Lord Shadow

Chapter 531

Chapter 531: Beginning the third lesson

Back on the Sealed World, Azief saw the expression of the Kneeling Saber.

Xu Yao frowned and then bowed slightly while cupping his hand. He then said

‘We are working under the order of the Emperor, Sword Immortal. Please do not make it hard for both of us and give us some face’

Azief smirked and then laughed

‘What does I care about the words of your Emperor. Your Emperor is not my emperor. And even if your Emperor is here, I would not give them any face. If your Emperor, ask you to do any despicable act would you listen? What is the difference between you and a common slave? A man need to have a backbone. If something is wrong, then you must oppose it. An enlightened emperor would listen to advice and wise counsel. Even if you wanted to take over the martial arts world, this is not right. Killing children and scheming against the young. What a good emperor!’ josei

Hearing this the soldiers behind Xu Yao and the Eunuch become angry. Eunuch Hong on the other hand frowned.

‘It is clear from Xu Yao words, that he is trying to negotiate with the Sword Immortal. But the Sword Immortal clearly does not seem like the kind of person that wanted to negotiate. It is clear from the way he insults the Emperor and the way he disregards Xu Yao attempt of reconciliation.’ He thought to himself.

And Eunuch Hong could not help but feel the Sword Immortal is actually provoking them to attack

The Sword Immortal is basically forcing them to attack him. Eunuch Hong look at the expression on Kneeling Saber.

He is red in the face and even though his finger has been cut, his fighting spirit is not

By mocking the two Emperor of the southern and northern dynasties, whether Xu Yao or Eunuch Hong wanted to or not, they have to attack the Sword Immortal to reclaim some face and dignity.

If the Sword Immortal mocked their Emperors and they didn’t attack him, where would they put the dignity of the imperial family?

But Eunuch Hong knows how difficult it is to fight against someone who have reached the level of a grandmaster.

Such people could call upon the energy of the world. Internal energy is stored in the body and used in the body.

Only grandmaster went above and beyond that in that they could outwardly project the internal energy in their body outward creating many miraculous effects.

And it is not the same like shooting out energy blast from their palms. Grandmaster utilize the force that is in all things and all creations.

Internal energy has many effect like strengthening the bodies and making the movement faster

But grandmaster level martial artist possess power that gives them some abilities in par of a god.

They could leap through long distance that they would appears to be flying in the air and their strength is hundredfold more powerful than a normal person

And their stamina is also not something to be lightly scoffed at.

The founder of the Sword Residence when he was breaking out of the palace after killing the Emperor Ji Yan was surrounded by ten thousand Royal Guard

He killed five thousand of the ten thousand guards and finally broke out from the encirclement and return to Yong.

A grandmaster endurance and their speed also outstripped normal martial artist like Demonic Monarch Xie who can buried himself in snow for a week when he was hiding from the imperial forces and the orthodox sect pursuit

And their toughness would make anyone who have never fought a grandmaster despair in hopelessness.

Normal arrows and normal sword couldn’t hurt their bodies.

And some grandmaster of martial arts could also target from far away with an energy blast or sword light which also referred to sword energy

Then there is some grandmaster who have such powerful defensive abilities that they might as well be invincible when they are defending like the Abbot of Temple of Xi who learned the Golden Bell Protection from their Myriad Arts.

It is told in stories that when the Abbot went out to repel Demonic Monarch Xie, the Demonic Monarch uses his Devil Palm but could not break through the force field that was created by the Abbot

It is why Eunuch Hong felt apprehensive.

Those who opposed a grandmaster would surely die without question! This is the so called will of a Grandmaster of the martial arts world.

In this world, they are two beings that you should not insult. Emperors and grandmaster of the martial arts world.

Xi Feng who was behind the wheelchair could look the complicated face on both of the renowned officials of Yong and Zhou and then he looks at his teacher back

Azief is teaching this lesson to Xi Feng. If he is as powerful as him would anyone dare offend him? Would anyone dares kill his pupils?

The fact that anyone who opposed grandmaster would die did not need to be specially emphasized.

Instead it is a natural bottom line. Xi Feng also had the chance to think as his teacher talk with the two officials of the two dynasties.

He knows what his teacher intend to do now. But he keeps standing behind the wheelchair silently, not uttering any words.

He is only listening to the words that come out from his teacher mouth and get rid of any distracting thoughts.

Azief on the other hand is holding in his killing intent. Hs killing intent is unravelling the seal on his belly button.

Even though he has lost his divine sense and could not detect anything, he did not lose his instinct and premonition abilities.

When he means premonition, it does not mean he could look into the future. It is a feeling of something going to happen.

And he felt that the moment he killed all of these people that is becoming their obstacle he will unravel the sixth seal.

It is a feeling he could not shake off.

And unconsciously Azief body emanated a more vigorous power and the killing intent that he hides in his heart melded with his sharp sword intent.

Xi Feng tries to remain calm but his heart is pale and his heart is beating furiously. His body could feel the killing intent and the sword intent his teacher had just release.

And it hurts him. But his hand did not push away from the wheelchair. He remains where he is, standing where he is.

His eyelids fluttered involuntarily.

‘Now I will begin your third lesson’ The moment he said that Azief expression gradually became indifferent

He looks emotionless but at the same time there isn’t even a trace of coldness in his face. This kind of state of mind is something not many can imitate.

The moment his word landed on the ears of Xu Yao and Eunuch Hong they quickly prepare themselves.


Anyway, i think there will be a lot of chapter on the mass release on the end of the months so be careful and store your coins. Hehehe. Hope you like the chapter and dont forget to vote and leave some comments

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