Lord Shadow

Chapter 482

Chapter 482: Sword immortal (7)

It wasn’t until now that Xi Feng realizes that his teacher did not even move all this while.

Through all the sword light and enchanting sword moves, not even once that his teacher move or forced to move back from his position.

He is still leaning on that tree, as the petals of that tree, slowly falls down, brushing on his teacher black robe.

Azief then put the branch of stick beside him.

‘Xi Feng greet Master’

As he kowtowed again. Azief closes his eyes as he tries to digested all he understands from his enlightenment before.

As he closes his eyes, Xi Feng look at his teacher. Sitting there with old clothes and unkempt hair and large beard he should look like a pathetic man.

But, instead he felt empty and vast.

His face was handsome, but his gaze before was indifferent and deep as though he went through many lifetimes and experienced the mortal world many times over

The wind blows and the rain stopped. The night sky opens as the moonlight shines upon the cave.

Azief then said

‘Go up and bury your pupil. Then if you decided to learn from me, seal your school and move to this cave’

Xi Feng hearing Azief words, his face turns sorrowful.

He closes his eyes and then the image of his pupils and disciple flashed in his mind and tears is pooling on his eyes.

Azief could feel his grief.

Xi Feng then opens back his eyes and said

‘Teacher what should I call you?’ he asks. It is clear that the reason why he asks Azief name is because he wanted to ask permission for something.

Azief then said

‘Call me Sword Immortal. Since I do not remember my name, just called me that’ Xi Feng nodded. It was like he too acknowledges such title.

Even though Xi Feng has never met the Abbott of the Xi temple he did meet with Immortal Tian. And he once saw Immortal Tian fought Demonic Monarch Xie.

His teacher internal energy would not lose to those people so it is not arrogant to call himself that.

There is also the fact that he thinks it suits his teacher personality of being domineering and shows that confidence of a grandmaster

He is sure that before his teacher lost his memory he must be some expert secluding himself and attaining high realm of martial arts that he could revert himself to become young

Xi Feng once heard that the Holy Maiden of the Majusi Cult in Beiyuan have such ability to revert herself to become young again

Then there was silence between them. The last drop of the rain flows from the leaves of the trees, falling gracefully to the ground.

The last sound of thunder whimper in the distance

Azief could sense that Xi Feng want to say something to him but he is hesitating

‘Ask’ he said

‘Teacher, I want revenge’

Xi Feng tell his Teacher what he wanted to do. It is clear his teacher wanted to impart him with martial arts.

And he wanted to use his martial arts to kill the people that bring about today situation. He did not want to lie to his teacher.

He did not know the temperament of his new teacher. What if he learns and uses it to kill people? Would his Teacher be mad and dispel all of his martial arts?

He expected his teacher would try to preach or lecture to him about the sanctity of life like the Monks of the Temple of Xi or persuade him with righteous rhetoric of the orthodox path

But Azief just said

‘To take revenge one has to be strong.’

Azief opens his eyes and look at Xi Feng scanning him up and down and snorted, his eyes are full of disdain

‘You are weak and you wanted to take revenge?’

Hearing this Xi Feng was shocked.

‘Master did not disapprove?’

‘Why would I?’

‘I want to kill people’

‘Hmm’ Azief nodded

‘Kindness beget kindness, veil beget evil. Since these people wanted to do evil, massacring without reason, killing without rhyme or reason, why would you not retaliate? Will they not kill you if you stay in this mountain? I do not teach idiots’ Azief said

Hearing this Xi Feng bow his head to the ground, prostrating to Azief as a sign of gratitude.

‘This disciple will not disappoint master’ josei

Azief just scoffed and said

‘Time will tell’

Xi Feng then drag out the bodies of his former fellow sect member from his teacher cave. Azief just look at that sorrowful back of Xi Feng and shake his head.

‘It would be useful to know about this world form him’

Since he had said he lost his memory it would not be that weird for him to seek information about the world under the pretext of not remembering.

Now, that he calms himself down he look at his chest silently.

Azief has felt that his chest is beating again, pumping the vitality of life into his body. The seal on his chest was unraveled completely and he could feel that his hand and palm and his entire upper body area gain that powerful vitality.

He takes a breath and he could feel the pure energy of this world. He could not absorb it like he did on Earth but he found another way of absorbing it.

‘I think I need to think deeper about this. Not being able to move is an inconvenience’

He is absorbing the energy of this world like the martial artist of this world. The more he did that the more the Heavens of this world approves.

‘Maybe the Heaven of this world is not sentient?’ He thought to himself. All it did was instinctive.

Azief then threw the thought to the back of his mind and continue

Through the pores and through the accumulation of the world energy it revolves around his body before seeping into every part of his body in the inside.

Azief could see that Xi Feng dragged the body of his martial uncle, his senior brother and sister down the mountain path.

After he walk out of his sight, Azief could still hear his footsteps as he went to the footpath.

Azief only sigh. He could guess what Xi Feng wanted to do.

He closes his eyes and he maintained his contemplation of his new discovery as the seal on belly button is unraveling slowly.

The fourth year Azief on this world, and he has five of the seal on his body finally removed.

In The Universe, Grand Supremacy, Supreme Being, Ancient Existence is looking out at the Supremacy Stairway with interest.

Some is slowly understanding the deeper mystery of that stairway while some is searching for the answer.

However, on the mortal world where the Demon monkey were once entrapped eons ago, Azief is living his mortal life by forming Karma with Xi Feng.

Him killing the Elder of the Vulture Peak and the Sun Devouring Sect was a secret. Xi Feng did not want to publicize that his teacher is there on the Five Element Mountain.

However, to the world of martial arts, the one that kill those three elders of the heterodox sect is none other than the Sword Gentleman and this killing of two of the most vocal voice on the heterodox sect shakes the entire martial art world.


When dio you think Azief will be revealed to the world? Give me your thoughts and leave some comments, gifts and please vote. And hope you enjoy the chapter.

See you tomorrow.

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