Lord Shadow

Chapter 522

Chapter 522: Shocking the whole world (4)

Tukhla keep on observing the Thee Devils of Han while the crowd is watching intently at the battle.

The Crippled Devil not sensing that he is being observed was actually sweating right now. The voice that he heard was like the Sword Immortal was beside him whispering words into his ears. He looks back and through the gaps of the door, he could see that the Sword Immortal is looking at him.

He calms himself down and thought to himself

He once heard that grandmaster level could use their internal; energy to manipulate sounds and send their words to people far away without anyone none the wiser.

It is the so called Silent communication between master.

Han Xiao quickly went into the hut as he tends to Azief needs as he told about the people that come here and their martial arts school.

Azief listens to all of this, this time paying attention. Sometimes he would close his eyes to try to understand and analyze the swordsmanship of those people that is fighting with Xi Feng

On the platform, Xi Feng waved his sword slowly but no matter how slow he swings the sword, he could always deflect the sword attack of the Killing Star Formation.

The swords light and the attacks of the Star Killing sect come from all four sides of his surroundings.

It felt as the stars are exploding and one could hardly tell where the star’s fragment would crash on.

The sword light is illusory but it could also be real. The five people of the Star Killing Sect changed position repeatedly but there is a pattern in their changes of positions.

Some people even praise the Killing Star formation for its offensive powers. But Xi Feng was still there. So, the praises sound like insult when the people of the Star Killing Sect hears it. Even when they have all use their attacks and attack him with all they got.

Xi Feng is still there on the platform stage, walking leisurely like he was taking a leisurely stroll in a garden

His temperament was like that of the sword master that roamed freely around the world, carefree and unrestrained

One could truly be elevated into a master once mastering the Flowing Sword Arts. This is one of the thought running around in the minds of many people

And as these thought arises from their minds, they also felt envy towards Xi Feng. Azief look at all this with indifference.

The Three Devils of Han also look at all this with indifference.

The Three Devils of Han had seen with their own eyes of how Xi Feng improved himself since the moment they served the Sword Immortal

They themselves knows how powerful this young man now. Xi Feng could even defeat the Three Devils of hand if they fight them one on one.

In just a few second after the Star Killing Formation was employed it was broken and as their five swords were flung from their hands, they were defenseless.

Azief laughed when he saw the moves that Xi Feng has employed. That move of flicking people sword from their hand is Azief move.

When he fights Xi Feng Senior brother and his martial Uncle, Azief uses a stick to made them release their weapons.

Xi Feng did the same

As for the other one that joined in the fight, he could not even interfere.

The battle was too fast and intense that he could even cut in. Before he could even contribute to the battle, Xi Feng had already defeated the Star Killing Sect members.

When he saw that all five members of the Star Killing Sect all have lost their weapon, that man wanted to charge toward Xi Feng but before he could even take one step, Xi Feng kick one of the sword of the Star Killing Sect and it stuck itself into the stone platform, just right in front of that man feet

Then Xi Feng declared.

‘If you cross pass that sword, I will kill you’ he said only this sentence and the young man retreated back.

Some people laughed and heckled the young man. This man is the one that mocked Xi Feng the most when they arrived but now, with a few sentence he was rendered speechless.

Then when the One Eyed Devil Han Guang announces the winner of the battle and asked whether there is any objection on Xi Feng wins, the entire area was silent

It finally sinks on them of this new reality.

It is only now that even the people who were heckling the man in the stage finally realized what has just transpired in front of them

The atmosphere was awkward and depressed. There is many reason why they are feeling like this josei

All of the people of the martial arts worlds, since they enter the martial arts world knows of the Three Supreme manual of swordsmanship

The Heaven Sword Arts that is missing after the Spring and Autumn Period. The One Sword technique of the Sword Residence.

And then there is the Flowing Sword Art created by Qu Yuan. While everyone always wanted to see the three sword manuals they also have a complicated feeling about it.

Qu Yuan in his lifetime, after he had created the Flowing Sword Arts has never been defeated and his sword arts could be considered a supreme sword art.

Even the One Sword technique did not get such an appraisal.

This is because the One Sword Technique was created after the death of Qu Yuan and no one have ever pitted the two swords arts together.

Now, it is clear to everyone that comes here, that the Sword Gentleman Xi Feng has mastered one part of the manual of the Flowing Sword Arts.

They did not expect that just by mastering ten moves, that Xi Feng could become such a powerful swordsman.

The Flowing Sword Art deserves its title as one of three greatest sword manual in the martial art world.

What they didn’t know was that Xi Feng has not only mastered twelve moves, he also had mastered twelve modified moves of the Flowing Sword Arts.

And Azief would impart him the rest of the moves when he was about to leave.

By that time, Azief believes he would be able to create that Supreme Sword manual he has been thinking about.

Below the platform the onlooker have variety of feeling right now.

Even those who just came to join in the fun was speechless as they try to remembers the moves that the Sword Gentleman had used.

The weird thing is the more they try to remember it, the more they forgotten it. Reaching at this point, one could not help but praise the mystical part of the sword arts that has long entranced the whole martial arts world

There is a lot of complicated feeling in everyone right now.

Some of them wanted to learn the sword arts while some even hope that the news of Xi Feng mastering the sword arts is just false news.

This is because, if the news is true, then a martial artist like Qu Yuan would once again appear in this world.

For some of the Elders here and even some of the storyteller coming up into the mountain today, they know some secret of that story.

The world doesn’t want another Qu Yuan to appear.

After that Xi Feng took a rest and every half an hour challenges were accepted.

Azief sat on his wheelchair in the hut, watching a few seconds of the beginning of the battle, closes his eyes and sometimes opens his eyes when he heard a sound

The Crippled Devil stand beside him, not saying anything just waiting if Azief have any question for him.

Just because the Sword Immortal did not say anything, does not mean Han Xiao would go out of the hut.

He waited patiently as Azief observes the numbers of the participants slowly decreases. The orthodox sect and the heterodox sect both raises their challenges but they also become even more cautious.

Xi Feng has proven to all of them that he is not some hack or some liars. He truly mastered the moves of the Flowing Sword Arts

For the orthodox sect most of them trade pointers with Xi Feng and when Xi Feng and a member of the orthodox sect battle against each other, usually there would be no injuries, and Xi Feng would finish the battle in only a few strokes of his sword

Xi Feng only needed a few strokes to break these people sword arts, like he had seen their flaws before they even execute their second swing

It is frustrating yet it was also enlightening. Now, it almost looks like Xi Feng is a grandmaster of sword arts.

The Flowing Sword Arts was created after the crystallization of Qu Yuan experiences looking at all the mighty swordsmanship of his era.

In his era, the world was fragmented and wars were everywhere. But at the same time, such an environment produced great hero and powerful villains.

Qu Yuan followed the Yong emperor to unite the world and in his journey he had the chance to fight some of that era greatest heroes and villains.

He learned from his defeat, analyze theirs words arts and martial skill and even their internal energy skills technique and when the world was united he compiled one of the most well sought manual in the history of the martial arts world.

If not for the fact that it was so hard to understand the manual, it would surely create a bloodshed in the martial arts world more terrible than during the search for the Heaven Sword Manual.

The Flowing Swords Arts could deflect all these schools and sect attacks simply because, the originator of this swords arts derived the breaking and deflecting technique of his sword moves from the original swords arts of these people schools and sect.

Thus there is this feeling among the challengers.

They felt frustrated because they are easily defeated by Xi Feng but at the same time it was an enlightening because it pointed out the flaws in their swordsmanship and what path should they take to improve on their swordsmanship.

For those that just came for the fun they offer their congratulations to Xi Feng and ask for his permission to comment and even bet on the battle.

The storytellers on the other hand wishes to use this as a material for their story after they went down and they were all allowed to be on top of the mountaintop


See you all tomorrow and leave some comments and vote for the story. I will not be saying to much

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