

Just a few second later he breathed his last in such an agonizing way.


Finally someone has died. Like always dont forget to vote and leave some commenst. Check my youtube channel if you have nothing to watch.

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