Lord Shadow

Chapter 497

Chapter 497: Three devils of han (3)

While all of this is happening Azief is thinking in his hut, completely in peace with the silence of the area and the sound of the wind accompanying him in his contemplation and his own silent thoughts

He thought about all of the things he had gained in this journey of his.

He even felt that his Undying Physique is becoming even more sturdy. It was like there was a qualitative change in his body.

It was like his veins were nourished by his internal energy and even his blood is being transformed to become even more full of life.

Though Azief himself don’t know the effect it would bring since he did not have his Divine Sense.

By not having a Divine Sense he could not see himself introspectively thus knowing exactly what he could do.

And without his Divine Sense he could not sense his Inner Universe like before. Maybe he has it but he couldn’t see it.

All manner of the energy he is used to was cut off from him by the seal and the oppression of this world.

And that is another thing that he is confused about

This world while it has no consciousness, oddly enough it is more powerful in exercising its will.

Of course, if Azief did not have the seal restraining his power the Heavens of this world will be not match but with the thirteen seals on his body when he first fell on this world that suppression is strengthened.

For some reason Azief felt that is another secret of this world.

He sighed.

And closes his eyes. He had finished revolving the energy inside his body as he tries to spread it all inside his body, strengthening his body and weakening the seal.

It would not be long until the seal on his belly button would be unraveled. As Azief is doing all this the three people have finally arrived on top of the mountaintop.

Since Azief is focusing on something else and immersing himself in revolving the energy in his body he did not notices these three people arriving on the mountaintop.

These three people look around and they saw the sword school of Sword Gentleman Xi Feng in the distance.

They look on another place and they saw a huge residence.

‘Han Guang, let us check it if the owner is home’ said a crippled person holding a cane to make sure he is not falling through the snow.

The one asking is none other than the Crippled Devil Han Xiao. Beside him stand a man with all manners of cuts on his skin. This person is the One Thousand Cut Devil Han Xin

Han Guang nodded as they all went to the residence.

They saw a half finished pot of tea and the warmth is still there, meaning the owner of this residence, leave the residence just not long ago.

As Han Xin is trying to seek any clues to where the owner of this place is going, Han Guang who was at the other areas spotted a hut behind the residence. The hut is located on top of a small hill behind the residence.

Like everything else on this mountaintop, it is covered by white snow. Han Guang then relay his observation to the other two.

‘Let us check the hut then’ Han Xin said.

The three of them come out from that residence and slowly walk to that hut. While all of this is happening Xi Feng is surely hunting some rabbits and birds on the forest just below the mountaintop.

The Three Devils of Han walk through the snow and reached the top of the hill.

Azief is also in the hut but at this time, he did not notice anything, since his eyes is slowly shining golden. He is trying to find the source of this suppression just by relying on this new energy he had slowly master.

He is using his internal energy and spreading it out. He is trying to create a brand new energy and a new Divine Sense composed of the energy allowed by this world.

If he could create it, one day if he is ever stuck like this again, he would know what to do.

His internal energy is pure and because this is his attempt to meld with the energy of this world, his internal energy is not exploding out or could be felt

It felt like the wind, natural and part of this world.

If it has a trace of Azief explosive nature of internal energy those three people that is slowly approaching the hut would have retreated back down to the mountain.

The three people arrived in front of the hut and they look at the wooden plaque. They read it and they frowned.

‘Immortal Sword Hut? How arrogant!’ The Crippled Devil Han Xiao exclaimed. They are not many who would use this kind of title. josei

Then using his cane, he pushes the door and the door slowly swing open.

The three people expected to see Xi Feng instead what they saw was something different from their expectation.

They saw a black robe person with a wolf fur clothes on his back siting cross legged on top of an ice bed.

His face looks young but the aura around him seems ancient. It made their heart to tremble a bit.

But is clear to the three of them, this young looking man must be a powerful expert

Could it be this expert is like the Holy Maiden of the Majusi Cult of Beiyuan, having the martial arts technique to revert oneself to their youth?

On the other hand, when that person is pushing the door, Azief was attempting to try to fuse his internal energy with the energy of this world.

He was suddenly interrupted as the door of his hut was opened. He slowly opens his eyes.

The three Devils look at the man in the black robe and felt no fluctuation of energy but the moment Azief opens his eyes, a powerful aura spread out all over the mountain top forcing the Three Devils to quickly retreat away

Azief internal energy force burst out almost at the instant he opens his eyes.

Han Xia tapped down his cane to the ground as he glides backward, Han Xin turn his back and jump, while Han Guang strike the force with his palm as he uses the rebounding force to retreat.

They felt fear the moment they felt that boundless internal energy around that man.

They know they have made a mistake. From what they heard Xi Feng lives alone on top of the mountaintop of the Five Finger Mountain.

How could there be another person here? As they are retreating they all were reminded of the plaque on top of the door the hut.

Immortal Sword Hut. Then who was residing there? A Sword Immortal?

As they felt that internal energy, they are no doubt is facing off against a grandmaster of martial arts.


Third chapter for today. Give me some gifts. Treat it like a gift for the new year….Hehehe. ANyway, hope you like it and leave some comments and votes

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