Lord Shadow

Chapter 492

Chapter 492: The immortal sword hut (6)

Xi Feng has his own residence on top of the mountain. It has all it needs to protect him from the cold. It was large and spacious, looking like a small palace

One might not understand how could Xi Feng who was not even one of the famous name in the martial art world could create such a grand place.

In his journey, Xi Feng has once saved a certain merchant group from bandit attack.

He then escorted them until their domains.

When he reached their house, Xi Feng finally realizes that the person he escorted is the salt king of Zhou.

His name was Wei Ran. He was a good man and care about the people. Even though he as a merchant and looked down upon by the nobles, he was one of the good ones.

When people raise their rice grain during times of war, he lowered it to help the people from completely starving.

Even the Emperor of Zhou praises his benevolence and virtue and he was loved by the people.

When he found that Xi Feng was about to bring the orphans of war to Silhae, he was the one that funded his journey.

And when Wei Ran found out that he wanted to open a school for martial arts, he was the one that send workers here and built this palace like residence.

Xi Feng walk in the snow and reached his residence.

It was a quaint but large residence.

When he returned to his residence, his countenance turns gloomy.

It used to be filled with the laughter of his student and disciple. He could still see their shadows playing around his bedroom or making a mess in the large kitchen.

Sometimes he could see Little Su bringing him tea like in the past when he is delirious. She was a blind girl but she was tough.

She supported her two brothers by begging on the street.

She has scars all over her body except her face. She endures all kinds of beating and suffering to feed her two brothers.

Her happiest years is probably when she was here with him. Her smile now become a source of pain for him because her smile was so full of hope of a tomorrow that have never come.

Xi Feng teaches her the art of tea.

Since she was not talented in martial arts, Xi Feng wanted to teach her the art of tea and probably someday when he is gone she could use it to gain employment in many famous restaurants in the large cities.

She was so full of hope and life. And all of that disappeared in one day.

He agreed with his teacher. He was weak. And weak people could not seek revenge. Because weak people would die before they could even exact their revenge.

There is hate in his heart but there is also love. Because if there is no love, how could he hated those who kills his students so much?

It is because he has love, that his heart is so in pain right now.

He wanted those children to live a great life. He wanted them to be able to protect themselves and live a proud life without having to feel small.

That is why he teaches them martial arts. But that was not the only things he taught them. He taught them many other things.

They are all his children. Imagine having your children taken away from you. And he does not only have one children. He has a lot of children.

That was his feeling. So how could he not change his personality? But unlike some people who become cold and cruel after having such experience, Xi Feng did not become like them.

His heat is not cold. His heart is burning with fire. He sat down for a while a she poured himself a hot tea. He had boiled it before he went out to practice his swordsmanship.

He sighed. There was one other thing.

The List of Swordsman. He had talked about it with his teacher and they both agree someone is plotting against him.

First of all, the fact was not true at all. They did not even confirm it with himself. Of course, if they come, Xi Feng still would admit to killing those three because he knows his teacher did not want his presence to be known to the world.

But there is a difference in between him saying it and other people saying it without his permission.

And the way he was described in the description is without a doubt, a kind of bait for people. There is someone plotting against him in the Martial Alliance.

He does not know who was it that is plotting against him but it also made him think about other things.

Yu Rong words echoes inside Xi Feng mind

“Do you really think the Martial Alliance is a good force? Who do you think plotted against our Heaven and Earth Gate sect?”

Could it really be the scheme of the Martial Alliance?

He had asked his teacher about it and his teacher said

“Even if they were the one schemed against you, cold you take revenge the way you are now? The weak could not choose how they die”

But in the end, his teacher said, the answer is obvious as day. Maybe it was not as bad and there were only few rotten fruits in the Martial Alliance.

The worst case scenario, is that the Martial Alliance is not as it seems.

And he had a nagging suspicion that maybe the attack on his school is also the scheme of the Martial Alliance.

But he had no proof.

Either way, he now has to be even more careful. His teacher doesn’t seem that concerned about it.

He sighed as he shakes his head.

There are too many things in his mind right now. Hunting might be a relieve as he doesn’t have to think about all the sad memories and the schemes of other people towards him.

He enters his room and saw the empty room as he changes his clothes to a hunter clothes with thick wolf fur. He took the bow and arrow and readied himself to go hunting in the forest down below the mountain.

He then went out of his residence, as the snow of winter keep falling and the memories of yesterday burns bright.

Beneath the mountain, a few people are looking up at the Five Finger Mountain, their eyes show that they do not have any kind intention.

They are exactly three people.

One of them is a cripple holding a sharp cane. The other one has a disfigured face and blind in one eye. And the last one has scars all over his face and cut all over his arms.

‘First Brother, you are sure to raid this place? This Xi Feng is not some normal swordsman. If anyone could defeat the Elder of Vulture Peak and Sun Devouring Sect, he must not be some pushover’

The one calling the First Brother is the one with disfigured face. His voice was hoarse and seems like it grated through his vocal cords.

He directed his question to the cripple holding a sharp cane.

‘Second brother, they were unprepared. But we are prepared. And after all, the boy only managed to master ten moves. If I could exact my revenge to Li Xian, this all will be worth it.’ The third brother, the one with all the scars nodded and added

‘All the Li family should perish and suffer’ Three of them look at each other with devious smile and nodded like they agreed with each other

These three look like Devils and their intent is nefarious. josei

They then ignoring the cold of winter climb the mountain


See you all tomorrow and hope you have a nice holiday this week.

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