Lord Shadow

Chapter 538

Chapter 538: Indifference

Azief right now even though he was killing is slowly approaching the concept of emptiness. First, there was love.

Then there is hatred. Then there is his desire. And slowly it diminished only into a kind of focus.

Love for his disciple causes the hatred to those who come that wanted to kill and scheme against his disciple

Then as he attacks them with his sword intent there was the desire to kill. And then now there is this focus towards the sword that drowned all the other intentions.

In his mind right now, he is only thinking how to move this sword intent. How to make his sword attack faster? How to make it even sharper?

Affection were erased, hatred was forgotten and even the stench of blood dissipated. There is only an indifference, a lofty and disdainful indifference toward all creation

Like The Heavens that watch upon all life like straws and dog.

Heavens and Earth are unfeeling, treating the ten thousand things like straw and dogs and that is the state Azief is feeling right now.

Azief indifference is an indifference that regarded life as nothing. Because he no longer saw any life…or death. He was engrossed in his sword and only his sword

A sword was used to kill. And it fulfils its purpose.

And Azief willpower grew. And as it grew it affects Xi Feng who was pushing the wheelchair. He could sense something with his internal energy.

Blood is dripping down from his nose but he did not stop pushing and Azief did not give the order for him to stop.

So, he keeps pushing while at the same time trying to make sense this faint feeling of reaching to the grandmaster level.

The aura that is coming out from Azief body is a type of willpower. josei

It is reinforced by internal energy but without the will, the aura would will not take shape. An energy that have no will and purpose, is like a house without pillars.

It would crumble by the gentlest blow of winds. Azief will power controlled everything around his wheelchair.

The aura shows not only his murderous spirt and his killing desires, it show his valiant stance.

It reminds Xi Feng of how he always views his teacher.

His teacher is a man who is determined, and someone without compromise. His will is unbreakable and he faced everything in life with fearlessness.

And in front of this powerful and absolute willpower, all that attack, all that pride and honor, all that bravery would falter, they all would dissipate and scattered the moment they clashed with his teacher will.

Xi Feng holds the wheelchair tighter, pushing it slowly.

Meanwhile on the crowd of these soldiers, those in the back could hear from the screams and the yelling that it is not going good in the frontline.

They all know it is not going to be easy considering that they are facing a grandmaster so they were kind of prepared for this eventuality

And they are not rash by swarming to the grandmaster. They all elite soldiers and as such they were taught how to handle grandmaster.

So some of the military officials in the back began employing army formations trying to widen the net, to encircle the Sword Immortal.

There are still some people rushing to the Sword Immortal but in the back they slowly open up creating a circle around the area.

They want to entrap the Sword Immortal here while waiting for reinforcement

At the same time, those few thousands soldiers from below have finally arrived to the top of the mountain.

The military officials who were waiting quickly relays an order to those newly arrived soldiers to aid their spies on the other side of the mountaintop.

All of this movement did not escape Azief senses. But he did not say anything. He lets himself be encircled.

Xi Feng on the other hand did not notice that all of this were happening. He was engrossed on something else as he pushed the wheelchair forward.

He did not do anything other than that. He pushed the wheelchair and witness the death that would come to those who would try to kill his teacher.

His eyes are no longer trembling and even though blood is dripping down from his nose become thicker and dripped more heavily, one could see from his eyes that he is determined to witness this until the end.

His eyes right now could even see some faint traces of the sword intent coming out from the body of his teacher and slicing the neck and wrist of the charging soldiers.

And at the same time he was also in awe. This is the power a true grandmaster of the martial arts world.

And now, he is even slightly afraid of this realm of power. He fears what he would do if he reached this realm of power.

Those people who were given the title of grandmaster is people who had break the human natural limits and stand between heaven and earth through their comprehension of the energy of the world and their abilities and power were shaped by their own experiences.

All of the grandmaster in the martial arts world had different paths of reaching the same realm.

But even Xi Feng doubts any of the grandmaster in the martial arts world would be so domineering and so powerful as his teacher.

The more powerful his teacher was, the more uneasy he felt about it.

This kind of power, it is impossible for such an expert to remain unknown.

With such power and ability, his teacher should have reigned in the martial arts world as the world number one strongest

But no one knows about his teacher and no grandmaster had the same kind of appearance like his teacher.

Xi Feng was not a stupid person. He just did not want to end his idyllic life with his teacher. A teacher for a day is a teacher for a lifetime.

He treats his teacher like his father and his teacher treated him like he is a son.

Even though this teacher of his always like to grumble and complain, he could hear love and concern for him in those scolding.

But it was not like he did not notice the peculiarities of his teacher. He still remembers how he meet his teacher a few years ago.

Inside a cave that looks like some kind of an immortal abode with white mist wafting around inside the hidden area of the cave and a warm hot spring inside it.

The stone platform that appears without rhyme or reason.

He tries to ignore all of these peculiarities but he could not help but think that his teacher is really some kinds of immortal.

His teacher fascination with all thing related to ancient stories and myths only serve to make him even more suspicious of his teacher identity.

But afraid of the answer, he never asked his teacher and his teacher did not tell him anything.

Xi Feng pretends that his teacher is an expert who lost his memories, and Azief pretends that he did not notice Xi Feng suspicions.


Both the disciple and master….huh…Anyway, hope you enjoy reading it. Leave soem commenst and see you all tomorrow.

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