Lord Shadow

Chapter 489

Chapter 489: The immortal sword hut (3)

He wanted to master the ten moves of the Flowing Sword Arts but after three season he only manages to comprehend five moves of the Flowing Sword Arts

Azief knows his problem. The more he wanted to master the moves, the more he would not be able to. The more forceful he is; the more setback he will face.

He had to flow with it.

And to flow means to be calm.

To be flowing with the wind one needs to be wind. To flow like water, one needs to be water. To flow completely with the sword, one had to be the sword.

But each time Xi Feng wing the sword, he is Xi Feng. The sword is not a sword; it is Xi Feng sword.

To someone who do not understand his word, people would say he is being mysterious for the sake of being mysterious.

But that sword should not have Xi Feng individuality thrown into it. It should have just flow. A sword is a sword. And nothing more. It should not be the instrument of his will.

A sword should be a sword. And that is what Xi Feng did not understand and why it was so hard for him to master the sword moves.

That is why he sigh. Azief did think to create a new sword art but he had little knowledge regarding the other sword arts in the world.

If he wanted to create sword art, he wanted to create the most perfect sword art there is.

That is the other reason why he wanted to roam the world. Maybe when he is outside and look at all the swords arts in the world he would have a new realization.

A sword art for him and a sword art for the people of this world.

What if he could create a sword art where one swing of his sword could cut apart Karma, Destiny and Fate? To cut through the cycle of Creation and Destruction? To cut worlds and realities apart

A sword art where he uses the Omniverse power to cut open a new Omniverse or brought about the creation of a new Omniverse?

If he could create such sword art, wouldn’t he come closer to his Grand Path. Azief eyes was shining each time he thinks of this idea.

He takes a deep breath and focus on his surroundings.

In this large mountains with large trees and a new lake on the other side of his hut, there is only two humans.

It is him and his disciple.

Every day at noon, Xi Feng would come to him and ask guidance and he would instruct him from his hut.

Xi Feng is determined to one day come to Vulture Peaks and Sun Devouring Sect and kill those who gave the order to invade his sword school.

Fortunately, he did not give in completely to revenge. He was angry and his revenge is justified so he did not become insane.

Xi Feng has closed his sword school and at the foot of the mountain, there is a sign saying Do not climb the mountain

Xi Feng slowness in comprehending the sword skill had nothing to do with his talent. His talent is quite good. He is just too rigid in his understanding.

But he had slowly changed. Maybe after experiencing such treachery and the changing hearts of people, his personality has also changed slightly.

But Azief knows that it would take time.

A strong tree after all, need time before it could grow up and become a sturdy tree that could help shelter people from the rain and act as a shade when the sun burns the ground

Though, now that his rigidness has slowly changed, he is now hindered by his emotions. But Azief could understand why

It wasn’t until Azief take up residence in the hut that he knows the story about Xi Feng and his students

It turns out that when he was travelling from Yong, he passes through Zhou. He apses through a dilapidated village full of small children, orphan of war between the border of Zhou and Yong.

All of them suffer many hardship and pain because of the war.

Some of those children are blind in one eye, while many of them ae blind on both of their eyes, others have some kind of disabilities that made them unwanted by other people.

They were targeted by some noble scions that wanted to play with kids sexually or some people that wanted their organs.

Xi Feng tracked down some of those people and executed them for their evil deeds. But not all of them were someone that Xi Feng could even attempt to kill.

Some of them are the noble scions of Zhou, protected by many master of martial arts.

It was then that he knew how powerless he was. He could only kill those ruffians and people who are hiding in gangs or small sects.

Xi Feng has a soft heart and brought these children with him.

They all follow Xi Feng gladly because it had to be better than to become the play pet of nobles or being beaten by people and get their organs taken away.

Xi Feng brought them to Silhae and teach them martial arts. He treated them like he was his children, and they all treated Xi Feng like he was their father.

It is also the reason why his student was so loyal to him that none of them betray him and would rather die in battle protecting him.

Xi Feng could not help but tear up on that day of battle when he saw his students and disciple step up to get hacked by Yu Rong saber just to protect him

Azief hearing this could not help but feel for him. He truly endured so much pain and it is understandable why his desire for revenge was so intense.

Because of that Azief himself has treated Xi Feng as his true disciple.

Sometimes before sunset, he could see Xi Feng on the cliff where he buried his students as he cries and blames himself.

It was then that Azief decided to truly teach this young man sincerely.

It is form of repayment of Karma and also because his heart wanted to help this young man.

It might be weird to call him a young man considering how young Azief face really look.

But while his face is young, he has an old soul.

It is not an expression of words. Azief literally has an old soul.

Those lives in the Six Sabers, if you think of it as fake and an illusion, then it is fake and an illusion.

But if you think of it as real and true, then it is also real and true.

He had seen the vicissitudes of life and he had experience all seven emotions.

He had seen the six paths of reincarnation and he had seen the sorrows and joy of life. But in the end, that sorrows, that joy, that emotions, belongs to Azul and not him.

If he thinks it is true, then it is true. But if he thinks it is fake, then it is fake. Then that is a fragile thing.

However, this feeling he is feeling right now, this feeling of waking up from his sleep, being touched by simple act of kindness, this feeling, this experience is his and his alone.

Azief in his rise to power and now in his quest of seeking his Grand Path, no one has ever instructed him until he met Alsurt. josei

Alsurt teaches him the power of Words, the power of questions, the power of a name and the invisible chain that could entrap you when you spoke an oath or a word.

Azief treated him like a teacher. Even after all of these years, he did not forget about his promise to Alsurt to release him from his captivity.

That was his promise to him. His oath. Then there is one other person that he treated like his teacher.

Azul. He had given him so much. If not for the things Azul had bestowed toward him, he would never have reached this stage so fast.

He had been helped by many people.

The Disk and the Law Bodies, hi path to completing the Perfection Path, it probably would not appear if not for all the encounter he had.

Azief did not forget all of this.

He engraved it in his heart and he promised to one day repay them for the kindness and opportunity they granted him

Because of them, he now had a chance to seek his Grand Path, to become Eternal and know the secrets of the Universe and the entire Omniverse.


Will not be saying to much. Hope you enjoy the chapter and leave some comments

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