Lord Shadow

Chapter 533

Chapter 533: The owner had arrived

At the same time, he was laughing unrestrainedly on top of the Five Element Mountain, in Yong, inside the Temple of Xi, the Pagoda of Bearing Evils once again glowed with golden colors.

Dark mists surrounded the temple and then an ancient voice sounded from the Temple.

The bells of the temples and monastery inside this city of monks was suddenly ringing like it is being hit by an invisible force.

The clouds opened up in the sky as golden auspicious color descended down from the Heavens to constrains the dark mist coming out from the Pagoda of Bearing Evils

The entire Shaohua mountain is trembling like something is about to erupt from the mountain itself.

Wind swept pass the middle of the mountain creating a wind gust that does not allow anyone to hike the mountain

For those who were inside the Temple they chanted their sutra trying to make sure they are not tempted from the words that is coming out from the dark mist.

They did not want such tragedy from before to happens again.

The hidden grandmaster inside the Temple all stirred. They all come out and is rushing toward the area of the Pagoda.

This time the Abbot who was waiting for this moment and was extremely prepared, fly out from his room and quickly arrived in front of the Pagoda.

Behind him thirteen monks appear and forms a circle. They then chanted some words as the golden glow of the Pagoda become brighter

This chant was left behind by the Enlightened Monk when he left this Pagoda.

The Abbot since that time the Pagoda showing some signs have been searching through the archive of the Temple Directory and found this ancient chant.

The Abbot himself did not understand what it means but it is written that this chant would enable the Pagoda to harvest the power of the Heavens and reveals the secrets of heaven

As the thirteen monks chanted, it forms a resonance of energy from their soundwave and soon enough, a clear voice come out from the Pagoda.

It was the same ancient voice the Abbot had heard but this time the content is a little bit different than before

‘The Destined Owner have arrived. A new debt will be incurred and Karma will be sown. Thunder would fill the world, breaking through the Heavens, the land would shake and the Palm will rise. Wind would change direction pushing the Barrier of the World and welcome a new era!’

The moment this voice ended, all thirteen monks coughed up a lot of blood and were thrown backward by an invisible force.

The entire Temple was quiet as they try to divine the meaning of that voice.

The Abbot if not for his mastery of his internal energy would probably also suffer the same fate of having to cough a lot of blood.

His internal organ is roiling but he manages to calm it down and then he closes his eyes as he tries to find meanings in the words of the ancient voice.

This Pagoda is the most mystical thing in the Temple and after thousands of years had passed, it finally shows some kind of activity.

Even the Abbot did not fully believe about the mystical aspect of the Pagoda until that event where it suddenly spoke and emitting golden light that could be seen from the foot of the mountain.

The Abbot look toward that Pagoda as the golden glow around it absorb the dark mist and he could hear the sound of melodies coming out from the Temple

‘The Melody of the Demonic Flute’ The Abbot muttered.

The Abbot quickly put his hand together, close his eyes and uses his internal power to shut off his senses.

The other thirteen monks also do the same thing and at the same time chanted the ancient words that they have memorized.

They waited until the golden glow restrained all the dark mist.

Then the glow faded away, and it no longer shines and so does the dark mist were captured by the golden glow of the Pagoda.

But a few grandmaster monks look at the Sealed Pagoda with eyes that shows their uncertainty.

They all look toward the Abbots like they are implying something. The Abbot noticed their wariness and he nodded

The Abbot returns to his room and called upon the other eminent monks in the temple. The moment they entered, he only said three sentence

‘Open the Gate’

Today, the same day that the two dynasties of the world ambush the martial artist on top the Five Element Mountain, the moment The Sword Immortal reveals himself to the world, the illustrious and mysterious Temple of Xi opens its gate once again.

At the same time in Yongxian valley, The Old Man Who Seek His Path, Li Dan sends his many disciples out to the mortal world saying the opportune moment for ascension have come and each of his disciple must seek their own fortune and fate.

Two of the most powerful martial arts organization in the world had made a move that day

At the same time, when Azief was laughing he had unraveled his sixth seal. Azief in his sword strike had entered into a new comprehension of the sword.

He did not know why he did not achieve it before but he only understands it now when he faces those two people.

The reason why he could not reach a new realm in his swordsmanship before is because, he never wanted to kill the people he met before that badly. josei

When he is practicing with Xi Feng he did not attack him with the true intent to kill. When he fought the Three Devils of Han he had an intention to recruit them.

And when he fought Xi Feng martial Uncle and Martial brother and Sister, he did not yet understand that much about swordsmanship

Today, as he desires to kill those two people, his sword intent was materialized out of the internal energy he had on his body.

His internal energy materializes out of his own body, shaped by his will and determination and cut apart those two people head cleanly and without any chance of his attack being defended.

That is why he laughed and that is why in that split moment of having killing intent and the stimulation of using his internal energy his seal on his belly button unraveled completely.

He could even feel slight feeling in his feet.

He had unsealed the sixth seal. Now there is only seven more seals left


Will not be saying too much in this chapter. Hope you like the story and leave some comments below. See you tomorrow

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