Lord Shadow

Chapter 535

Chapter 535: Not enough

The three thousand rips that is present in the Supremacy Dimension increases. This other space rips are the backdoor to many other Universes and Dimensions.

It was ripped apart by the pressure of the Demonic aura and the Celestial Divine energy of the Celestial Law Bodies.

Once again, Jade Emperor had to end his meeting early and chanted a spell to stabilize the rips on the Supremacy Dimension.

He sighed and look toward the Supremacy Steps with a complicated expression. He had slowly began piecing together some clues as he investigated the stairway.

Jade Emperor Yu Wang did not know where his help to Azief is a blessing or a curse for him. Attaching Karma to such a person is very risky.

He then shakes his head and said to himself josei

‘What is done is done. Let this Emperor bet the fate of the Universe to you. This Emperor is also tired of always reincarnating’ he said as he stabilizes all the rips around the Supremacy Stairway

Inauspicious signs fill the Universe, the sound of wailing and screaming could be heard coming from the Void of emptiness of this dimension.

Like the Celestial Law Bodies, with Azief comprehension of the sword, as the Law Body wave his finger a sword appeared on its hands.

This sword was created by the killing intent that it possesses so one could only wonder what kind of devastation and destruction that a strike from this sword would inflict upon its target.

The sword on his hand only have one purpose. To kill. And to kill. And to kill more and more until there is nothing left.

It could cut everything, the Heavens, Timelines, Fates and Destinies

This is the sword formed from the defiant hearts of the Ancient Auras which contains its obsessiveness to not be controlled, to not be restrained and to not be suppressed.

Swirling around the sword is an aura full of madness and killing intent.

Once this aura passes through any living beings it would break their minds and any living beings that had a soul if they look at the Law Body of the Ancient Asura right now, they would have their soul severed from their body just matching their gaze with the Ancient Asura.

Right now the statue of Zeus that have been supplying the Law Body with the energy of the thirteen Steps had already cracked.

But it still glowered with majesty, thunders and lightning swirls around it protecting it from being eroded by the sea of blood that was formed by the thick killing intent of the Law body of the Ancient Asura

But this time, the statue does not seem to be able to last long. Even before, it had already had many cracks.

Then the Law Body of the Ancient Asura wave the sword on his hand. The moment he waves it that sword on his hand scattered like flower petals.

It looks beautiful like a flower petal falling in fall but at the same time a powerful and terrifying aura rises up inside the Supreme Dimension.

The swords turn into flower petals. The flower petal is golden white color but at the same time swirling around these flower petals is a devious killing intent.

It shot towards the statue and immediately the statue of Zeus exploded into tiny pieces before it dissipated into nothingness

The destruction of the statue is oddly beautiful. Then there is only silence in the Supreme Dimension.

The Law body of the Celestial and the Law Body of the Ancient Asura was still standing but they then close their eyes and cross their hands.

They waited. For the original body to come back to this stair and merged with them so they could attain completion. So they could attain Perfection

While this was happening on top of the stairs of the Supremacy Stairway, on top of the Five Element Finger, Azief could feel the disappearance of his sixth seal

Now he only has seven more seals to unravel and he is confident he could unravel it all before the end of this year.

The seventh seal and his eight seals is both respectively on his right and left thighs. Azief then looked in front of him.

He looks behind him and he could see that his disciple face is slightly pale and his mouth was slightly dry.

He could see that his disciple is still hesitant in killing all of these people. But if he did not kill, then how will he teach his disciple to kill.

These soldiers were all ready to sacrifice their life for their empires.

Then if that is the case, what is wrong with him talking their lives when they wanted to take the life of his disciple

He wanted to teach a lesson to these people scheming in the dark. And he wanted to teach a lesson to his disciple.

He then looks back forward and ask Xi Feng

‘Do you understand how to kill now?’ Azief ask casually. Xi Feng took a moment and then said

‘Strength’ he answered. Azief nodded in satisfaction

‘And?’ He asked. Xi Feng pondered the question for a bit before answering.

Heartlessness’ Azief hearing this only made a non-committal gesture.

‘Killing is the simplest yet it is also the most violent method to resolve a problem’ he said as Xi Feng pushed the wheelchair forward.

At the same time, there are more and more soldiers climbing the mountains.

When there was chaos during the beginning, there were some spies of the imperial dynasties that managed to slip out and relay the unexpected appearance of a grandmaster on top of the mountain.

It prompted the military officials in the foot of the mountain to send the army in the bottom to climb quickly to the top the mountain to help General Xu Yao and Eunuch Hong.

The soldiers were about to attack yet the moment they take one step forward, those soldiers suddenly fall on the ground, their eyes shows how shocked they were.

As Xi Feng pushed forward, they saw blood spurted out from those soldier’s neck and their dead bodies falling on either side of the wheelchair

The sword is still on Azief lap as Azief is closing his eyes.

Around him, only he could feel how the sword intent he had created swipe through the necks of those soldiers.

He could feel the sharpness of the sword intent he created from his killing intent.

He could eel every single blade of grass, every sensation of wind that passes through his skin and he could feel all of it.

In the distance, all of those people saw how just by sitting there on his wheelchair and without even moving his word, the Sword Immortal kill people just by being near them

Azief on the other hand is still closing his eyes.

‘Not yet’ he thought to himself.

He could feel the internal energy bubbling inside his body. He could feel both the seventh and eight seals on his body is still unraveling.

‘It is not enough’


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