Lord Shadow

Chapter 547

Chapter 547: The statue crumbles (3)

He looks at his sworn brother and shakes his head.

‘This time you have to bet something. If you want to know, then seek the answer. Then you might not be that ignorant’ He said to the sleeping Odin.

Then he takes a deep breath, lifted his hand and slam his palm toward Odin chest.

His strike was not lethal but it was enough to make sure that Odin would wake up ahead of schedule.

‘WAKE UP!’ He shouted and his voice travelled all over the Eight Realm.

Odin was forcefully awakened and Loki then fled while laughing, his laughter reverberated and echoes over the Eight Realm

Thor and Sif could not capture him as he was very fast and crafty

Odin was awakened from his sleep with blood pouring from his mouth. The moment he awakened, he did not chase Loki.

Instead he summoned his spear Gungnir and rode his golden chariot toward an abandoned star system

The crumbling of his statue on top of the Supremacy Stairway and the subsequent attack by Loki, causes Odin to be able to connect the dots of certain ancient events

‘Tying Karma’ Odin said when he returned back to this throne.

He laughed and said

‘Apparently that rebellion is not yet over. Or is it really a rebellion?’ he asked to someone as he looked at the Heaven even beyond the Source Wall.

‘Tying Karma to a single person….and burdening the karma of an entire race to one person. I guess those Ancient Beings was really desperate after all. But sometimes desperate moves are the only move that could work’

Then he laughs again even as golden blood keep dripping down the edges of his mouth and his nose.

Ragnarok is slowly approaching but Odin is not asleep. This changes things in the Eight realms.

Azief in the sealed world of the Three Thousand Worlds certainly could not know and expect that while he was attaining Perfection, some Beings had to suffer the backlash of him attaining perfection.

This is Karma.

And this is the act of bearing karma. This is the Karma of the Eterna. They have crafted a divine stair that could strengthen and enlighten and guided the era strongest

And now it is time for them to pay it back.

Then consequently the statue on the fifth steps is slowly cracking. The statue on the fifth steps is tall and large and have human-like features.

Azief when he walks the fifth steps did not recognize who it is, but to those Beings in the Omniverse, they all know who that statue belongs to.

They know that someone in the Omniverse is about to pay Karma. The statue is a statue of a mighty beings who looks young but had cold eyes.

The statue sits on an ebony throne and the statue has three headed dog or perhaps a three headed wolf beside his throne

That is none other than the one called the strongest Gods in Olympus, Hades the Unseen One. The statue slowly crumbles reinforcing the power of the All Source Law Body in the fifty steps.

Hades in the Underworld of Olympus close his eyes and felt his veins rises up. He felt pain like he never felt before and endures the pain.

The entire underworld suffers his anger that day as his statue crumbles in the Supremacy Stairway.

It also hinders Zeus effort in securing Hades support for Gigantomachia.

All of this matter originated with Azief slowly unravelling the seventh and eight seals on his body.

His Law Body is now began absorbing the essences of these Supreme Beings and slowly attaining Perfection as the seals on his body had slowly lose its power.

On the sixth steps of the Supremacy Stairway is Zeus statue. But it had already dissipated. But out of all the Supreme, when the statue crumbles, Zeus did not feel anything,

There is not even a change to it. Odin in his throne senses this and so he looks toward Olympus and nodded

‘So, that is how he decided to do it. No wonder, he did not have any memories of the original timeline. I always wonder why he could not remember it. It seems Zeus is not as stupid as I thought. He had made preparations. Which means he knows more than he is telling. What a good way of cheating Karma!’

On the Sealed World Azief had already unraveled the seventh and eight seals on his thigh. It is because of that the green statue on the seventh steps cracks.

On the seventh step is the Aether Law Body. Aether is one of the rarest kind of energy that could be cultivated in Azief Universe.

And the essence of Aether in the Aether Law Body is extremely pure.

Aether is something that seems to exist between both matter and energy. It can partake in the nature of either substance but it is neither of those things.

It is because of that as the Aether Law Body rises up, it causes the status to crack. It could no longer bear the pressure.

The statue was the statue of Osiris. Osiris was in the Underworld writing a petition to the Intergalactic Alliance when his body suddenly suffer a foreboding of doom

His entire body felt a pressure from the void, tearing him apart. The sound of ancient Hymns and Songs fills his ears as his body exploded like he was cut by Set once again.

ARGH! He shouted and his Underworld shakes and trembles, spewing dead souls from the Gates of the Dead.

The Judges of Hell Anubis and many other was so startled that their judgment become skewed and ghost and evil souls manage to runs out to the mortal world.

The rivers of his Universe flooded all over.

Isis flew quickly from her Water Temple and quickly summon her magical powers to once again reforge her husband body.

Osiris was once again reborn, his power now become even more weaker. He closes the Gates of the Underworld, saying he needs to be prepared for Set once again. josei

The breaking of the statues also symbolizes the change that will happen to the Omniverse at large.

Only a few people that have prepared themselves and knows the secret of the Supremacy Stairway would be able to ignore the Karma of an entire race.

Azul chose to transcend past the limitation of the Omniverse and transcend all and equal to the Supreme One. How could the Etherna plans could have foreseen it?

Thus it did not even affect any change to Azul. The Awakened One that Attain Oneness with All is all things and nothing and as such the attack was nothing to him.

It did not affect much of his Blessed Worlds and the Blessed Realms he inhabits and the other Enlightened Ones inhabits.

Zeus chose another path which is cheating Karma. However, the others all had to pay a price now.


Don’t forget. This all happen while Azief is fighting those soldiers in the mortal world. And if you wnat to know about Zeus and the hint about him forgetting just read chapter 1 where Odin and Zeus met and disucss about sending the World Orb/All Source to earth

And today I will be doing a double release. So wait for a few minutes as the next chapter will be posted not long after this one.

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